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To update your reports, install Power BI Desktop on your workstation and contact Intlock Support to allow temporary access from your workstation's public IP address to the CardioLog Analytics SaaS Azure SQL database.

 In order to link connect your custom reports to the new datasets (by quarters), follow the instructions below:

  1. Open your custom report in Power BI web service and download the report .pbix file by clicking File > Download the .pbix file.

    Note: In case the .pbix file fails to download due to the dataset size, contact Intlock Support.

  2. Open the .pbix file in Power BI Desktop and click on Transform data > Data source settings Sign in.
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    Click on Change Source… confirm that the Server and Database names are correct. Contact Intlock Support to receive your database details.
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    Expand Advanced options and confirm that the Command timeout in minutes is 240 and Enable SQL Server Failover support is enabled. Click OK > Close.
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  3. Enter your Power BI Pro account which is the owner of the CardioLog Analytics SaaS workspace and click Sign in.

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  4. Open Power Query by clicking on Transform data > Transform data.

  5. On the


    left Queries


     pane, select

    the 1 – SharePoint Usage table and open the Advanced Editor popup window by clicking on Advanced editor.
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  6. Edit the query and add _Q1 at the end of V_PBI_FactEventLogAndSocialActivity_V1023_Q1. Click Done.

  7. Repeat steps 6 and 7 for the following tables:
    5 - SharePoint Usage | Visits - add _Q1 at the end of V_SSAS_Visits_Q1
    5 - API | Custom Events - add _Q1 at the end of V_ExtendedApiMetadata_Q1

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    Save your changes by clicking on all items by clicking the top Parametars folder, holding the Shift key in the keyboard, scrolling down the list and clicking on the last table item under the Other Queries folder. Right click and select Delete.

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  8. Accept deleting all queries and groups by clicking on Delete.

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  9. Save your changes by clicking on Close & Apply > Close & Apply.
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    The SQL Server Database popup window will appear. Enter the User name and Password and click Connect to apply query changes. Contact Intlock Support to receive your database credentials. 
    Image RemovedOn the top ribbon click on Refresh, the Note: After saving your changes all report visuals will appear broken. They will be loaded properly after completing the next steps 8 - 11.

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  10. On the right Fields pane, delete all items by clicking on the ... button to the right of each table name to expand the More options menu and select Delete.

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  11. Confirm deleting each table by clicking on Delete.

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  12. Link the report to the new Q1 dataset by clicking on Power BI datasets.

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  13. Select the new CardioLog Analytics SaaS dataset for Q1 in the Select a dataset to create a report popup window and click Create. The data refresh process will start immediately and may take a few minutes. 
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    When the data refresh process is complete, save the
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  14. Click File > Save as and save the file as CustomReportName_Q1.pbix.

  15. Copy the CustomReportName_Q1.pbix file and create 3 additional files named CustomReportName_Q2.pbix, CustomReportName_Q3.pbix, CustomReportName_Q4.pbix.

  16. Open each file and repeat steps 5 - 9 (Power BI will remember your database credentials). Edit the query for each table and add the proper extension _Q2, _Q3, _Q4 accordingly.
  17. Click on Refresh and save the .pbix file.
  18. Publish the custom report for Q1 to Power BI web service by opening the CustomReportName_Q1.pbix file and clicking by clicking on Publish. Enter your CardioLog Analytics SaaS workspace in the Publish to Power BI popup window and click Select. Once the publish process is done your custom report will be available in the Power BI web service.
  19. Repeat step 16 for CustomReportName_Q2.pbix, CustomReportName_Q3.pbix, CustomReportName_Q4.pbix.
  20. Connect your custom report to the remaining datasets for Q2Q3Q4 by clicking on Transform data > Data source settings and repeating steps 11, 12, 13 for each quarter.

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  21. Repeat steps 1 - 17 14 for each custom report.
  22. In order to confirm that all of the steps above were performed correctly, you can see which reports are connected to each dataset in Power BI web service by expanding your CardioLog Analytics SaaS workspace > Datasets > click on the ... button to the right of each dataset and select View lineage.

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