Versions Compared


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 In order to monitor an additional web application in your existing farm, please do the following:

  1. Add the required SQL permissions to the CardioLog Confirm that the CardioLog service account has db_datareader service account for  SQL permissions for the SharePoint portal content database.
  2. In the Administration pane, click System Configuration, and then select SharePoint Tree Adaptor.
  3. Click on your SharePoint farm.
  4. In the Web Sites section, select a web application zone and click the magnifying glass icon.

    System Configuration - SharePoint Tree Adapter - Select Zone
  5.  Select the web application/s you want to monitor and click Save.

     System Configuration - SharePoint Tree Adapter - Select Web Sites
  6. Restart the CardioLog Scheduling Service by selecting Administration in the navigation pane, and then selecting CardioLog Scheduling Service. Click Restart Service in the upper right hand corner.
  7. The tree structure will be refreshed the next day, after the Portal Tree Updates job is executed. The updated tree structure will be available in the Analysis Center and Object Explorer.
  8. If you are using the CardioLog Analytics tracking feature, or if you have configured the CardioLogAgent web application on your SharePoint WFEs, open the new web application in IIS Manager and verify that the CardioLogAgent folder under the "_layouts" directory is configured as a web application (if not, right click on it and select "Convert to Application").
  9. Verify data collection from the new web application.


In order to monitor multiple SharePoint farms using the SharePoint Tree Adaptor, please follow these steps:

Configuring the SharePoint Farm Tree Structure

  1. Add the required SQL permissions to the CardioLog db_datareader service account for the SharePoint portal content database, and grant read access to the SharePoint TEMPLATE folder.
  2. In the Administration section of the navigation pane, click System Configuration, and then select SharePoint Tree Adaptor.
  3. Click Add Farm, and then select your SharePoint version.
  4. In the SharePoint Tree Adaptor dialog, fill out the following fields:
    • Name - This is the title of the farm folder which will be displayed in the CardioLog tree structure in the Analysis Center. Ex: "SharePoint 2013"
    • Server Name - The name of your SharePoint server.
    • Database Server - The SharePoint database instance name.
    • SharePoint Configuration Database Name - The SharePoint configuration database name. Ex: "SharePoint_Config"
    • SharePoint Profile Database Name - Optional. Used when configuring user categories from SharePoint user profiles.
    • Authentication - Database authentication type. Click Set to choose between Windows Integrated and SQL Server Authentication.
    • SharePoint TEMPLATE Directory - This is the full path for the SharePoint 'TEMPLATE' directory. Ex: "\\<sharepoint server name>\C$\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\XX\TEMPLATE\" (Where XX12 for MOSS 2007; 14 for SharePoint 2010; 15 for SharePoint 2013)
    • Advanced Settings - Select the additional import and transfer preferences you would like to include.

    System Configuration - SharePoint Tree Adapter

  5. In the Web Sites section, select a web application zone and click the magnifying glass icon.

    System Configuration - SharePoint Tree Adapter - Select Zone

  6. Select the web application/s you want to monitor, then click Save.

     System Configuration - SharePoint Tree Adapter - Select Web Sites

  7. Restart the CardioLog Scheduling Service. The tree structure will be refreshed the next day, after the Portal Tree Updates job is executed. The updated tree structure will be available in Analysis Center and Object Explorer.
