This report presents a table listing the most popular content, based on the cumulative number of followers, likes and comments.


Most Popular Content Table Widget


Available Report Widgets


Table Widget

The Most Popular Content table widget contains the following columns:

  • Title - The name or URL or a document or page
  • Followers - The cumulative number of users who follow a content item or webpage through the selected time frame
  • Likes - The cumulative number of likes counted through the selected time frame
  • Comments - The cumulative number of comments on the content item counted through the selected time frame
  • Replies - The cumulative number of replies to comments on the content item counted through the selected time frame

In the widget's Advanced preferences, you may choose to include only one specific Item type. The item types available are:

  • Blogs
  • Community Sites
  • Comments
  • Discussions
  • Documents
  • List Items
  • Microblog Post
  • Microblog Comment
  • Publishing Sites
  • Search Centers
  • Sites
  • Record Centers 
  • Reply
  • Web Pages
  • Wikis
  • WIki Pages

  • No labels