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Gamify ribbon for SharePoint

End-User Scoring

When users logs in to the SharePoint portal they can see how many points they have, their current level, and how far away they are from reaching the next level.


The user level is automatically calculated by the scores of all users participating in the current game round. 

 Level 1 starts from 0 points up to X, which is the maximum score of 66.66% of all users with the lowest score. Level 2 starts from X points up to Y, which is maximum score of 22.22% of all users with a score greater than X.

Up until level N, which has the maximum score of 0.27% of all users with a score greater than the top score of level N-1.   

In the following example, Rebecca in in level 1 and she has 64 points. In order to reach level 2 she should earn 150 points:


 User score and level

Smart Personas

Users are assigned with an identity (persona), based on their real-time usage activity.

User Identity (Persona)

The user persona is determined by which actions the user has performed. There are three types of user identities (personas):

  1. Explorer - mainly consumes content. For example, views content and performs searches.
  2. Engager - mainly interacts with content. For example, likes content, rates content and follows content.
  3. Contributor - mainly contributes content. For example, writes posts and comments, uploads documents, etc.

Users can see how they stack up against those within their group who have ranked the highest in the same persona as them.

In the following example, Rebecca from the Quality Assurance department is mainly consuming content, so her main persona is Explorer. She is ranked at the top 40% Explorers, and can see how she ranks compared to other users in her department with similar characteristics who are also identified as Explorers and also how her department is ranked compared to other departments in the organization.


The group score is the sum of all group members scores according to the following formula (the group persona multipliers are configurable):

Group scores can be seen in View the Gamify Admin Dashboard to see how your group ranks against other groups in the organization.



Adoption Milestones

To inspire friendly competition between colleagues and teams and motivate end users, recent achievements are visualized in the ribbon.

Top Employees

Users can see which of their colleagues are the top performers in the current game round within the three Gamify personas.

Image Added
Top Employees of the week