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This leadership report provides actionable insights and strategic recommendations for enhancing your portal's performance. It highlights growth opportunities, engagement levels, and trending content, making it easy to identify opportunities, take action, and measure impact.

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Leadership Overview Report


Active Users Rate

This widget displays the percentage of active visitors who had at least one visit in the selected date range out of the number of all employees, the total number of visitors and the growth in the number of visitors to your site during the selected date range compared to the selected comparison period.


This widget shows the average number of unique users visiting your site each month within the selected date range. The chart highlights trends in average monthly visitors over time.


Top Users

This is the 

Bottom Users


  • Tree URL - Provides a direct link to the listed page
  • Page Title - The name of the relevant page 
  • Pageviews - The total number of pageviews for the listed page during the selected time range
  • Last Pageview - The last known time a user viewed the page
  • Average Duration (Minutes) - The average amount of time in minutes that users viewed the listed page at once
  • Number of Users - The total number of users who viewed the page during the selected time range

Trending Search Phrases


Successful Campaigns


Year, Quarter, Month


Select the audience (i.e. department or other user profile attribute) for which you would like to review information.  


Switch the Light Mode toggle off at the top right-hand side to view the dark theme of the report. 

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Leadership Overview Report - Dark Mode