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CardioLog provides advanced visitor segmentation capabilities by integrating personal user data into reports.

Retrieval of additional user information, such as department, gender, and other profile data is performed by the User Categories Updates service, which retrieves the data from Active Directory attributes or SharePoint User Profiles by default. The User Categories Updates service can also retrieve the data from a custom source, using a separate web service that supplies the user information.


Configuring Visitor Segmentation by Active Directory Attributes

In order to retrieve additional user information such as department, gender, title or any other category available from Active Directory attributes, perform the following steps:

1. Edit the following keys in the [CardioLog Installation Folder]\VisitorSegments\web.config file, located in the <appSettings> section -

<add key="adConnStr" value="[Active Directory FQDN]" />

<add key="delimiter" value="[delimiter]" />

<add key="attributeNames" value="[a delimiter separated list of attributes associated with the user]" />

[adConnStrvalue should show the fully qualified domain name (ex: "") 
To retrieve your domain name, open Administrative Tools Active Directory Users and Computers

[delimiter] - a delimiter for attribute names.

[attributeNames] - a list (delimiter separated) of user attributes which should be imported into CardioLog Analytics.
To view the available user attributes: open ADSIEdit and connect to your domain. Right click and select Properties on a user object to see its list of attributes.

2. Add visitor segmentation by Active Directory attributes to the User Categories Updates service:

  1. From the navigation pane in CardioLog go to Administration CardioLog Scheduling Service User Categories Updates.
  2. Set the service Scheduling Type to Daily at 00:00.
  3. Click OK.
  4. From the Administration navigation pane, select System Configuration, and then select User Categories Management from the main window. 
  5. Click on the user category you would like to edit.
  6. Enter the VisitorSegments web application URL in the URL field as follows (Enter your CardioLog server name and port):

    http://[CardioLog server name]:[port]/VisitorSegments/ADCategories.aspx
  • Click Save and restart the CardioLog Scheduling Service.
  • Perform IISRESET on the CardioLog application server.
  • After the next run of the User Categories Updates service, your Active Directory attributes will be added to the Visitor Segments filter of each report, under User Categories.
  • You can modify how the attribute names will be displayed in the Visitor Segments filter from the CardioLog database: Edit the tab_category_categories table and modify the Category_DisplayName column.

Note: The User Categories filter can only be applied once the User Categories Updates is configured, not retroactively. In order to map usage data history to user categories please contact us.

Configuring Visitor Segmentation by SharePoint User Profiles

In order to retrieve additional user information such as department, gender, title or any other category available from Active Directory attributes, perform the following steps:

1. Edit the following keys in the [CardioLog Installation Folder]\VisitorSegments\web.config file, located in the <appSettings> section -

<add key="sspDBConn" value="Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=False;Initial Catalog=[Profile_DB];Data Source=[SQL_Instance]"/>

<add key="sspDelimiter" value="[delimiter]" />

<add key="sspPropertyNames" value="[a delimiter separated list of attributes associated with the user]"/>

[sspDBConn- a list (delimiter separated) of connection strings for the desired SharePoint User Profile Service database.

[sspDelimiter] - a delimiter for property names (sspPropertyNames) and database connection strings (sspDBConn). Delimiter for sspDBConn and sspPropertyNames.

[sspPropertyNames] - a list (delimiter separated) of user properties which should be imported into CardioLog Analytics.

To view the available user property names go to SharePoint Central Administration > Shared Service Administration > User Profiles and Properties > View Profile Properties.
To retrieve the property name, click the desired property and select Edit > Name field.
You can also view the raw property names directly in the Shared Services database > table PropertyList > column PropertyName.

2. Add visitor segmentation by SharePoint User Profiles to the User Categories Updates service:

  1. From the navigation pane in CardioLog go to Administration CardioLog Scheduling Service User Categories Updates.
  2. Set the service Scheduling Type to Daily at 00:00.
  3. Click OK.
  4. From the Administration navigation pane, select System Configuration, and then select User Categories Management from the main window. 
  5. Click on the user category you would like to edit.
  6. Enter the VisitorSegments web application URL in the URL field as follows  (Enter your CardioLog server name and port):

    http://[CardioLog server name]:[port]/VisitorSegments/SSPProfiles.aspx

  7. Click Save and restart the CardioLog Scheduling Service.
  8. Perform IISRESET on the CardioLog application server.
  9. After the next run of the User Categories Updates service, your SharePoint User Profile properties will be added to the Visitor Segments filter of each report, under User Categories.
  10. You can modify how the attribute names will be displayed in the Visitor Segments filter in the CardioLog database: Edit the tab_category_categories table and modify the Category_DisplayName column.

Note: The User Categories filter can only be applied once the User Categories Updates is configured, not retroactively. In order to map usage data history to user categories please contact us.

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