Page History
- Influential Users and Followers - Find out who has the largest audience in Yammer, and who is following them.
- Praised Users and Praisers - Identify the users that receive the most praise for their contributions, along with who's praising them.
- Top Praisers - Identify who's giving the praise to specific Yammer users.
- User Adoption - Track user and group active participation over time.
- Total Users - Keep track of all Yammer users, whether they're active or inactive.
- Active Users - Determine how many users participate and contribute content in your Yammer network.
- User Activity - Identify the most active users in your Yammer network based on the number of posts, replies, likes, shares, and attachments they contribute.
- Inactive Users - Determine how many users in your Yammer network have not interacted with their peers or posted content.
- Posts - Identify the total number of public posts within your Yammer platform.
- Likes - Display the total number of likes users in your Yammer platform have added.
- Influential Content - Find the content that is most frequently followed and shared, based on the number of followers and shares each item has acquired.
- Content Contributions - Display the total number of attachments uploaded by users in your Yammer network. Attachments can be any kind of document or media file.
Note - Performing detailed analysis of the Yammer network activity requires configuration. For more information see "Yammer Integration".
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