Versions Compared


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  • Editing service components
  • Usage Data Processing
  • Portal Tree Updates
    • Transferring the portal structure through file system
    • Transferring the portal structure through SQL
    • Collecting document versioning information for your SharePoint lists and libraries
    • Import social information for your SharePoint farm
    • Configuring Multiple Web Applications
    • Configuring Multiple Farms
  • Report Scheduling
  • Active Directory Updates
  • User Categories Updates
  • SEO Analysis
  • Social Updates
  • Starting the CardioLog Scheduling Service


Administrators can edit service components. In order to commit changes, you must restart the CardioLog Scheduling Service.


Editing service components

How to edit a service component

  1. In the Administration pane, click CardioLog Scheduling Service.
  2. Click a service component and select Edit or click the service component.




Table of Contents

editing service components
editing service components
Scheduling Service Components

Each service component can be scheduled to run at defined time intervals. 

  1. In the Administration pane, click CardioLog Scheduling Service.


  1. Simply click the service component you would like to schedule from the main window. 

    Image Added
    CardioLog Scheduling Service components

  2. The 


  1. Service


  1.  Schedule dialog includes the following fields:


  1. Service Schedule - defines the schedule for running the service component:


  1. -      Never -


  1. The component will not run until a different scheduling option is chosen.
    -      Once -


  1. The component will run once, upon restarting the service
    -      Every


  1. rounded hour - The component runs every hour, on the hour. (


  1. Previously named "Hourly" and "Every full hour")


  1. -      Every


  1. x minutes - The component runs every


  1. x minutes beginning from when the service is restarted.
    -      Every *Day at HH:MM -






  1. Using the drop-down menus, choose either Day to run the service daily, or the day of the week if you would like to have the service run weekly. Choose the time of day the service will run in half hour intervals. 

    Enable Logging - The component's activity is logged. The default log file path is at <CardioLog Installation Directory>\CardiologScheduleServices\Logs.
    The log file size is limited to 8MB.

    Image Added
    Schedule Service Dialog


  2. Click OK to confirm your changes.
  3. In order to commit changes, you must restart the CardioLog Scheduling


  1. Service by clicking Restart Service from the top right corner of the main window.


usage data
usage data
Usage Data Processing

By default, the Usage Data Processing service component processes incoming tracking data from Event Collector every full rounded hour, and logging is enabled.

  1. In the Administration pane, click CardioLog Scheduling Service.
  2. Click Usage Data Processing.
  3. Set the schedule type Service Schedule and then click OK.
  4. Click Restart Service to activate any changes.

Image Added

Usage Data processing -Service Schedule dialog

portal tree
portal tree
Portal Tree Updates

The Portal Tree Updates service component retrieves the structure of the portal (monitored environments). This structure is the basis for data aggregations.

To configure SharePoint environments, see SharePoint Tree Adaptor.

To configure non-SharePoint websites, see Website Tree Adaptor or Custom Tree Adaptor.

  1. In the Administration pane, click CardioLog Scheduling Service.
  2. Click Portal Tree Updates.
  3. Set the schedule type and then click OK.
  4. The Advanced Settings dialog is for retrieving a tree structure from a custom source (by a designated web service).If the web service has an .asmx extension, enter the Web Method name. For more information see the CardioLog Advanced Administration Guide
  5. Click Add to add the Tree Web Service to the selected web services.
  6. Repeat steps 4-5 for each Tree Web Service.
  7. Click Save, and restart CardioLog Scheduling Service.
     Portal Tree Updates - Advanced Settings dialog

Transferring the portal structure through file system

By default, the SP20XXTree web application exposes the portal hierarchical structure through an HTTP web service (SP20XXTree - 07 for MOSS 2007, 10 for SharePoint 2010 and 13 for SharePoint 2013), creates an XML file which portrays the hierarchal structure of the portal, and then translating the XML data into relational data.
To do so, go to Administration > System Configuration > SharePoint Tree Adaptor > click on your SharePoint farm > check "Transter the tree structure through file system (XML file)":
System Configuration - SharePoint Tree adaptor
In versions lower than, modify the Portal Tree Updates web service URL as follows:
http://<CardioLogServer>:<port>/SP20XXTree/default.aspx?docVersions=true&output=file&logFilePath=[CardioLog Installation Folder]\CardioLogScheduleServices\Logs\SP20XXTree.xml

Transferring the portal structure through SQL

The hierarchical portal tree can be retrieved through SQL-SQL data transfer. This configuration process does not use CardioLog server file system, but rather uses bulk copy of data from SharePoint databases to CardioLog. As a result, the entire process runs more efficiently as less resources are consumed.

To do so, go to Administration > System Configuration > SharePoint Tree Adaptor > click on your SharePoint farm > un-check "Transter the tree structure through file system (XML file)".

In versions lower than, modify the Portal Tree Updates web service URL as follows:


Execute the following SQL script against CardioLog database:

UPDATE CardioLog.dbo.tab_global_settings
SET Value = 0
Where Name = N'xmlMode' and Category = N'OMAgent'

Collecting document versioning information for your SharePoint lists and libraries

In order to take full advantage of document modification reports, turn on versioning for your SharePoint lists and libraries.

To collect document versioning information from SharePoint, go to Administration > System Configuration > SharePoint Tree Adaptor > click on your SharePoint farm > check "Import document versioning information for your SharePoint lists and libraries".
In versions lower than, add the "docVersion=true" parameter to the Tree Web Service URL field. For example:
http://<CardioLogServer>:<port>/SP20XXTree/default.aspx?docVersions=true&output=file&logFilePath=[CardioLog Installation Folder]\CardioLogScheduleServices\Logs\SP20XXTree.xml

Import social information for your SharePoint farm

SharePoint 2013 offers a variety of out-of-the box social features such as content likes, rating and ranking, sharing content, following content, and more.

To import social information from SharePoint 2013 and perform detailed analysis of the site's social activity:

  1. Go to Administration > System Configuration > SharePoint Tree Adaptor > click on your SharePoint 2013 farm > check "Import social information for your SharePoint farm".
  2. Execute the Social Updates job: Go to Administration > CardioLog Scheduling Service > Social Updates > Set the schedule type and then click OK.


  1. Click Restart Service to activate any changes.

Image Added
Portal Tree Updates -Service Schedule dialog

report scheduling
report scheduling
Report Scheduling

The Report Scheduling is responsible for automatically generating scheduled reports and distributing them through email.

To configure email settings for all purposes, see Mail Settings.

  1. In the Administration pane, click CardioLog Scheduling Service.
  2. Click Report Scheduling.
  3. Set the schedule type and then
click Next
  • Click Add to add an email address to the selected recipients list.
  • Click Save, and restart CardioLog Scheduling Service.
  • Report Scheduling -Service Parameters dialog


    Select Users and Groups E-mail Address dialog


    In versions lower than, to configure a secure SMTP server with a non-default port, or the CardioLog reports email sender and subject, edit the following keys in the [CardioLog Installation Folder]\CardioLogSchedulingService\Settings.config file in the <handlersParams> section:




















          <val><![CDATA[CardioLog Report]]></val>



    Note that the <handlerId> should be the CardioLogScheduler id in the <handlers> section: 


    Active Directory
    1. click OK.
    In the Service Parameters dialog, fill out the following fields:
    -      SMTP Mail Server - a full DNS name for the SMTP Server. Example: ""
    -      Port - the SMTP server port. The default port is 25.
    -      Use SSL - configure a secure SMTP server with a non-default port.
    -      SMTP User Name, SMTP Password - these are optional fields, for supplying credentials.
    -      Report Email subject - The email subject of the automated reports Emails sent to a predefined distribution list.
    -      Report Email sender - The email sender of the automated reports Emails sent to a predefined distribution list.
    -      System Administrator e-mail address - a recipients list of service error alerts. Click on Search to find email addresses.
    1. Click Restart Service to activate any changes.

    Image Added
    Report Scheduling - Service Schedule dialog

    active directory
    active directory
    User and Group Updates

    CardioLog provides the ability to segment authenticated visitors by their user names and the groups they belong to. The

    Active Directory

    User and Group Updates service component retrieves the list of users and groups


    from Active Directory, SharePoint or a custom source (designated web service).

    To configure users and group sources, see User and Group Management.

    1. In the Administration pane, click CardioLog Scheduling Service.
    Click Active Directory Updates
    1. Click User and Group Updates.
    2. Set the schedule type and then click 
  • Click Add to add the Active Directory to the selected Active Directories.
  • Select the Active Directory domain in the selected Active Directories box and click Test to test the connection to your domain.
  • If you want to add multiple domains, repeat steps 4-6 for each Active Directory domain and fill out the Domain Name field (use the NT domain name). If the CardioLog Scheduling Service account does not have permissions to read from the domain, fill out the credentials.
  • Click Save, and restart CardioLog Scheduling Service.
  • Active Directory Updates - Service Parameters dialog
    User Categories
    1. OK.
    In the Service Parameters dialog, fill out the following fields:
    -     Active Directory Connection String - The FQDN of the Active Directory domain. Example: ""
    Load from external Web service URL - this is an optional field, for loading users from a custom source (by a designated web service). For more information see the CardioLog Advanced Administration Guide
          By default it will be populated automatically with the default web service which loads users and groups from AD (http://<CardioLog server name>:<port>/ADTree/default.aspx).
    Active Directory Credentials - this is an optional field. 
          If the CardioLog Scheduling Service account is a member of your domain, there is no need to supply credentials.
    1. Click Restart Service to activate any changes.
    Image Added
    User and Group Updates - Service Schedule dialog

    user categories
    user categories
    User Category Updates

    CardioLog provides the ability to segment visitors by any custom category. The User


    Category Updates service component retrieves the list of custom categories from Active Directory attributes, SharePoint User profiles or a custom source (designated web service).

    To configure

    visitor segmentation by Active Directory attributes or by SharePoint user profiles, see the CardioLog Advanced Administration Guide

    user category sources, see User Category Management.

    1. In the Administration pane, click CardioLog Scheduling Service.
    2. Click User
    1. Category Updates.
    2. Set the schedule type and then click 
    1. OK.
    In the Service Parameters dialog, fill out the following fields:
    -     Categories Web Service URL
          Example: "http://<CardioLog server name>:<port>/VisitorSegments/SSPProfiles.aspx"
    -     Web Method Name - optional
    -     User Name - optional
    -     Password - optional
  • Click Save, and restart CardioLog Scheduling Service.
  • User Categories Updates - Service Parameters dialog
    1. Click Restart Service to activate any changes.
    Image Added
    User Category Updates - Service Schedule dialog

    SEO Analysis

    The SEO Analysis service

    runs SEO jobs which crawl

    crawls websites and generate reports automatically.

    Learn more...



    Social Updates


    For more information see SEO Reports - Configuration 

    1. In the Administration pane, click CardioLog Scheduling Service.
    2. Click SEO Analysis.
    3. Set the Service Schedule and then click OK.
    4. Click Restart Service to activate any changes.

    Image Added

    SEO Analysis - Service Schedule dialog


    Social Updates

    The Social Updates service imports social information from SharePoint 2013, Yammer and Sitrion.



    import social information


    from SharePoint 2013, see 



    social information

    Social Information for your SharePoint





    import social information


    from Yammer,

    see "

    see Yammer Integration




    import social information


    from Sitrion,

    see "

    see Sitrion Integration



    1. In the Administration pane, click CardioLog Scheduling Service.
    2. Click Social Updates.
    3. Set the schedule type and then click OK.
    4. Click Restart Service to activate any changes.

    Starting the CardioLog Scheduling Service

    1. Click on Start > Run > services.msc
    2. Open CardioLog Scheduling Service.
    3. In the CardioLog Scheduling Service properties window, click Start and then OK.


    If you have selected Windows Authentication as the authentication access mode for the CardioLog database (this was done in the Installation Wizard), then the CardioLog Scheduling Service login account must be assigned a db_owner role for the CardioLog database.

    Image Added

    Social Updates - Service Schedule dialog

    version upgrade
    version upgrade
    Version Maintenance

    The Version Maintenance service executes upgrade jobs (if any) after a version update. By default should be set to "Never" unless advised otherwise by Intlock Support after a version update.

    1. In the Administration pane, click CardioLog Scheduling Service.
    2. Click Version Maintenance.
    3. Set the schedule type and then click OK.
    4. Click Restart Service to activate any changes.

    Image Added

    Version Maintenance - Service Schedule dialog

    restart service
    restart service
    Restarting the CardioLog Scheduling Service

    1. In the Administration pane, click CardioLog Scheduling Service.
    2. Click Restart Service to activate any changes.