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// Loading users and groups from Active Directory

Time : 6/19/2008 12:00:07 AM

Message : Loading directory: corp

Message : Loading from web service: http://[CardioLog server name:port]/ADTree/default.aspx


// Loading users and groups into the CardioLog database

Time : 6/19/2008 12:25:38 AM

Message : Loading xml to db...

Time : 6/19/2008 12:25:42 AM

Message : Loading xml to db: Success


// Comparing both repositories and updating CardioLog database

Time : 6/19/2008 12:25:50 AM

Message : Refreshing users and groups...


Time : 6/19/2008 12:25:50 AM

Message : Refreshing users and groups: Success


// Updating service last run time in CardioLog database

Time : 6/19/2008 12:28:02 AM

Message : Updating last run global setting


// Service finished successfully

Time : 6/19/2008 12:28:02 AM

Message : Done


Error in the log file:
"Error: Parameter Active Directory connection string is missing"

Solution: Click here to configure the See the Active Directory Updates service for more information.

2. Invalid parameters

Error in the log file:
"Error: Exception: There is no such object on the server."


Solution: Verify that the Active Directory connection string is in a FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name) format (corpeg. If you have defined specific organizational units to load from, verify that they exist in the expected location.

3. Insufficient permissions to read from Active Directory


Solution: Verify that the CardioLog Scheduling Service login account has read access to Active Directory. If you have supplied credentials, verify that they are valid (if  and correct. If the CardioLog Scheduling Service login account is in the same domain, there is no need to supply credentials).

4. Network errors

Errors in the log file:
"Error: Exception: The operation has timed out"


Solution: Make sure the FQDN name (Fully Qualified Domain Name) name you defined exists in the DNS. You also need to make sure that TCP port 389 is open to the domain controller, as your traffic might be getting blocked by the firewall.

"Error: A local error has occurred"

Solution: Click here for more details.


5. Database connection problem
Solution: Verify that: 
The CardioLog Scheduling Service login account can connect to the CardioLog database and assigned a db_owner role.
Your system has enough resources according to system requirements.
There is sufficient free space in the CardioLog database transaction log file and in the TEMP database transaction file.
