Versions Compared


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The CardioLog Diagnostics Service checks the status of the CardioLog Scheduling Service components, and can send sends error alerts via email. You can access the current status of the services through the navigation pane by clicking on Administration > System Diagnostics > Diagnostics Dashboard. By default, all CardioLog Scheduling Service components run daily at 12:00 AM, except Usage Data Processing which runs every hour on the hour, and the CardioLog Diagnostics Service which runs every day at 08:30 AM. For assistance in troubleshooting service errors, please open a new support ticket


cardiolog services
cardiolog services
CardioLog Services Log Files

Both the CardioLog Scheduling Service and the CardioLog Diagnostics Service write messages to log files. You can There are two ways to view the log files in two ways:

  • Locally on the CardioLog server in the service logs file path.
  • Remotely from via the navigation pane under Administration > System Diagnostics > System Diagnostics Dashboard. 

Viewing logs Log files can be performed accessed by a user with a local administrator account on the CardioLog application server and with a CardioLog Administrator role. The CardioLog log files are located in the [CardioLog Installation Folder]\CardioLogScheduleServices\Logs folder.

The following log files are created by default -:

  • CardioLog Scheduling Service - CardioLogServices.log
  • CardioLog Diagnostics Service - CardioLogSystemMonitoringServices CardioLogSystemMonitoringServices.log
  • Active Directory User and Group Updates - ADAgent.log
  • Portal Tree Updates - OMAgent.log
  • Usage Data Processing - Maintenance.log
  • Report Scheduling - CardioLogScheduler.log
  • User Categories Updates - CategoryAgent.log
  • SEO Analysis - SEO.log
  • Social Updates - SocialAgent.log
  • Version Maintenance - VersionMaintenance.log

These files are limited to 8MB each. 

In addition, CardioLog creates the following XML files -

  • Active Directory User and Groups Updates - ADTree.xml (contains the data about AD users and groups)
  • Portal Tree Updates - OMTreejob#.xml (contains the structure of the non-SharePoint websitewebsites)
  • User Categories Updates - Categories.xml (contains additional personal user data)

The XML files are not limited in size. When extended have no file size limit.

When extended logging is turned on for troubleshooting on for troubleshooting purposes, the following log files are created -:

  • ADTree web application (extended logging for Active Directory Updates) - ADXmlTree.log
  • SP20XXTree web application (extended logging for Portal Tree Updates for SharePoint 2007, 2010 and 2013) - SP20XXTree.log (XX - 07 for MOSS 2007, 10 for SharePoint 2010 and 13 for SharePoint 2013)
  • CardioLog Scheduling Service (extended logging for all service components, including Portal Tree Updates for SharePoint 2013 API method, SharePoint 2016 and SharePoint Online) - CardioLogServiceComponents.log
  • VisitorSegments web application (extended logging for User Categories Updates) - VisitorSegments.log
  • CardioLog web application (extended logging for the CardioLog user interface) - CardioLogUI.log

The extended log files have no file size limit. It is recommended to turn off extended logging when it is not needed and archive/delete these log files periodically.

cardiolog scheduling
cardiolog scheduling
CardioLog Scheduling Service



2. The CardioLog Scheduling Service is started but all the jobs fail. 
Error in the log file: "Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation".

Solution: Click here for more detailsSee the Configuration FAQ for more information.

cardiolog diagnostics
cardiolog diagnostics
CardioLog Diagnostics Service



1. Starting the service can fail  fail when SMTP is not configured.

Error in the log file: 
"Error: CardioLog Diagnostics Service failed to start. (Exception: SMTP mail server is not configured)".

Solution: Click here to See Report Scheduling to configure SMTP settings.

2. Sending email alerts can fail due to a SMTP connection problem.


Solution: Verify that the CardioLog Scheduling Service login account has all details completed and can connect to the SMTP server.

active directory
active directory


Users and Groups Updates

Log File - ADAgent.log:


Error in the log file:
"Error: Parameter Active Directory connection string is missing"

Solution: Click here to configure the See the Active Directory Updates service for more information.

2. Invalid parameters

Error in the log file:
"Error: Exception: There is no such object on the server."


Solution: Verify that the Active Directory connection string is in a FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name) format (corpeg. If you have defined specific organizational units to load from, verify that they exist in the expected location.

3. Insufficient permissions to read from Active Directory


Solution: Verify that the CardioLog Scheduling Service login account has read access to Active Directory. If you have supplied credentials, verify that they are valid (if  and correct. If the CardioLog Scheduling Service login account is in the same domain, there is no need to supply credentials).

4. Network errors

Errors in the log file:
"Error: Exception: The operation has timed out"


Solution: Make sure the FQDN name (Fully Qualified Domain Name) name you defined exists in the DNS. You also need to make sure that TCP port 389 is open to the domain controller, as your traffic might be getting blocked by the firewall.

"Error: A local error has occurred"

Solution: Click here for more details.

5. Database connection problem
Solution: Verify that

  • The CardioLog Scheduling Service login account can connect to the CardioLog database


  • and is assigned a db_owner role.
  • Your system has enough resources according to system requirements.
  • There is sufficient free space in the CardioLog database transaction log file and in the TEMP database transaction file.


Note: For more details turn details turn on extended logging for the ADTree web application and view the log file - ADXMLTree.log


1. Insufficient permissions to the SharePoint databases

Errors in the log file:

  • "Error: Cannot open database "SharePoint_Config" requested by the login. The login failed. Login failed for user [login user account]. SQL Server: [SQL server name], SQL Database: SharePoint_Config" 
  • "Error: Cannot open database "[Content database name]" requested by the login. The login failed. Login failed for user [login user account]. SQL Server: [SQL server name], SQL Database: [Content database name]"
  • "Error: The SELECT permission was denied on the object 'UserInfo', database '[Content database name]', schema 'dbo'. SQL Server:[SQL server name],, SQL Database: [Content database name]"


Solution: Verify that the CardioLog Scheduling Service login account has read access to all SharePoint configuration and content databases, and read access to the SharePoint TEMPLATE path: \\[SharePoint WFE server name]\C$\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\[XX]\TEMPLATE (12 - for MOSS 2007, 14 - for SharePoint 2010, 15 - for SharePoint 2013)

2. Insufficient resources

Error in the log file:

  • "Error : Exception: There is insufficient system memory to run this query."
  • "Error : Exception: Exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' was thrown."

Solution: Verify that your system has enough resources according to system requirements.

3. Network errors

Error in the log file:
"Error: 401 Not authorized"

Solution: Verify that the CardioLog user account has access to browse to the tree adaptor and sufficient read permissions on the server where the site tree is located.

4. Database connection problem 
Verify that:

  • The CardioLog Scheduling Service login account can connect to the CardioLog database and is assigned a db_owner role.
  • Your system has enough resources according to system requirements.
  • There is sufficient free space in the CardioLog database transaction log file and in the TEMP database transaction file.


Note: For more details turn details turn on extended logging for the SP20XXTree web application and view the log file -SP20XXTree.log  (XX - 07 for MOSS 2007, 10 for SharePoint 2010, 13 for SharePoint 2013)


Processing the usage data can fail due to database connection problem.

Solution: Verify that: the

  • The CardioLog Scheduling Service login account can connect to the CardioLog database and is assigned a db_owner role.
  • Your system has enough resources according to system requirements.
  • There is sufficient free space in the CardioLog database transaction log file and in the TEMP database transaction file. 

report scheduling
report scheduling
Report Scheduling


 Possible Faults

The Generation of reports on the CardioLog database can fail due to:

 1. Insufficient permissions


Errors in the log file:
"Error : Report Id: 060ad715-cd6e-4e02-9e3a-b94ab3f63d8f failed. Exception: The remote server returned an error: (500) Internal Server Error." 
"Error : Report Id: 3dc7a74d-3445-450a-ad43-405fd2ad1ce8 failed. Exception: The operation has timed out."

Solution: see Intlock's tips for efficient report creation or contact us.
In order to identify the report causing the problem, run the following query against the CardioLog database: 

select [name] from tab_virtual_tree

where EntityId='[the report id]'

 [the report id] - the report GUID from the error message in the log file. For instance: 060ad715-cd6e-4e02-9e3a-b94ab3f63d8f



// Loading user categories data from custom web service (to categories.xml)

Time : 11/23/2008 12:59:58 AM

Message : Loading from: http://CategoriesServer/UserCategoriesHR/categories.asmx/GetEmployees


// Loading user categories data from CardioLog database

Time : 11/23/2008 1:00:31 AM

Message : Creating category manager


// Comparing both repositories and updating CardioLog database

Time : 11/23/2008 1:00:32 AM

Message : Persisting


// Updating service last run time in CardioLog database

Time : 11/23/2008 1:00:40 AM

Message : Updating last run global setting


// Service finished successfully

Time : 11/23/2008 1:00:40 AM

Message : Persist finished.


// Adding new users to the CardioLog database

Time : 10/5/2008 12:58:47 AM

Message : User: 'Intlock\ronh' does not exist in the system - Adding.

 Possible Faults

Loading from the User Categories web service can fail due to:

 1. Timeout caused by a slow network

Solution:  Increase the web service timeout.
The categories User Categories web service timeout can be configured in the Web.config file.
Edit  Edit the <httpRuntime> element in the <system.web>section:
Execution . The Execution Timeout property - indicates the maximum number of seconds a request is allowed to attempt to execute before being automatically shut down by ASP.NET. The default timeout is 90 seconds.
Note - when : When using a custom user data web service, contact the web service developer to increase the user categories web service timeout. 


Time : 28/11/2012 00:00:00
Message : Start SEO Analysis
Time : 28/11/2012 00:00:00
Message : Getting scheduled jobs
Time : 28/11/2012 00:00:00
Message : Start crawling ''
Time : 28/11/2012 00:02:42
Message : Crawling '' finished successfully.
Time : 28/11/2012 00:02:42
Message : Updating last run global setting
Time : 28/11/2012 00:02:42
Message : End SEO Analysis

 Possible Faults

Crawling a website can fail due to:

1. Insufficient permissions to browse the website

Solution: set credentials Set sufficient permissions for the SEO crawl.

2.   Reading and writing the user data to the CardioLog database can fail due to insufficient permissions database connection problems. 


Note: In order to troubleshoot issues during the crawl process, turn on extended logging for the CardioLog web application, execute the crawl immediately via the CardioLog UI and view the log file - CardioLogUI.log.


In order to turn on message logging to trace the CardioLog service components, add the "Verbose,Message" switch to the "logType" key in the component configuration file -

<add key="logType" value="Verbose,Message,Warning,Error" />

In order to turn off message logging for the CardioLog service components, remove the "Verbose,Message" switch from the "logType" key in the component configuration file -


Configuration Files

  • ADTree web  - Web application (extended logging for Active Directory Updates, creates the ADXmlTree.log file) - [CardioLog Installation Folder]\ADTree\web.config
  • SP20XXTree web  - Web application (extended logging for Portal Tree Updates, creates the SP20XXTree.log file) - [CardioLog Installation Folder]\SP20XXTree\web.config  (XX - 07 for MOSS 2007, 10 for SharePoint 2010, 13 for SharePoint 2013)
  • CardioLog Scheduling Service (extended logging for all service components, creates including Portal Tree Updates for SharePoint 2013 API method, SharePoint 2016 and SharePoint Online, creates the CardioLogServiceComponents.log file) - [CardioLog Installation Folder]\CardioLogScheduleServices\CardioLog.Services.exe.config
  • VisitorSegments web  - Web application (extended logging for User Categories Updates, creates the VisitorSegments.log file) - [CardioLog Installation Folder]\VisitorSegments\web.config
  • CardioLog web  - Web application (extended logging for the CardioLog UI, creates the CardioLogUI.log file) - [CardioLog Installation Folder]\CardioLog\web.config