The Usage Overview report is designed to give a high-level overview of how the portal is being used. It contains several visuals, ready to be quickly filtered by time by using the date slider, or by page or Portal Tree level using the Portal Tree Filter. Additionally, each of the graph visuals can easily be drilled down simply by clicking on the relevant data point. All visuals in the report will respond accordingly to any drill down or filter.
This widget identifies the total number of pageviews by all users within the selected time range. The line graph in the background indicates trends in pageviews over time.
This widget identifies the total number of unique users who have visited your site within the selected time range. The line graph in the background indicates trends in the volume of users over time.
This is the average time spent on viewing each page by any user, measured in minutes. The line graph in the background indicates trends in the viewing duration over time.
The content widget is comprised of two main charts. The bar chart compares the total number of pageviews to the total number of users for both the complete portal collection and a secondary selection.
The table includes the following columns:
The adoption widget is comprised of two main charts. The pie chart is a summary of all known users who have viewed your site in the selected time range, compared to the total number of known users who have not viewed a single page during the same time. The column chart includes a breakdown of how many users have visited your portal according to their department.
The adoption widget is comprised of two main charts. The pie chart is a summary of all searches made in the selected time range, comparing failed searches to successful ones. A failed search is when a visitor searches for a phrase and the number of results returned is below a set threshold. The column chart includes a comparison of the most popular search terms.
Use this filter to navigate through your portal and simply check the box next to any page or level to review information for exclusively that selection. Your selections in the portal tree filter within this report page will synchronize across other report pages as well.
Use the top bar to filter the report by a specific SharePoint content type such as sites, documents etc.
Use the date slider to quickly change the start or end date that you would like review information for. If you'd like to choose a specific date, click either the start or end date and manually select it using the calendar popup. Your selections within this report page will synchronize across other report pages as well.
Use the top right Page Type drop down to filter the report by SharePoint Online news pages.
The filter options are:
SharePoint Online Page Type Filter
Turn this toggle on to filter the report by a specific SharePoint Online Hub site and see cumulative analytics for all sites in the selected hub.
SharePoint Online Hub Sites Filter
CardioLog Analytics tracks SharePoint usage when accessed through Microsoft Teams via Viva Connections.
To analyze user activity within Microsoft Teams (both web and desktop applications), edit the report and apply a page level filter:
This will help identify users accessing SharePoint through Teams and provide insights into their engagement.