Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


    • Number of rows - Choose a limit for the total number of rows, which will be displayed in pages of 10 items
    • Minimum value - Display results with a number of page views greater than or equal to a specific value. By setting the value to zero, pages that were not viewed at all within the selected time period will be included.
    • Sort Order - Choose between Ascending or Descending to have columns start with the lowest value or highest value by default. You may also click any column to alternate between options when viewing the widget.
    • Show aggregated values for child items - Enabling this option allows all values to include any items below the listed page in the tree structure. Disabling this will show values exclusively for the listed item.

    • Show first level child items only - Enabling this option shows only aggregated values for any items immediately below the listed page. Subsequent items will not be included in calculating any values. The above "Show aggregated..." must be enabled too.
    • Compare to Past Period - Compare the current display period to the last relevant period to determine the percent change. (ie., If the time period selected is "This Month" the widget will compare the current data to "Last Month"


  1. Click the gear icon in the top right hand corner of the table widget and click Edit to access the widget preferences.
  2. Under Filter preferences, select Customize from the Metadata Columns drop down menu.
  3. In the dialogue presented, enter the column type you would like to add. By default the following options are included automaticallyTypical options that your administrator might define are:
    1. Page ID 
    2. URL 
    3. Title
    4. Content type 
    5. Template 
    6. Owner 
    7. Editor
    8. Date created 
    9. Date updated
    10. Size 
    Additional meta data fields can be imported into CardioLog manually by an administrator. For example, the publish date for news articles, or task statuses.
  4. Select the condition you would like to filter your metadata by from the drop down menu.
  5. Enter a relevant value in the text box for you selection (ie., Username, date, file extension).
  6. Click OK to confirm your choice.
    Select Metadata Columns Dialogue Window
  7. Click on the Appearance tab in the widget preferences.
  8. Select the Metadata columns you would like to appear in the widget. If you have created multiple metadata column types, you may view any or all available.
