Versions Compared


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The CardioLog Diagnostics Service checks the status of the CardioLog Scheduling Service components, and sends can send error alerts via email. You can view access the current status of the services in Administration >through the navigation pane by clicking on Administration > System Diagnostics > Diagnostics Dashboard.By  By default, all CardioLog Scheduling Service components run daily at 12:00 AM daily, excluding the except Usage Data Processing which runs every hour , on the hour, and the CardioLog Diagnostics Service which runs every day at 08:30 AM.Note: For  For assistance in troubleshooting service errors, please open a new support ticket


  • CardioLog Services Log Files
    • CardioLog Scheduling Service
    • CardioLog Diagnostics Service
    • Active Directory Updates
    • Portal Tree Updates
    • Usage Data Processing
    • Report Scheduling
    • User Categories Updates
    • SEO Analysis
  • Extended Logging

cardiolog services
cardiolog services
CardioLog Services Log Files

Both the CardioLog Scheduling Service and the CardioLog Diagnostics Service write messages to log files. You can view the log files in two ways:


  • ADTree web application (extended logging for Active Directory Updates) - ADXmlTree.log
  • SP20XXTree web application (extended logging for Portal Tree Updates) - SP20XXTree.log (XX - 07 for MOSS 2007, 10 for SharePoint 2010 and 13 for SharePoint 2013)
  • CardioLog Scheduling Service (extended logging for service components) - CardioLogServiceComponents.log
  • VisitorSegments web application (extended logging for User Categories Updates) - VisitorSegments.log
  • CardioLog web application (extended logging for the CardioLog user interface) - CardioLogUI.log


cardiolog scheduling
cardiolog scheduling
CardioLog Scheduling Service

Log File - CardioLogServices.log:


Solution: Click here for more details.


cardiolog diagnostics
cardiolog diagnostics
CardioLog Diagnostics Service

Log File - CardioLogSystemMonitoringServices.log:


Solution: Verify that the CardioLog Scheduling Service login account can connect to the SMTP server.


active directory
active directory
Active Directory Updates

Log File - ADAgent.log:


// Loading users and groups from Active Directory

Time : 6/19/2008 12:00:07 AM

Message : Loading directory:

Message : Loading from web service: http://[CardioLog server name:port]/ADTree/default.aspx


// Loading users and groups into the CardioLog database

Time : 6/19/2008 12:25:38 AM

Message : Loading xml to db...

Time : 6/19/2008 12:25:42 AM

Message : Loading xml to db: Success


// Comparing both repositories and updating CardioLog database

Time : 6/19/2008 12:25:50 AM

Message : Refreshing users and groups...


Time : 6/19/2008 12:25:50 AM

Message : Refreshing users and groups: Success


// Updating service last run time in CardioLog database

Time : 6/19/2008 12:28:02 AM

Message : Updating last run global setting


// Service finished successfully

Time : 6/19/2008 12:28:02 AM

Message : Done


Note: For more details turn on extended logging for the ADTree web application and view the log file - ADXMLTree.log


portal tree
portal tree
Portal Tree Updates

Log File - OMAgent.log


// Loading a SharePoint 2010 farm tree

Time : 11/26/2008 12:18:25 AM

Message : Loading from: http://[CardioLog server name:port]/SP2010Tree/default.aspx?docVersions=true&output=file&logFilePath=C:\Program Files\Intlock\CardioLog\CardioLogScheduleServices\Logs\SP2010Tree.xml


// Loading a custom website site map

Time : 11/26/2008 12:35:34 AM

Message : Loading from: http://[CardioLog server name:port]/WebsiteTree/default.aspx


Time : 11/26/2008 12:46:42 AM

Message : Get Tree: Success


// Loading trees XML structure (OMTree.xml) into a temporary table (tab_sharepoint_tree_load) in the CardioLog database

Time : 11/26/2008 12:46:42 AM

Message : Loading Xml to DB...


Time : 26/11/2008 02:32:48

Message : Load Xml to DB: Success


// Checking for duplicate URLs in tree in CardioLog database (the URL is the unique identifier for tree objects)

Time : 26/11/2008 02:32:48

Message : No Duplicate Urls.


// Shrinking SQL log file

Time : 26/11/2008 02:32:48

Message : Shrinking SQL Log File...


Time : 26/11/2008 02:32:48

Message : Shrink Log File: Success


// Updating the old tree (located in the tab_sharepoint_tree table) after comparing it with the new tree (located in the tab_sharepoint_tree_load table) in CardioLog database

Time : 26/11/2008 02:32:48

Message : Refreshing OM Tree...


Time : 26/11/2008 04:13:28

Message : Refresh OM Tree: Success


// Updating inventory count for tree item types

Time : 26/11/2008 04:13:28

Message : Counting Inventory


// Fixing lost events (events that are not associated with tree items)

Time : 26/11/2008 04:13:32

Message : Mapping lost URLs to SharePoint IDs (from 9/11/2007 1:26:35 PM)


Time : 26/11/2008 04:13:38

Message : Map lost URLs to SPID: Success


Time : 26/11/2008 04:13:43

Message : Fixing lost events and cached data (from 9/11/2007 1:26:35 PM)...


Time : 26/11/2008 04:14:56

Message : Fix lost events: Success


// Checking if tree structure is valid (lost branch - a tree item with no parent item)

Time : 26/11/2008 04:14:56

Message : Finding lost branches


Time : 26/11/2008 04:15:19

Message : No lost branches found.


// Delete Analysis Center html tree cache

Time : 26/11/2008 04:15:26

Message : Clean CardioLog tree cache


// Service finished successfully

Time : 26/11/2008 04:15:26

Message : Updating service account name in global settings.


Time : 26/11/2008 04:15:26

Message : Updating last run global settings.


Time : 26/11/2008 04:15:26

Message : OMAgent run complete.


Note: For more details turn on extended logging for the SP20XXTree web application and view the log file -SP20XXTree.log  (XX - 07 for MOSS 2007, 10 for SharePoint 2010, 13 for SharePoint 2013)


usage data
usage data
Usage Data Processing

Log File - Maintenance.log:


Solution: Verify that: the CardioLog Scheduling Service login account can connect to the CardioLog database and is assigned a db_owner role.
Your system has enough resources according to 
system requirements.
There is sufficient free space in the CardioLog database transaction log file and in the TEMP database transaction file. 


report scheduling
report scheduling
Report Scheduling

Log File - CardioLogScheduler.log:


Solution: Verify that the CardioLog Scheduling Service login account can connect to the SMTP services server.

user categories
user categories
User Categories Updates

Log File - CategoryAgent.log:


Solution: Verify that the CardioLog Scheduling Service login account can connect to the CardioLog database and is assigned a db_owner role

seo analysis
seo analysis
SEO Analysis

Log File - SEO.log:


Note: In order to troubleshoot issues during the crawl process, turn on extended logging for the CardioLog web application, execute the crawl immediately via the UI and view the log file - CardioLogUI.log.

extended logging
extended logging
Extended Logging

In order to turn on message logging to trace the CardioLog service components, add the "Message" switch to the "logType" key in the component configuration file -
