Versions Compared


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Configuration Prerequisites 


  1. Launch CardioLog.
  2. In the Welcome dialog, select the desired UI language and date format. Under SharePoint Version, select SharePoint Online and then click Next.

    Configuration Wizard

  3. Anchor
    configuring tracking
    configuring tracking
    You can add the tracking code by either deploying the CardioLog tracking code through a SharePoint solution, or.manually adding the JavaScript tracking code to your master pages.

    Note: You may select only one option to add the tracking code.

    Configuration Wizard Step 2a: Usage Tracking

    deploy tracking
    deploy tracking
    Deploy the CardioLog tracking code through a SharePoint solution

    1. Browse to your SharePoint Online site Solution Gallery (edit the website root URL): []/_catalogs/solutions/forms/allitems.aspx

      'SharePoint Online' Site Solution Gallery

    2. Click Upload Solution > Choose File > select [CardioLog Installation Folder]\CardioLog\Configuration\AgentFeature\Online\CardioLog Analytics Integration.wsp > Activate
    3. Browse to CardioLog Analytics Integration solution configuration page (edit the website root URL): []/CardioLogAnalytics/Configuration.

      CardioLog Analytics Integration Solution Configuration Page

    4. Copy the code from the Tracking Code box in Step 2 of the Configuration Wizard.
    5. Edit the tracking code and verify that the all URLs contained in the tracking code that redirect to the CardioLog application server have the public DNS name and appropriate protocol. The URLs should be accessible over the internet. Use HTTPS if you are tracking secured SharePoint Online site collections. You may choose to use HTTP for public websites.
    6. Add the JavaScript tracking code and click OK.

    Uninstalling the CardioLog Analytics Tracking Agent Feature

    You can choose between pausing and un-installing the tracking code from your SharePoint online site:

    1. To pause the tracking code, browse to your SharePoint Online site Solution Gallery (edit the website root URL): []/_catalogs/solutions/forms/allitems.aspx and deactivate the CardioLog Analytics Integration solution.
    2. To uninstall the tracking code, deactivate the CardioLog Analytics Integration solution and then delete the solution.

    manually add js
    manually add js
    Manually Add the JavaScript Tracking Code to Your Master Pages

    1. Open SharePoint Designer and add the SharePoint Online website: Go to Site Templates > Open Site > Enter website root URL (for example -
    2. Open Site Objects > Master Pages > *.master (you can use the seattle.master) and add the JavaScript tracking code in the <head> tag.
    3. Verify that the all URLs contained in the tracking code that redirect to the CardioLog application server, have the public DNS name and appropriate protocol. The URLs should be accessible over the internet. Use https if you are tracking secured SharePoint Online site collections and http for public websites.

  4. In order to verify that your SharePoint Online pages are tracked, follow these steps:
    1. Open a new browser window and click Next Step.
    2. Delete your browser temporary internet files and click Next Step.
    3. Browse 3 pages on your SharePoint Online website and click Next Step.
    4. Click Test Event Collection. The Wizard will now verify usage events tracking.

    Step 2 - Usage Tracking


    1. Browse your SharePoint Online site homepage with Internet Explorer, Chrome, or FireFox (with Firebug)
    2. Press F12
    3. Select the Network tab (named Net" in FireFox)
    4. Press Ctrl+F5 to reload the page
    5. Find the first entry for tunnel.aspx, and click to view details (response body)
    6. Verify that statusId is 0 (statusId:0)
  5. In the SharePoint Adaptor dialog, enter the name and root URL of your SharePoint Online site collection. Specify the authentication details used to connect to the website, then click Next. Loading your SharePoint Online tree structure may take several minutes (depending on the number of items in the selected website).

    Please confirm that the CardioLog service account has the Site Collection administrator permission.

    Step 3 - SharePoint Adaptor

  6. In the Usage Data Processing dialog, click Next.

    Step 4 - Usage Data Processing

  7. In the Finish dialog, click Finish. Click Show Raw Usage Data to view the usage events collected thus far. The data will be available in reports in the next hour.

    Step 5 - Finish


site collections
site collections
Configuring Multiple Site Collections

In order to monitor additional site collections in your existing SharePoint Online environment, please do the following: 

  1. In the Administration pane, click System Configuration, and then select SharePoint Tree Adaptor.
  2. Click on your SharePoint Online website and select the site collection/s you want to monitor.
  3. Click Save.
  4. If you have many sites and would like to automate this process via a Power Shell script please see how to create a CSV file for your SharePoint Online site collections.           
  5. Restart the CardioLog Scheduling Service. The tree structure will be refreshed the next day.
  6. Configure event collection - deploy the CardioLog Analytics SharePoint solution on your site collection/s or insert the code manually (to your master page).

multiple sp online
multiple sp online
Configuring Multiple SharePoint Online Environments 

In order to monitor an additional SharePoint Online environment, please do the following:

  1. In the Administration pane, click System Configuration, and then select SharePoint Tree Adaptor.
  2. Click Add Farm, and then select SharePoint Online.
  3. In the SharePoint Tree Adaptor dialog, fill out the following fields:

    1. Name - this is the title of the site collection folder which will be displayed in the CardioLog tree structure in the Analysis Center. Example: "SharePoint Online"
    2. Site Collection URL (https://): - enter the site collection URL in a secured format (https://). For public sites (http://) use the secured format and configure a URL Mapping. For example - ^ >

      With URL mappings you can define modifications that should be made to the URL address while creating the tree structure for SharePoint Online public sites. For example: pattern - ^, action - (the pattern is a regular expression search pattern and the action is the replace expression).

    3. Site Collection List File Path (.csv) - you can load your site collections list from a csv file. In order to create the csv file, use the Windows PowerShell for SharePoint Online Get-SPOSite | Export-CSV command.
      If you have many sites and would like to automate this process via a Power Shell script please see  how to create a CSV file for your SharePoint Online site collections

    4. Authentication - Windows Live ID (Office 365). The selected account should have the Site Collection administrator permission.

    System Configuration - SharePoint Tree Adaptor

  4. Click Apply.
  5. Select the site collection/s you want to monitor and click Save.
  6. Restart the CardioLog Scheduling Service. The tree structure will be refreshed the next day.
  7. Configure event collection - deploy the CardioLog Analytics SharePoint solution on your site collection/s or insert the code manually (to your master page).

updating multiple
updating multiple
Updating the CardioLog Tracking Code on Multiple Site Collections

In order to update the tracking code on all site collections in your SharePoint Online environment, please do the following:
