Versions Compared


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  • This line was removed.
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  • CardioLog Scheduling Service - CardioLogServices.log
  • CardioLog Diagnostics Service - CardioLogSystemMonitoringServices.log
  • Active Directory User and Group Updates - ADAgent.log
  • Portal Tree Updates - OMAgent.log
  • Usage Data Processing - Maintenance.log
  • Report Scheduling - CardioLogScheduler.log
  • User Categories Updates - CategoryAgent.log
  • SEO Analysis - SEO.log
  • Social Updates - SocialAgent.log
  • Version Maintenance - VersionMaintenance.log

These files are limited to 8MB each. 

In addition, CardioLog creates the following XML files -

  • Active Directory User and Groups Updates - ADTree.xml (contains the data about AD users and groups)
  • Portal Tree Updates - OMTreejob#.xml (contains the structure of the non-SharePoint websitewebsites)
  • User Categories Updates - Categories.xml (contains additional personal user data)


  • ADTree web application (extended logging for Active Directory Updates) - ADXmlTree.log
  • SP20XXTree web application (extended logging for Portal Tree Updates for SharePoint 2007, 2010 and 2013) - SP20XXTree.log (XX - 07 for MOSS 2007, 10 for SharePoint 2010 and 13 for SharePoint 2013)
  • CardioLog Scheduling Service (extended logging for all service components, including Portal Tree Updates for SharePoint 2013 API method, SharePoint 2016 and SharePoint Online) - CardioLogServiceComponents.log
  • VisitorSegments web application (extended logging for User Categories Updates) - VisitorSegments.log
  • CardioLog web application (extended logging for the CardioLog user interface) - CardioLogUI.log

The extended log files have no file size limit. It is recommended to turn off extended logging when it is not needed and archive/delete these log files periodically.

cardiolog scheduling
cardiolog scheduling
CardioLog Scheduling Service


Solution: Verify that the CardioLog Scheduling Service login account has all details completed and can connect to the SMTP server.

active directory
active directory


Users and Groups Updates

Log File - ADAgent.log:


Processing the usage data can fail due to database connection problem.

Solution: Verify that: the

report scheduling
report scheduling
Report Scheduling


 Possible Faults

The Generation of reports on the CardioLog database can fail due to:

 1. Insufficient permissions


Errors in the log file:
"Error : Report Id: 060ad715-cd6e-4e02-9e3a-b94ab3f63d8f failed. Exception: The remote server returned an error: (500) Internal Server Error." 
"Error : Report Id: 3dc7a74d-3445-450a-ad43-405fd2ad1ce8 failed. Exception: The operation has timed out."

Solution: see Intlock's tips for efficient report creation or contact us.
In order to identify the report causing the problem, run the following query against the CardioLog database: 

select [name] from tab_virtual_tree

where EntityId='[the report id]'

 [the report id] - the report GUID from the error message in the log file. For instance: 060ad715-cd6e-4e02-9e3a-b94ab3f63d8f



// Loading user categories data from custom web service (to categories.xml)

Time : 11/23/2008 12:59:58 AM

Message : Loading from: http://CategoriesServer/UserCategoriesHR/categories.asmx/GetEmployees


// Loading user categories data from CardioLog database

Time : 11/23/2008 1:00:31 AM

Message : Creating category manager


// Comparing both repositories and updating CardioLog database

Time : 11/23/2008 1:00:32 AM

Message : Persisting


// Updating service last run time in CardioLog database

Time : 11/23/2008 1:00:40 AM

Message : Updating last run global setting


// Service finished successfully

Time : 11/23/2008 1:00:40 AM

Message : Persist finished.


// Adding new users to the CardioLog database

Time : 10/5/2008 12:58:47 AM

Message : User: 'Intlock\ronh' does not exist in the system - Adding.

 Possible Faults

Loading from the User Categories web service can fail due to:

 1. Timeout caused by a slow network

Solution:  Increase the web service timeout.
The categories User Categories web service timeout can be configured in the Web.config file.
Edit  Edit the <httpRuntime> element in the <system.web>section:
Execution . The Execution Timeout property - indicates the maximum number of seconds a request is allowed to attempt to execute before being automatically shut down by ASP.NET. The default timeout is 90 seconds.
Note - when : When using a custom user data web service, contact the web service developer to increase the user categories web service timeout. 


Time : 28/11/2012 00:00:00
Message : Start SEO Analysis
Time : 28/11/2012 00:00:00
Message : Getting scheduled jobs
Time : 28/11/2012 00:00:00
Message : Start crawling ''
Time : 28/11/2012 00:02:42
Message : Crawling '' finished successfully.
Time : 28/11/2012 00:02:42
Message : Updating last run global setting
Time : 28/11/2012 00:02:42
Message : End SEO Analysis

 Possible Faults

Crawling a website can fail due to:

1. Insufficient permissions to browse the website

Solution: set credentials Set sufficient permissions for the SEO crawl.

2.   Reading and writing the user data to the CardioLog database can fail due to insufficient permissions database connection problems. 


Note: In order to troubleshoot issues during the crawl process, turn on extended logging for the CardioLog web application, execute the crawl immediately via the CardioLog UI and view the log file - CardioLogUI.log.


In order to turn on message logging to trace the CardioLog service components, add the "Verbose,Message" switch to the "logType" key in the component configuration file -

<add key="logType" value="Verbose,Message,Warning,Error" />

In order to turn off message logging for the CardioLog service components, remove the "Verbose,Message" switch from the "logType" key in the component configuration file -


Configuration Files

  • ADTree web  - Web application (extended logging for Active Directory Updates, creates the ADXmlTree.log file) - [CardioLog Installation Folder]\ADTree\web.config
  • SP20XXTree web  - Web application (extended logging for Portal Tree Updates, creates the SP20XXTree.log file) - [CardioLog Installation Folder]\SP20XXTree\web.config  (XX - 07 for MOSS 2007, 10 for SharePoint 2010, 13 for SharePoint 2013)
  • CardioLog Scheduling Service (extended logging for all service components, creates including Portal Tree Updates for SharePoint 2013 API method, SharePoint 2016 and SharePoint Online, creates the CardioLogServiceComponents.log file) - [CardioLog Installation Folder]\CardioLogScheduleServices\CardioLog.Services.exe.config
  • VisitorSegments web  - Web application (extended logging for User Categories Updates, creates the VisitorSegments.log file) - [CardioLog Installation Folder]\VisitorSegments\web.config
  • CardioLog web  - Web application (extended logging for the CardioLog UI, creates the CardioLogUI.log file) - [CardioLog Installation Folder]\CardioLog\web.config