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removing http
removing http
Uninstalling The CardioLog Analytics HTTP Module for SharePoint

Uninstall the CardioLog Analytics HTTP Module for tracking SharePoint documents opened from withing Office:

  1. In your SharePoint server, remove the CardioLogHttpModule.dll from the GAC (See the Microsoft help documentation for more information). 
  2. In your SharePoint server, modify the SharePoint Web.config file and remove the module registration for each web site:

    For IIS 6.0 and IIS 7.0 running in Classic Mode:


          <add name="CardioLogHttpModule" type="CardioLog.HttpModules.EventsModule,CardioLogHttpModule, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=56b51e29d93ab3fb" />

    To register the module for IIS 7.0 running in Integrated Mode:


          <add name="CardioLogHttpModule" type="CardioLog.HttpModules.EventsModule,CardioLogHttpModule, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=56b51e29d93ab3fb" />

    Remove the following keys:

    <add key="CardioLog.Events.DocExtensions" value=".doc*.docx*.ppt*.pptx*.pps*.ppsx*.txt*.pdf*.xlr*.xls*.xlsx*.log*.msg*.odt*.rtf*.csv*"/>
    <add key="CardioLog.Events.ExcludeUserAgents" value="Microsoft Office Existence Discovery*"/>
    <add key="CardioLog.API.EventsServiceUrl" value="http://<CardioLog server>:<port>/CardioLogAPI/Events.asmx"/>
    <add key="CardioLog.Events.LogFile" value="C:\CardioLogHttpModule.log"/>
    <add key="CardioLog.Events.LogLevel" value="None"/><!--None,Error,Message-->
    <add key="CardioLog.Events.SharePointVersion" value="2013"/>
    <add key="CardioLog.Events.SupportClaimsAuth" value="true"/><!--  Support claims based authentication  -->
    <add key="CardioLog.Events.ClaimsAuthRegex" value=""/>
    <add key="CardioLog.Events.ClaimsAuthRegexGroupMatch" value=""/>
    <add key="CardioLog.Events.CacheExpirationTimeoutInMs" value="1000"/>
  3. Open the following file for editing: [Installation directory]\CardioLogAgent\web.config
    Set HandleFileExtension to true:


  [Installation directory] - If the CardioLog Analytics SharePoint feature is installed, the CardioLogAgent folder is located on all SharePoint WFEs under the SharePoint website "_layouts" folder.

 "CardioLog Usage Reports" feature.