The PII Detection report for Teams utilizes advanced AI features like natural language processing (NLP) to analyze content within Microsoft Teams and identify personally identifiable information (PII).

This functionality enables organizations to effectively manage data risks, strengthen security controls, ensure compliance with data protection regulations, and respond efficiently to any security incidents or breaches involving PII.

Teams |  PII Detection

PII Detections

The number of times personally identifiable information (PII) was shared in Teams channel messages.

Teams with PII Detections

The number of teams containing messages with personally identifiable information (PII).

Channels with PII Detections

The number of team channels containing messages with personally identifiable information (PII).

Teams with PII Detections by Category

This bar chart displays the top teams ranked by the number of PII detections by category (personal, technical security, financial, national).

PII Detections by Category

This chart includes a breakdown of PII violations in each category (personal, technical security, financial, national).

PII Detections by Entity Type

This chart includes a breakdown of PII violations by entity types (username, credit card number, IP address etc.).

Messages with PII Detections

This table visual displays the top messages ranked by the number of PII detections. It includes the following columns:

Filters: PII Entity, PII Category, Team, Channel, Date


Note: The PII Detection report for Microsoft Teams requires an additional license and is not included out-of-the-box.