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Exchange Online | User Adoption

Active Users Rate

This visual indicates the ratio of active users who sent or read at least one email to those who haven't, during the selected date range.

Recipients per Email

The average number of recipients per email.

User Adoption

This visual contains a line chart that details the number of active users as well as a line chart that details the number of inactive users, over the currently selected date range. You can hover your cursor over any point in the chart to highlight the number of users at that point.

Active Users

The number of users who sent or read at least one email in the selected date range.

Inactive Users

The number of users who did not send or read any email in the selected date range.

Active Users by Username

This table visual includes the following columns:

  • Username  - The name of the user.
  • Emails Sent - The number of emails the user sent.
  • Emails Received - The number of emails the user received.
  • Emails Read - The number of emails the user read.
  • Mailbox Size - The size of the user mailbox in MB.
  • Last Activity Date - The date the user mailbox had an email send or read activity.


Top Distribution Lists

This bar chart includes a breakdown of the top distribution lists ranked by the number of emails sent and received. You can click on the relevant bar to filter all other visuals in the report by a specific distribution list.


Top Senders

This bar chart includes a breakdown of the top email senders ranked by the number of emails they've sent.

Filters: Date, Office, Department