Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
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  • Formatting was changed.


  • Text Fields - Apply to pre-defined fields such as campaigns, departments, usernames, etc.
  • Numeric Fields - Apply to to data values such as number of visitors, page views, posts, etc.
  • Date and Time -  Apply time based filters to your data from as specifc as fractions of a second, to as broad as years, depending on the report and data available.

In addition to filters, you may also highlight information. This will not remove unrelated information but will focus on a specific set of data. While in Reading View, you may use multiple filters and highlights across your data sets. Selecting more than one filter will apply both filters to your data. For example, if you filter a Portal Growth report by department and time range, and choose "Marketing" and "2016," then you will see all Portal Growth and activity from the Marketing team during the year 2016.


Power BI integrates robust search features that allow you to ask natural language questions that it will interpret and use to actively filter and sort your data. In order to help your team use the feature thoroughly, you can also add keywords to labels, headings and titles. For tips on optimizing your reports see:

Share Your Data

You can easily share your data reports and dashboards with colleagues. Simply click on the ellipsis next to the dashboard you would like to share in the left side browser and select Share. A dialog window will appear with options to send a link via email, or edit who can read or edit your dashboard. For more information about Sharing, click here:

Import Organizational Data
