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Table of Contents

SharePoint Online

Once you have installed the The CardioLog Analytics SaaS add-in for SharePoint from the Microsoft Office Store, you will then be directed to a configuration screen.The configuration configuration page contains a few simple steps that walk you through setting up data collection and connecting to Power BI reports.

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CardioLog Analytics SaaS Configuration Screen

Step 1: Choose Sites To Track

In this step you can select which site collections you would like to see data for. Sites are only tracked once the tracking code is deployed for them in the "Add the CardioLog Tracking Code to your Sites" step.

  1. Click Connect.
    Note: A global administrator account is required in order to consent to the permissions required to read items from all site collections and read users' full profiles. 

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  2. Click Accept to approve the required permissions.
    Note: An App will be created in your Azure Entra ID (Azure AD). It may take up to 24 hours for changes to take effect.

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  3. With this section expanded, you should see all of your available SharePoint Online site collections and select all the sites you would like to monitor using CardioLog Analytics.

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  4. You can also search for site collections by typing in their name in the search bar.
  5. Select the button next to each site you would like to monitor.
  6. In order to stop monitoring a site, unselect it. Note that Click Confirm to acknowledge that this operation will remove the site from usage reports, but . Note that you will have to remove the tracking code agent components from it manually.

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  7. In order to stop monitoring a site, but keep history data for it in usage reports, click on the folder icon next to it in order to archive it. 

  8. Click Save to confirm your selection.

You can go back and add more sites or remove sites from your selection at any point.
Please note that the
Important Notes

  1. The number of site collections available for selection in your subscription is limited.
  2. The initial import process for large site collections may take a few hours up to a few weeks, depending on the environment size.


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CardioLog SaaS Configuration Screen: Step 1

  1. The import process for new content in existing imported site collections may take a few days, depending on the time needed to import the new content, process the data, and refresh the data in Power BI reports. Since Power BI reports are refreshed once a day, the timing of these updates is also a contributing factor.

Step 2: Choose User Properties To Report On

In this section you can select all user profile properties that you would like to filter and report on. This information will be taken from SharePoint user profiles. If you have created custom profile properties you can also use them.
It For reporting purposes in CardioLog Analytics, it is recommended to select the following basic attributes - department, office, country, manager, title, picture URL. segmented fields like Department, Office, Country, and Job Title. These attributes protect individual privacy and comply with data regulations, while still providing valuable insights into organizational trends and demographics.

Note: Make sure that the default privacy setting for the selected property is set to Everyone (and not "Only Me") in SharePoint Central Administration > User Profiles > Manage User Properties > Policy Settings.

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(question) What are SharePoint Profiles?

  1. Using the search bar, enter the name of any property you would like to find and include.

  2. Select the button next to each user property you would like to include in your usage reports.

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    CardioLog SaaS Configuration Screen: Step 2 - Choose User Attributes

  3. In case Personal Identifiable Information (PII) Concealment is enabled, click on the eye icon next to each  hover over the user property you would like to conceal in your usage reports and click the gear icon

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    Step 2 - Choose User Attributes - Configure PII Concealment 

    You will have the following options to choose from:

    • Unconcealed: Data for user profile attribute values is visible in the reports.
    • Concealed: Data for user profile attribute values is concealed for enhanced security.
    • Partially Concealed: Data for user profile attribute values is concealed only for groups with a size below the selected threshold. Partial concealment allows analysis and reporting on broader trends without compromising the privacy of individuals within smaller, potentially identifiable groups.

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    Step 2 - Choose User Attributes - PII Concealment Options

  4. Click Apply after selecting the concealment option.

  5. Click Save to confirm your selection.

Properties may be added or removed at any time to accommodate your needs.

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CardioLog SaaS Configuration Screen: Step 2

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CardioLog SaaS Configuration Screen: Step 2 - Choose User Attributes with PII Concealment

Step 3: Choose Content Metadata Fields to Report On

In this section you can select all content metadata fields that you would like to filter and report on. Metadata fields information will be taken from your SharePoint list items and documents.
It is recommended to select metadata fields that are segmented fields, such as managed metadata columns and lookup fields.
Metadata fields may be added or removed at any time to accommodate your needs.
Note: The number of content metadata fields available for selection in your subscription is limited (50 by default).

CardioLog SaaS Configuration Screen: Step 3

Make sure that the selected metadata field name is identical to the Column name as seen in the SharePoint Library settings, under Columns, click to edit the column:
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Step 4: Add The CardioLog Tracking Code To Your Sites

This step allows you to add the JavaScript tracking code to each of your sites. 

Select one of the following options to add the tracking code to specific sites or deploy it on all selected site collections and their subsites automatically.

Note: If you would like to host the tracking code on a private CDN, please fill out the CDN details in the Advanced Settings before you proceed with adding the tracking code using one of the following options.

Install the tracking code automatically using

a SharePoint

an App


Select this option to add the tracking code to all selected sites (in "Choose Sites to Track" step) automatically using a an App:

  1. Microsoft Entra ID App (recommended)
  2. SharePoint App
  1. (deprecated)

Note: This is the recommended Use this method for installing the tracking code on all selected site collections, including automatically enabling it for newly created subsites under the selected site collections. 

Using a Microsoft Entra ID App 
  1. Click Connect to consent to the required permissions to install all tracking components on your sites.
    Note: An App will be created in your Azure Entra ID (Azure AD). It may take up to 24 hours for changes to take effect.

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  2. Select Automatically track all subsites including newly created ones in order to automatically enable tracking for newly created subsites under the selected site collections (in "Choose Sites to Track" step).

  3. Click Save.
  4. Click Install Tracking to install the tracking code on all selected site collections and their subsites.
    Note: This step may take a while to complete, depending on the amount of selected sites. Follow the installation progress on the screen:

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  5. Click View installation report to view a detailed report of the installation progress. Click the top left down arrow icon to export the report to CSV.

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Create a SharePoint App
Using a SharePoint App 

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Note: SharePoint Apps (Add-Ins) have been deprecated by Microsoft and will soon stop functioning. We strongly recommend using a Microsoft Entra ID App.

  1. Login to SharePoint with the Global Administrator account.
  2. Navigate to https://<Admin Center>/_layouts/15/AppRegNew.aspx (e.g.
  3. Create a 'full-trust' app with the following details:
    1. Client ID and Secret - click Generate to automatically create a client ID and secret and copy these values.
    2. Title - CardioLog Analytics Tracking Deployment
    3. App Domain - localhost
    4. Redirect URI - https://localhost
  4. Navigate to https://<Admin Center>/_layouts/15/AppInv.aspx (e.g.
  5. Paste the client ID into the App Id field. Click Lookup. The existing values for Title, App Domain and Redirect URL should appear.

  6. Enter the following XML into the App's Permission Request XML field to specify required permissions. Then click Create.

    Code Block
    <AppPermissionRequests AllowAppOnlyPolicy="true">
        <AppPermissionRequest Scope="http://sharepoint/content/tenant" Right="FullControl" />
        <AppPermissionRequest Scope="http://sharepoint/content/sitecollection" Right="FullControl" />
        <AppPermissionRequest Scope="http://sharepoint/content/sitecollection/web" Right="FullControl" />
  7. You will be prompted to approve permissions for the app. Click Trust It.

  8. Once the App is created, return to the CardioLog Analytics configuration screen and enter the details of the Client ID and Client Secret in the "Add the CardioLog Tracking Code to your Sites" step.

  9. Select Automatically track all subsites including newly created ones in order to automatically enable tracking for newly created subsites under the selected site collections (in "Choose Sites to Track" step).

  10. Select Notify me when client secret expires or is not working in order to receive an email alert to the specified email address. Follow these steps in order to renew the SharePoint App client secret if needed.
  11. Click Save.
  12. Click Install Tracking to install the tracking code on all selected site collections and their subsites.
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    Note: This step may take a while to complete, depending on the amount of selected sites. Follow the installation progress on the screen.:

  13. Click View installation report to view a detailed report of the installation progress. Click the top left down arrow icon to export the report to CSV.

Renew SharePoint App Client Secret
  1. Execute the following PowerShell commands with the SharePoint Online Global Administrator account. 

  2. Edit the "Client ID" and use the Client ID value from the CardioLog Analytics configuration screen in "Add the CardioLog Tracking Code to your Sites" step. 


    Code Block
    $clientId = "Client ID"
    $keys = Get-MsolServicePrincipalCredential -AppPrincipalId $clientId -ReturnKeyValues $false
    Remove-MsolServicePrincipalCredential -KeyIds $keys.KeyId -AppPrincipalId $clientId
  3. In the same PowerShell window, execute the following PowerShell commands in order to generate a new client secret.

    Code Block
    $bytes = New-Object Byte[] 32
    $rand = [System.Security.Cryptography.RandomNumberGenerator]::Create()
    $newClientSecret = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String($bytes)
    $dtStart = [System.DateTime]::Now
    $dtEnd = $dtStart.AddYears(1)
    New-MsolServicePrincipalCredential -AppPrincipalId $clientId -Type Symmetric -Usage Sign -Value $newClientSecret -StartDate $dtStart -EndDate $dtEnd
    New-MsolServicePrincipalCredential -AppPrincipalId $clientId -Type Symmetric -Usage Verify -Value $newClientSecret -StartDate $dtStart -EndDate $dtEnd
    New-MsolServicePrincipalCredential -AppPrincipalId $clientId -Type Password -Usage Verify -Value $newClientSecret -StartDate $dtStart -EndDate $dtEnd
  4. Copy the new client secret value and update it in the CardioLog Analytics configuration screen in the "Add the CardioLog Tracking Code to your Sites" step and click Save.

Install the tracking code automatically using a PowerShell script 

Select this option to add the tracking code to all selected site collections (in "Choose Sites to Track" step) automatically using a PowerShell script.
Note: It is required to execute the PowerShell script every time you create new sites under the selected site collections in order to enable tracking for them.

  1. Click CardioLog Analytics Tracking Deployment package to download the deployment package from the "Add the CardioLog Tracking Code to your Sites" step in the Configuration page.
    The package includes a PowerShell script that deploys the tracking agent wsp solution, modern sites integration app and the Java Script tracking code on all selected site collections.
  2. Right click the downloaded package zip file, select Properties > General and click on "Unblock" before unzipping it.
  3. Execute the Run_Script.ps1 script in Windows PowerShell (do not use Windows PowerShell ISE version). Make sure to close all browser windows on your machine before executing the script.
    Note: You must have the MS Online module installed and the credentials of the SharePoint Online global administrator.

Install the tracking code manually

Select this option to add the tracking code to specific sites manually.

  1. Click CardioLog Analytics Tracking solution to download the deployment package from the "Add the CardioLog Tracking Code to your Sites" step in the Configuration page.
  2. Right click the downloaded package zip file, select Properties > General and click on "Unblock" before unzipping it.
  3. Temporarily allow custom scripts during the installation in order to add the JavaScript tracking code and Tracking Agent application (sppkg for modern sites, wsp solution for classic sites) to your app catalog and all of the site collections you wish to monitor.
    Execute the following commands in the SharePoint Online Management Shell (edit your SharePoint admin center and site collection URLs). 
    1. Connect to SharePoint Online Admin Center with the SharePoint Online Global Administrator account:

      Code Block
      Connect-SPOService -Url
    2. Get the current value of the Custom Scripts setting DenyAddAndCustomizePages for each site collection you wish to monitor and for your App Catalog:

      Code Block
      Get-SPOsite | Select DenyAddAndCustomizePages
    3. If the current value of DenyAddAndCustomizePages is Enabled, set it to Disabled:

      Code Block
      Set-SPOsite -DenyAddAndCustomizePages 0
    4. Disconnect from SharePoint Online: 


      Code Block
  4. Browse to your SharePoint Online site collection Solution Gallery. The gallery should be found at the following address (replace the site collection root URL with yours):
  5. From your Solution Gallery, click Upload Solution > Choose File. Then select the CAI.wsp  solution file which can be found in the deployment package and click Activate.
  6. If you are presented with a request for access, make sure you have temporarily allowed custom scripts for your site collection and app catalog.
  7. Once the solution is installed, return to the CardioLog Analytics configuration screen and click Copy script to copy the JavaScript tracking code.

  8. Browse to CardioLog Analytics Integration solution configuration page. The page should be found at the following address (replace the site collection root URL with yours):

  9. Paste the tracking code copied from the "Add the CardioLog Tracking Code to your Sites" step and click OK.

  10. In order to track SharePoint Online modern sites and pages, install the Tracking Agent App:

    1. Click CardioLog Analytics Tracking Agent App for modern sites to download the Tracking Agent App.

    2. Upload the CardioLogTrackingAgentAddin.sppkg app to the SharePoint Admin apps > App Catalog > Apps for SharePoint > New.

    3. Click Deploy (do NOT select "Make this Solution available to all sites in the organization")

    4. Add the App to your site collection and to all of its subsites under Site Contents > New App

    5. Click on Apps from your organization and click CardioLog Tracking Agent (it will be installed automatically)

  11. After the installation is complete, revert the changes performed in step 3 (if any) and disable custom scripts.

    Code Block
    Connect-SPOService -Url
    Set-SPOsite -DenyAddAndCustomizePages 1

    Note: If you would like to edit the tracking code via the CardioLog Analytics Integration solution configuration page (, you will have to temporarily enable custom scripts again.

Inject the tracking code to all site pages yourself

Select this option to inject the tracking code manually to your site pages.

  1. Click Copy script to copy the JavaScript tracking code to the clipboard.
  2. Paste the tracking code into the <head> section of each site page you would like to track.

Advanced Settings

Host the tracking code on a private CDN

By default the tracking code resources are hosted on Microsoft Azure. Select this option if you would like to host the tracking code resources on a private CDN for increased security.
Note: It is required to perform this step before adding the tracking code to selected sites.

  1. Expand the Advanced Settings section in the "Add the CardioLog Tracking Code to your Sites" step.
  2. Switch on the Host the tracking code on a private CDN toggle.
  3. Enter the CDN Address and click Save.
  4. Click Download CDN resources Here to download the latest version of the tracking code files resources and host them on your private CDN.
Enable access to Power BI Reports via the Site Statistics option in SharePoint

Select this option if you would like to allow site owners to view and customize Power BI reports for their own sites only. 
Note: It is required to perform this step before adding the tracking code to selected sites.

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  1. Expand the Advanced Settings section in the "Add the CardioLog Tracking Code to your Sites" step.
  2. Switch on the Enable access to Power BI Reports via the Site Statistics option in SharePoint toggle.
  3. Select the Permission level in SharePoint you would like to grant access to. Users with this permission level will have access to Power BI reports via the Site Statistics option under Site Actions in SharePoint.

Step 5: Connect to Power BI

In this step, you can connect to Power BI to gain access to your CardioLog Analytics reports .

Tenant Level View

The Tenant Level View feature allows administrators to view and customize Power BI reports for all selected site collections.

Note: The reports dataset size is limited based on your Power BI license. In case the limit is reached, upgrade your Power BI license or contact us to upgrade your subscription plan (to scale resources using Azure Analysis Services) or switch to the Site Level View feature.

Click Connect to Power BI and enter the Username and Password of a user with Power BI Pro or Power BI Premium Per User (PPU) license and click Save. This user will be the owner of the CardioLog Analytics SaaS app workspace in Power BI and will be able to share it with others in the organization. 
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CardioLog SaaS Configuration Screen: Step 5
  • Go to the Power BI interface. 

  • Login with the credentials you entered


    1. Click Connect. 
      A global administrator account is required in order to consent to the permissions required to manage and maintain the CardioLog Analytics SaaS reports in Power BI. 

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      CardioLog SaaS Configuration Screen: Connect to Power BI

    2. After clicking Connect and approving the required permissions, the CardioLog Analytics Power BI Connector app will be automatically created in your Azure Entra ID (Azure AD).

    3. Grant permissions to the CardioLog Analytics Power BI Connector Azure Entra ID app to enable it to connect to your organization's Power BI environment.

      1. Create a new security group in Azure Entra ID (Azure AD) - Microsoft Azure Portal > Azure Entra ID > Groups > New Group

      2. Add the CardioLog Analytics Power BI Connector app registration as a member in the newly created security group.

      3. Allow the app to use the Power BI API - Power BI Admin Portal > Tenant Settings > Developer Settings > Enable Service principals can use Fabric APIs, select Specific security groups and add the previously created group.

    4. Create a new CardioLog Analytics workspace in Power BI.

      1. Go to the Power BI interface and login with the same account used in the "Connect to Power BI" step.

      2. Create a Power BI app workspace for the CardioLog Analytics reports. Learn more about Power BI app workspaces.

        1. Select Workspaces Create a workspace

        2. Enter the following details:
          Name -  "CardioLog Analytics"
          Privacy - Private - Only approved members can see what's inside
          Permissions - Members can edit Power BI content

        3. Add email addresses of people you want to have access to the workspace, and select Add. Note that you can't add group aliases, just individuals.

        4. Decide whether each person is a member or an admin (admins can edit the workspace itself, including adding other members, members can edit the content in the workspace) and click SaveLicense mode - select the appropriate license mode based on your Power BI license plan.

        5. Click Apply

        6. Select Manage Access > Add people or groups to assign roles to the workspace.

        7. Add the newly created security group which includes the CardioLog Analytics Power BI Connector app as an Admin on the workspace.

    5. CardioLog Analytics reports will be available in your app workspace within a few business days. You will receive an email notification as soon as all the data has been processed and your reports are ready to use.

    6. When the reports are ready, share them with your colleagues:
      1. Sign in to Power BI with the credentials you entered the same account used in the "Connect to Power BI" step.
      2. Select Workspaces > CardioLog Analytics > select the Create app button in the upper right to start the process of sharing all the content in that workspace.
      3. First, on Setup tab, enter the following details:
        App name - CardioLog Analytics
        Description - Analytics for SharePoint and Office Microsoft 365

      4. Next, on NavigationContentyou see the reports that's going to be published as part of the app and organize the navigation pane.
      5. Last, on PermissionsAudience, decide who has access to the app: either everyone in your organization, or specific people or email distribution lists and click Publish app.


    slvonline_slvSite Level View

    The Site Level View feature allows site owners to view and customize Power BI reports for their own sites only. 

    Note: The reports dataset size is limited based on your Power BI license. In case the limit is reached, upgrade your Power BI license or contact us to upgrade your subscription plan (to scale resources using Azure Analysis Services) or split the reports.

    Each site owner should browse to the configuration page hosted in Azure (URL provided by Intlock) in order to to


    to Power BI, or request access to reports for specific sites via the Site Statistics option in SharePoint.Click Connect to Power BI and enter the Username and Password of your personal user (requires Power BI Pro or Power BI Premium Per User (PPU) license) and click Save. This user will be the owner of the CardioLog Analytics SaaS reports and will be able to share it with others in the organization. 
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    CardioLog SaaS Configuration Screen: Connect to Power BI
    Click Accept in the Permissions Requested screen to allow CardioLog Analytics SaaS publish the reports to your personal workspace.
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    Your request will be reviewed and approved/denied by your system administrator. The full list of site owners and the sites they are allowed to see reports for (in CSV format) can be downloaded/uploaded via the configuration page.
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    CardioLog SaaS Configuration Screen: Publish Power BI Reports to Site Owners
  • Once approved, CardioLog Analytics SaaS reports will be available in your personal workspace within a few business days. You will receive an email notification as soon as all the data has been processed and your reports are ready to use.

  • When the reports are ready, go to the Power BI interface. 

    1. Login with the credentials you entered in the "Connect to Power BI" step.

    2. Select My Workspace > Reports > CardioLog Analytics SaaS




    Step 6: Connect to

    Active Directory

    Microsoft Entra ID

    In this step you can connect to your Azure Active Directory Microsoft Entra ID (Azure AD) in order to import user information from Azure AD Microsoft Entra ID.

    1. Login to SharePoint the configuration page with the credentials of a global admin account that has permissions to sign in to Azure AD to Microsoft Entra ID and read directory data (users' full profiles and groups). 
    2. Click Connect Connect to Active Directory to connect to your Azure Active Directory your  Microsoft Entra ID with the current logged on user and click Save.
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      CardioLog SaaS Configuration Screen: Step 6

    3. Click Accept to approve the required permissions.

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    4.  Select all user attributes that you would like to filter and report on. This information will be taken from Active Directory from  Microsoft Entra ID user attributes. If you have created custom user attributes you can also use them. It It is recommended to select the following basic attributes - attributes such as department, office, country, manager, job title etc.
      1. Using the search bar, enter the name of any attribute you would like to find and include.

      2. Select the button next to each user property you would like to include in your usage reports.

      3. Click Save to confirm your selection.

      User attributes may be added or removed at any time to accommodate your needs.

      Note: if you have already imported user information from SharePoint user profiles in step 2the "Choose User Properties to Report On" step, there is no need to perform this step.
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      CardioLog SaaS Configuration Screen: Step 6

    Step 7: Choose User Groups to Opt-out

    In this step you can select which user groups you would like to opt-out of data collection.

    The user User group information will be taken is retrieved from Azure Active Directory. It , so only existing groups and users in AD can be opted out. It may take up to 24 hours for changes to take effect.

    1. Connect to Azure Active Directory with an account that is a global administrator in your Office 365 tenant. This account will be used in order to approve the required permissions for CardioLog Analytics SaaS to connect to Azure Active Directory.

    2.  Click Accept to approve the required permissions.
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    3.  Select the user groups you would like to opt-out of data collection and click Save.

    4. Click Confirm to acknowledge that:
      1. Data for opted out users, including user profile information and usage data, will be: 
        1. Permanently deleted 
        2. No longer collected
        3. No longer available in reports
      2. Data for opted in users, including user profile information and usage data, will be collected and available in reports, however any data that was deleted/not collected during the time period they were opted out will not be recovered.
      3. Using this functionality may result in data discrepancies in some reports.

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    Step 8: Choose Subsites or Lists to Exclude

    In this step you can select which content (subsites and lists) you would like to opt-out of data collection. You can always go back and select additional subsites/lists or remove subsites/lists from your selection.

    The subsites and lists available for selection are taken from the list of site collections selected in step 1. 

    Note: It may take up to 24 hours for changes to take effect.

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    Choose Subsites or Lists to Exclude Step

    1. Select the subsites or lists you would like to opt-out of data collection. The selected subsites and lists will be added to the List of exclude content section.

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    2. Using the Search subsite bar, enter the name of any subsite you would like to find and exclude.

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    3. To exclude a specific list, find the subsite that the list resides on, expand it and select your desired list.

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    4. Click Save. It may take up to 24 hours for changes to take effect.
    5. Click Confirm to acknowledge that:
      1. Data for opted out content, including content metadata information and usage data, will be: 
        1. Permanently deleted 
        2. No longer collected
        3. No longer available in reports
      2. Data for opted in content, including content metadata information and usage data, will be collected and available in reports, however any data that was deleted/not collected during the time period they were opted out will not be recovered.
      3. Using this functionality may result in data discrepancies in some reports.

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    9: Assign Permissions to Power BI Reports

    In this step you can select the users and groups you would like to grant report permissions to and select the specific sites that they should see reports for.
    The user information will be taken from Azure Active Directory. It may take up to 24 hours for changes to take effect.

    1. Connect to Azure Active Directory with an account that is a global administrator in your Office 365 tenant. This account will be used in order to approve the required permissions for CardioLog Analytics SaaS to connect to Azure Active Directory.
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    2. Click Accept to approve the required permissions.
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    3. Select the users and groups you would like to grant report permissions to. You can always go back and select additional users or groups or remove users or groups from your selection by clicking on -Remove  Remove user or group from list.

      1. Using the Search for a user baror group bar, enter the name of any user or group you would like to find and assign permissions to. 

        Note: Selected users should have a Power BI Pro or Premium per User (PPU) license assigned to them.
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      2. For each user or group, click Custom to select the specific sites the user or group is allowed to see reports for, or click Access to all sites to select all sites.

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      3. Click Save to confirm your selections.

      4. Share the CardioLog Analytics SaaS reports in Power BI service with the selected users and groups.
        Note: Permissions are applied using Power BI Row Level Security (RLS). Since RLS does not apply to users who have and groups with edit permissions on the dataset, make sure to grant site analysts the 'Build' permissions for the CardioLog Analytics SaaS dataset to enable them to create customized reports if needed.

      5. Add the 'Site Analyst' role in Power BI service to users and groups who have access to specific sites: 
        CardioLog Analytics SaaS Dataset > More options > Security > Select the 'Site Analyst' role > Add each user or group as a member.

      6. Add the 'Global Analyst (View All Sites)' role in Power BI service to users and groups who have access to all sites:
        CardioLog Analytics SaaS Dataset > More options > Security > Select the 'Global Analyst (View All Sites)' role > Add each user or group as a member.
        Note: Since roles are reset in Power BI on every version update, it is highly recommended to create user groups for managing users roles (one for site analysts and one for global analysts) so it would be easier to maintain.

    SharePoint On-Premise

    Browse to the configuration page hosted in Azure (URL provided by Intlock).
    The configuration contains a few simple steps that walk you through setting up data collection and connecting to Power BI reports.

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    CardioLog Analytics SaaS Configuration ScreenScreen 

    Step 1: Connect to SharePoint

    1. Enter the SharePoint farm administrator user name and password and the SharePoint farm Admin Center URL and click Save.

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      CardioLog SaaS Configuration Screen: Step 1

    Step 2: Choose Sites To Track

    In this step you can select which site collections you would like to see data for. Site collections are only tracked once they are selected and the tracking code is deployed for them in the "Add the CardioLog Tracking Code to your Sites" step.

    1. With this section expanded, you should see all of your available SharePoint web applications.
    2. Expand each web application to select all the site collections you would like to begin monitoring using CardioLog.
    3. You can also search for site collections by typing in their name in the search bar.
    4. Select the button next to each site collection you would like to monitor.
    5. In order to stop monitoring a site, unselect it. Note that this operation will remove the site from usage reports, but you will have to remove the tracking code from it manually.

    6. In order to stop monitoring a site, but keep history data for it in usage reports, click on the folder icon next to it in order to archive it. 

    7. Click Save to confirm your selection.

    You can go back and add more sites or remove sites from your selection at any point.

    Please note that the Important Notes

    1. The number of site collections available for selection in your subscription is limited.
    2. The initial import process for large site collections may take a few hours up to a few
    1. weeks, depending on the environment size.
    2. The import process for new content in existing imported site collections may take a few days, depending on the time needed to import the new content, process the data, and refresh the data in Power BI reports. Since Power BI reports are refreshed once a day, the timing of these updates is also a contributing factor.

    Image Modified 
    CardioLog SaaS Configuration Screen: Step 2

    Step 3: Choose User Properties To Report On

    In this section you can select all user profile properties that you would like to filter and report on. This information will be taken from SharePoint user profiles. If you have created custom profile properties you can also use them. 
    It  For reporting purposes in CardioLog Analytics, it is recommended to select the following basic attributes - department, office, country, manager, title, picture URL. segmented fields like Department, Office, Country, and Job Title. These attributes protect individual privacy and comply with data regulations, while still providing valuable insights into organizational trends and demographics.

    Note: Make sure that the default privacy setting for the selected property is set to Everyone (and not "Only Me") in SharePoint Central Administration > User Profiles > Manage User Properties > Policy Settings.

    Image Added

    (question) What are SharePoint Profiles?

    1. Using the search bar, enter the name of any property you would like to find and include.

    2. Select the button next to each user property you would like to include in your usage reports.

      Image Added
      CardioLog SaaS Configuration Screen: Step 3 - Choose User Attributes

    3. In case Personal Identifiable Information (PII) Concealment is enabled, click on the eye icon next to each  hover over the user property you would like to conceal in your usage reports and click the gear icon

      Image Added
      Step 3 - Choose User Attributes - Configure PII Concealment 

      You will have the following options to choose from:

      • Unconcealed: Data for user profile attribute values is visible in the reports.
      • Concealed: Data for user profile attribute values is concealed for enhanced security.
      • Partially Concealed: Data for user profile attribute values is concealed only for groups with a size below the selected threshold. Partial concealment allows analysis and reporting on broader trends without compromising the privacy of individuals within smaller, potentially identifiable groups.

      Image Added
      Step 3 - Choose User Attributes - PII Concealment Options

    4. Click Apply after selecting the concealment option.

    5. Click Save to confirm your selection.

    Properties may be added or removed at any time to accommodate your needs.Image Removed 
    CardioLog SaaS Configuration Screen: Step 3
    Image Removed
    CardioLog SaaS Configuration Screen: Step 3 - Choose User Attributes with PII Concealment

    Step 4: Choose Content Metadata Fields to Report On

    In this section you can select all content metadata fields that you would like to filter and report on. Metadata fields information will be taken from your SharePoint list items and documents.
    It is recommended to select metadata fields that are segmented fields, such as managed metadata columns and lookup fields.
    Metadata fields may be added or removed at any time to accommodate your needs.
     Note: The number of content metadata fields available for selection in your subscription is limited (50 by default).

    Image Modified
    CardioLog SaaS Configuration Screen: Step 4

    Make sure that the selected metadata field name is identical to the Column name as seen in the SharePoint Library settings, under Columns, click to edit the column:
    Image Added 

    Step 5: Add The Tracking Code To Your Sites

    This step allows you to add the JavaScript tracking code to each of your sites. 

    You can Select one of the following options to add the tracking code to specific sites or deploy it on all selected site collections and their subsites automatically.

    Image Removed
    CardioLog SaaS Configuration Screen: Step 5

    Deploying the Tracking Code to All Selected Site Collections Automatically

    Click Download to download the deployment Package from the

    Note: If you would like to host the tracking code on a private CDN, please fill out the CDN details in the Advanced Settings before you proceed with adding the tracking code using one of the following options.

    Install the tracking code automatically using a PowerShell script 

    Select this option to add the tracking code to all selected site collections (in "Choose Sites to Track" step) automatically using a PowerShell script.
    Note: It is required to execute the PowerShell script every time you create new sites under the selected site collections in order to enable tracking for them.

    Image Added

    1. Click CardioLog Analytics Tracking Deployment package to download the deployment package from the "Add the CardioLog Tracking Code to your Sites" step in the Configuration page.
      The package includes a PowerShell script that deploys the tracking agent wsp solution, modern sites integration app and the Java Script tracking code on all selected site collections.
    2. Right click the downloaded package zip file, select Properties > General and click on "Unblock" before unzipping it.
    3. Execute the Run_Script.ps1 script in Windows PowerShell on the SharePoint central admin server server (do not use Windows PowerShell ISE version)Make sure to close all browser windows on your machine before executing the script.
      Note: SharePoint  SharePoint farm administrator and a local administrator on the SharePoint central admin server and WFEs is required. If deploying the tracking code on modern sites in SharePoint 2019, the user account must be a member of the sites Owners group and Full Control permissions on the App Catalog.

    Install the tracking code manually

    Select this option to add the tracking code to specific sites manually.

    Image Added

    1. Click CardioLog Analytics Tracking solution to download the deployment package from the "Add the CardioLog Tracking Code to
    a Specific Site Collection Manually
    1. your Sites" step in the Configuration page.
    2. Right click the downloaded package zip file, select Properties > General and click on "Unblock" before unzipping it.
    3. Create a CardioLogAgent folder on all SharePoint WFE servers in the following location: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\14\TEMPLATE\LAYOUTS\CardioLogAgent (do not convert it to application in IIS).

    4. Create a CardioLogAgent.js file in the CardioLogAgent folder with the JavaScript tracking code. Click Copy in theClick Copy script in the "Add the CardioLog Tracking Code to your Sites" step to copy the JavaScript tracking code.
    5. Copy the CardioLog Analytics Tracking solution file "cardiologtrackingagentfeature.wsp" to your SharePoint application server to C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\1X\BIN folder (1X - 15 for SharePoint 2013, 16 for SharePoint 2016 and SharePoint 2019)
    6. Execute the following commands from command prompt in order to add and deploy the solution to the your SharePoint farm:

      Code Block
      cd C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\1X\BIN
      stsadm.exe -o addsolution -filename "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\1X\BIN\CardioLogTrackingAgentFeature.wsp"
      stsadm.exe -o deploysolution -name CardioLogTrackingAgentFeature.wsp -immediate -allowgacdeployment
      stsadm.exe -o activatefeature -name CardioLogAnalytics -force
    7. In order to track SharePoint 2019 modern sites, install the CardioLog Tracking Agent App:
      1. Click CardioLog Analytics Tracking Agent App for SharePoint 2019 modern sites to download the CardioLog Tracking Agent App.
      2. Upload the CardioLogTrackingAgentAddin.sppkg app to the SharePoint App Catalog > Apps for SharePoint > New.

      3. Click Deploy

      4. Add the App to your site collection and to all of its subsites under Site Contents > New App

      5. Click on Apps from your organization and click CardioLog Tracking Agent (it will be installed automatically)

      6. Once the CardioLog Tracking Agent app is installed, it is automatically activated and data is being collected. To view the installed app, go to the monitored site > Site Contents > CardioLog Tracking Agent.

    Inject the tracking code to all site pages yourself

    Select this option to inject the tracking code manually to your site pages.

    Image Added

    1. Click Copy script to copy the JavaScript tracking code to the clipboard.
    2. Paste the tracking code into the <head> section of each site page you would like to track.

    Advanced Settings

    Host the tracking code on a private CDN

    By default the tracking code resources are hosted on Microsoft Azure. Select this option if you would like to host the tracking code resources on a private CDN for increased security.
    Note: It is required to perform this step before adding the tracking code to selected sites.

    Image Added

    1. Expand the Advanced Settings section in the "Add the CardioLog Tracking Code to your Sites" step.
    2. Switch on the Host the tracking code on a private CDN toggle.
    3. Enter the CDN Address and click Save.
    4. Click Download CDN resources Here to download the latest version of the tracking code resources and host them on your private CDN.
    Enable access to Power BI Reports via the Site Statistics option in SharePoint

    Select this option if you would like to allow site owners to view and customize Power BI reports for their own sites only. 
    Note: It is required to perform this step before adding the tracking code to selected sites.

    Image Added

    1. Expand the Advanced Settings section in the "Add the CardioLog Tracking Code to your Sites" step.
    2. Switch on the Enable access to Power BI Reports via the Site Statistics option in SharePoint toggle.
    3. Select the Permission level in SharePoint you would like to grant access to. Users with this permission level will have access to Power BI reports via the Site Statistics option under Site Actions in SharePoint.

    Step 6: Connect to Power BI

    In this step, you can connect to Power BI to gain access to your CardioLog Analytics reports .

    Farm Level View

    The Farm Level View feature allows administrators to view and customize Power BI reports for all selected site collections.

    Note: The reports dataset size is limited based on your Power BI license. In case the limit is reached, upgrade your Power BI license or contact us to upgrade your subscription plan (to scale resources using Azure Analysis Services) or switch to the Site Level View feature.

    Click Connect to Power BI and enter the Username and Password of a user with Power BI Pro or Power BI Premium Per User (PPU) license and click Save. This user will be the owner of the CardioLog Analytics SaaS app workspace in Power BI and will be able to share it with others in the organization.
    Image Removed
    CardioLog SaaS Configuration Screen: Step 6


    1. Click Connect. 
      A global administrator account is required in order to consent to the permissions required to manage and maintain the CardioLog Analytics SaaS reports in Power BI. 

      Image Added
      CardioLog SaaS Configuration Screen: Connect to Power BI

    2. After clicking Connect and approving the required permissions, the CardioLog Analytics Power BI Connector app will be automatically created in your Azure Entra ID (Azure AD).

    3. Grant permissions to the CardioLog Analytics Power BI Connector Azure Entra ID app to enable it to connect to your organization's Power BI environment.

      1. Create a new security group in Azure Entra ID (Azure AD) - Microsoft Azure Portal > Azure Entra ID > Groups > New Group

      2. Add the CardioLog Analytics Power BI Connector app registration as a member in the newly created security group.

      3. Allow the app to use the Power BI API - Power BI Admin Portal > Tenant Settings > Developer Settings > Enable Service principals can use Fabric APIs, select Specific security groups and add the previously created group.

    4. Create a new CardioLog Analytics workspace in Power BI.

      1. Go to the Power BI interface

      1. Login  and login with the credentials you entered in the same account used in the "Connect to Power BI" step step.

      2. Create a Power BI app workspace for the CardioLog Analytics reports. Learn more about Power BI app workspaces.

        1. Select Workspaces Create a workspace

        2. Enter the following details:
          Name -  "CardioLog Analytics"
          Privacy - Private - Only approved members can see what's inside
          Permissions - Members can edit Power BI content

        3. Add email addresses of people you want to have access to the workspace, and select Add. Note that you can't add group aliases, just individuals.

        4. Decide whether each person is a member or an admin (admins can edit the workspace itself, including adding other members, members can edit the content in the workspace) and click SaveLicense mode - select the appropriate license mode based on your Power BI license plan.

        5. Click Apply

        6. Select Manage Access > Add people or groups to assign roles to the workspace.

        7. Add the newly created security group which includes the CardioLog Analytics Power BI Connector app as an Admin on the workspace.

    5. CardioLog Analytics reports will be available in your app workspace within a few business days. You will receive an email notification as soon as all the data has been processed and your reports are ready to use.

    6. When the reports are ready, share them with your colleagues:
      1. Sign in to Power BI with the credentials you entered in the the same account used in the "Connect to Power BI" step step.
      2. Select Workspaces > CardioLog Analytics > select the Create app button in the upper right to start the process of sharing all the content in that workspace.
      3. First, on Setup tab, enter the following details:
        App name - CardioLog Analytics
        Description - Analytics for SharePoint and
        Office Microsoft 365
      4. Next, on NavigationContentyou see the reports that's going to be published as part of the app and organize the navigation pane.
      5. Last, on PermissionsAudience, decide who has access to the app: either everyone in your organization, or specific people or email distribution lists and click Publish app.


    slvop_slvSite Level View

    The Site Level View feature allows site owners to view and customize Power BI reports for their own sites only. 

    Note: The reports dataset size is limited based on your Power BI license. In case the limit is reached, upgrade your Power BI license or contact us to upgrade your subscription plan (to scale resources using Azure Analysis Services) or split the reports.

    Each site owner should browse to the configuration page hosted in Azure (URL provided by Intlock) in order to to


    to Power BI, or request access to reports for specific sites via the Site Statistics option in SharePoint.Click Connect to Power BI and enter the Username and Password of your personal user (requires Power BI Pro or Power BI Premium Per User (PPU) license) and click Save. This user will be the owner of the CardioLog Analytics SaaS reports and will be able to share it with others in the organization.
    Image Removed
    CardioLog SaaS Configuration Screen: Connect to Power BI
    Click Accept in the Permissions Requested screen to allow CardioLog Analytics SaaS publish the reports to your personal workspace.
    Image Removed
    Your request will be reviewed and approved/denied by your system administrator. The full list of site owners and the sites they are allowed to see reports for (in CSV format) can be downloaded/uploaded via the configuration page.
    Image Removed
    CardioLog SaaS Configuration Screen: Publish Power BI Reports to Site Owners
  • Once approved, CardioLog Analytics SaaS reports will be available in your personal workspace within a few business days. You will receive an email notification as soon as all the data has been processed and your reports are ready to use.

  • When the reports are ready, go to the Power BI interface. 

    1. Login with the credentials you entered in the "Connect to Power BI" step.

    2. Select My Workspace > Reports > CardioLog Analytics SaaS

    Step 7: Connect to Active Directory

    In this step you can connect to your Active Directory in order to import user information from AD.

    1. Enter the credentials of an account that has read access to Active Directory and the Active Directory domain controller name (FQDN) and click Save.

      Image Modified
      CardioLog SaaS Configuration Screen: Step 7

      Please note that port 389 (LDAP)/port 636 (SLDAP) and the AD domain controller IP and FQDN should be available.

    2. Select all user attributes that you would like to filter and report on. This information will be taken from Active Directory user attributes. If you have created custom user attributes you can also use them.  It is recommended to select the following basic attributes - attributes such as department, office, country, manager, job title etc..

    • Using the search bar, enter the name of any attribute you would like to find and include.

    • Select the button next to each user property you would like to include in your usage reports.

    • Click Save to confirm your selection.

    User attributes may be added or removed at any time to accommodate your needs.

    Note: if you have already imported user information from SharePoint user profiles in step 3the "Choose User Properties to Report On", there is no need to perform this step.

    CardioLog SaaS Configuration Screen: Step 7

    Step 8: Choose User Groups to Opt-out 

    In this step you can select which user groups you would like to opt-out of data collection.

    The user User group information will be taken is retrieved from Active Directory. It , so only existing groups and users in AD can be opted out. It may take up to 24 hours for changes to take effect.

    1. Enter the credentials of an account that has read access to Active Directory and the Active Directory host (FQDN) and click Connect.

      Please note that port 389 (LDAP)/port 636 (SLDAP) and the AD domain controller IP and FQDN should be available.

    2. Select the user groups you would like to opt-out of data collection and click Save.

    3. Click Confirm to acknowledge that:
      1. Data for opted out users, including user profile information and usage data, will be: 
        1. Permanently deleted 
        2. No longer collected
        3. No longer available in reports
      2. Data for opted in users, including user profile information and usage data, will be collected and available in reports, however any data that was deleted/not collected during the time period they were opted out will not be recovered.
      3. Using this functionality may result in data discrepancies in some reports.

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    Viva Engage

    Step 1 : Add the CardioLog Analytics SaaS App from the Yammer's App Directory

    Go to the Yammer Apps Directory and search for CardioLog Analytics SaaS, then click Try it.

    Click Allow in the Connect to CardioLog Analytics SaaS screen to allow CardioLog Analytics SaaS to retrieve data from your Yammer network, then you will be redirected to the configuration page.


    Step 2: Connect to Viva Engage (Yammer)

    Connect to your Yammer network with a dedicated service account that is a Verified Admin in your Yammer network.
    Image Removed
    Image Added

    Step 3: Connect to Microsoft Graph API

    Connect to Microsoft Graph API with an account that is a global administrator in your Office 365 tenant to gather analytics data for Yammer. This  
    Note: This account will be used in order to approve the required permissions for CardioLog Analytics SaaS to connect to Microsoft Graph API (User.Read and Reports.Read.All).

    Image Modified

    Step 4: Choose User Attributes

    In this step you can select all user attributes that you would like to filter and report on. This information will be taken from the Yammer user profiles. 

    1. Select the button next to each user property you would like to include in your usage reports.

    2. In case Personal Identifiable Information (PII) Concealment is enabled, click on the eye icon next to each user property you would like to conceal in your usage reports. 

    3. Click Save to confirm your selection.

    Properties may be added or removed at any time to accommodate your needs.

    Image Added



    5: Connect to Power BI

    In this step, you can connect to Power BI to gain access to your CardioLog Analytics reports for Viva Engage.

    Note: The reports dataset size is limited based on your Power BI license. In case the limit is reached, upgrade your Power BI license plan.

    1. Click Connect

    to Power BI and enter the Username and Password of a user with Power BI Pro or Power BI Premium Per User (PPU) license and click Save. This user will be the owner of the CardioLog Analytics SaaS app workspace in Power BI and will be able to share it with others in the organization.Image Removed

    Go to the Power BI interface.

    1. Login with the credentials you entered in the
      A global administrator account is required in order to consent to the permissions required to manage and maintain the CardioLog Analytics SaaS reports in Power BI. 

      Image Added
      CardioLog SaaS Configuration Screen: Connect to Power BI

    2. After clicking Connect and approving the required permissions, the CardioLog Analytics Power BI Connector app will be automatically created in your Azure Entra ID (Azure AD).

    3. Grant permissions to the CardioLog Analytics Power BI Connector Azure Entra ID app to enable it to connect to your organization's Power BI environment.

      1. Create a new security group in Azure Entra ID (Azure AD) - Microsoft Azure Portal > Azure Entra ID > Groups > New Group

      2. Add the CardioLog Analytics Power BI Connector app registration as a member in the newly created security group.

      3. Allow the app to use the Power BI API - Power BI Admin Portal > Tenant Settings > Developer Settings > Enable Service principals can use Fabric APIs, select Specific security groups and add the previously created group.

    4. Create a new CardioLog Analytics workspace in Power BI.

      1. Go to the Power BI interface and login with the same account used in the "Connect to Power BI"

      1.  step.

      2. Create a Power BI app workspace for the CardioLog Analytics reports. Learn more about Power BI app workspaces.

        1. Select Workspaces Create

        1. a workspace

      Enter the following details:
        1. Name -  "CardioLog Analytics"

      Privacy - Private - Only approved members can see what's inside
      Permissions - Members can edit Power BI content
    5. Add email addresses of people you want to have access to the workspace, and select Add. Note that you can't add group aliases, just individuals.

    6. Decide whether each person is a member or an admin (admins can edit the workspace itself, including adding other members, members can edit the content in the workspace) and click Save
        1. License mode - select the appropriate license mode based on your Power BI license plan.

        2. Click Apply

        3. Select Manage Access > Add people or groups to assign roles to the workspace.

        4. Add the newly created security group which includes the CardioLog Analytics Power BI Connector app as an Admin on the workspace.

    7. CardioLog Analytics reports will be available in your app workspace within a few business days. You will receive an email notification as soon as all the data has been processed and your reports are ready to use.

    8. When the reports are ready, share them with your colleagues:
      1. Sign in to Power BI with
      the credentials you entered in the
      1. the same account used in the "Connect to Power BI"
      1.  step.
      2. Select
      1.  Workspaces > CardioLog Analytics
       > select
      1.  > select the 
      1. Create app button in the upper right to start the process of sharing all the content in that workspace.
      2. First, on 
      1. Setup tab, enter the following details:
        App name - CardioLog Analytics
        Description - Analytics for
      SharePoint and Yammer
      Background color - Gray
      1. Viva Engage
      2. Next, on Content,
      1.  you see the
      1. reports that's going to be published as part of the app
      . Select Specific content in the App landing page
      1. and organize the navigation pane.
      2. Last, on 
      1. Audience, decide who has access to the app: either everyone in your organization, or specific people or email distribution lists and click 
      1. Publish app.

    Microsoft Teams

    Once you have installed the CardioLog Analytics SaaS add-in from the Microsoft Office Store, you will then be directed to a configuration screen.

    The configuration contains a few simple steps that walk you through setting up data collection and connecting to Power BI reports.

    CardioLog SaaS Configuration Screen

    Step 1: Connect to Power BI

    In this step, you can connect to Power BI to gain access to your CardioLog Analytics reports for Microsoft Teams.

    Note: The reports dataset size is limited based on your Power BI license. In case the limit is reached, upgrade your Power BI license plan.

    1. Click Connect

    to Power BI and enter the Username and Password of a user with Power BI Pro or Power BI Premium Per User (PPU) license and click Save. This user will be the owner of the CardioLog Analytics SaaS app workspace in Power BI and will be able to share it with others in the organization.Image Removed

    Go to the Power BI interface.

    1. Login with the credentials you entered in the
      A global administrator account is required in order to consent to the permissions required to manage and maintain the CardioLog Analytics SaaS reports in Power BI. 

      Image Added
      CardioLog SaaS Configuration Screen: Connect to Power BI

    2. After clicking Connect and approving the required permissions, the CardioLog Analytics Power BI Connector app will be automatically created in your Azure Entra ID (Azure AD).

    3. Grant permissions to the CardioLog Analytics Power BI Connector Azure Entra ID app to enable it to connect to your organization's Power BI environment.

      1. Create a new security group in Azure Entra ID (Azure AD) - Microsoft Azure Portal > Azure Entra ID > Groups > New Group

      2. Add the CardioLog Analytics Power BI Connector app registration as a member in the newly created security group.

      3. Allow the app to use the Power BI API - Power BI Admin Portal > Tenant Settings > Developer Settings > Enable Service principals can use Fabric APIs, select Specific security groups and add the previously created group.

    4. Create a new CardioLog Analytics workspace in Power BI.

      1. Go to the Power BI interface and login with the same account used in the "Connect to Power BI"

      1.  step.

      2. Create a Power BI app workspace for the CardioLog Analytics reports. Learn more about Power BI app workspaces.

        1. Select Workspaces Create

        1. a workspace

      Enter the following details:
        1. Name -  "CardioLog Analytics"

      Privacy - Private - Only approved members can see what's inside
      Permissions - Members can edit Power BI content
    5. Add email addresses of people you want to have access to the workspace, and select Add. Note that you can't add group aliases, just individuals.

    6. Decide whether each person is a member or an admin (admins can edit the workspace itself, including adding other members, members can edit the content in the workspace) and click Save
        1. License mode - select the appropriate license mode based on your Power BI license plan.

        2. Click Apply

        3. Select Manage Access > Add people or groups to assign roles to the workspace.

        4. Add the newly created security group which includes the CardioLog Analytics Power BI Connector app as an Admin on the workspace.

    7. CardioLog Analytics reports will be available in your app workspace within a few business days. You will receive an email notification as soon as all the data has been processed and your reports are ready to use.

    8. When the reports are ready, share them with your colleagues:
      1. Sign in to Power BI with
      the credentials you entered
      1. the same account used in the "Connect to Power BI" step.
      2. Select
      1.  Workspaces > CardioLog Analytics
       > select
      1.  > select the 
      1. Create app button in the upper right to start the process of sharing all the content in that workspace.
      2. First, on 
      1. Setup tab, enter the following details:
        App name - CardioLog Analytics
        Description - Analytics for
      SharePoint and Yammer
      Background color - Gray
      1. Microsoft Teams
      2. Next, on Content,
      1.  you see the
      1. reports that's going to be published as part of the app
      . Select Specific content in the App landing page
      1. and organize the navigation pane.
      2. Last, on 
      1. Audience, decide who has access to the app: either everyone in your organization, or specific people or email distribution lists and click 
      1. Publish app.

    Step 2: Connect to Teams

    1. Connect to Teams with an account that is a global administrator in your Office Microsoft 365 tenant. This account will be used in order to approve the required permissions for CardioLog Analytics SaaS to connect to Teams.

      Image Modified

    2. Click Accept to approve the required permissions.

    3. In order to collect data about the contents of channel messages for selected teams click Report on channel conversations.

      Image Modified

    4. Follow the steps to download and install the CardioLog Analytics Teams Connector App in order to be able to report on the contents of channel messages in the selected Teams (selected in step 3). 
      Click Test App Connection to confirm the installation is successful.

      Image Modified

    5. In order to allow storing and displaying user profile images in reports, click Import user profile images.

    Step 3: Choose Teams To Track

    In this step you can select which Teams you would like to see data for in reports.

    1. In order to track all of your Teams, including new ones that will be created in the future, click Track all teams.

      Image Modified

    2. In order to track specific teams, click Track specific teamsWith this section expanded, you should see all of your available Teams.
      Select all the Teams you would like to monitor using CardioLog. You can also search for Teams by typing in their name in the search bar. Select the button next to each Team you would like to monitor and click Save to confirm your selection. You can go back and add more Teams or remove Teams from your selection at any point.

      Image Modified

      Please note that the import process for large Teams may take a few hours up to a few days, depending on the environment size.

    OneDrive for Business

    Step 1: Connect to OneDrive for Business

    1. Connect to OneDrive for Business with an account that is a global administrator in your Office 365 tenant. This account will be used in order to approve the required permissions for CardioLog Analytics SaaS to connect to OneDrive for Business.

      Image Modified

    2. Click Accept to approve the required permissions.

    Exchange Online

    Step 1: Connect to Exchange Online

    1. Connect to Exchange Online with an account that is a global administrator in your Office 365 tenant. This account will be used in order to approve the required permissions for CardioLog Analytics SaaS to connect to Exchange Online.

      Image Modified

    2. Click Accept to approve the required permissions.