The Cross Platform Visitor Journey report provides a comprehensive visual representation of your users' navigation paths, not only within SharePoint but across multiple platforms. This report tracks how users arrive at SharePoint from various sources such as email campaigns, Viva Engage or Teams. By selecting specific nodes in the visual, you can explore the detailed steps users take across platforms as they move toward their goals.

Navigation | Cross Platform Visitor Journey


Cross Platform User Journey Decomposition Tree

This decomposition tree visual displays the visitor journey across various platforms, enabling you to drill down into any step to see where users navigated next. Hover over each step to view the number of times users reached that point.

Source Platform 

Identifies the initial platform where the user's journey began, such as an email campaign, Teams message, or Viva Engage post.


Provides details about the specific source that led the user to SharePoint, such as the particular email campaign, Teams message or Viva Engage post that was interacted with.

Destination Platform

Indicates the platform where the user lands, whether it's SharePoint or another non-SharePoint website tracked by CardioLog Analytics.

Landing Page

The first page in SharePoint or another tracked website where the user lands after arriving from the source platform.


Represents the sequential navigation through links and pages within SharePoint, showing how users progress through the portal after landing from the source platform.