Use the Exchange Online Mailbox Usage report to view information about active and inactive mailboxes including storage used, number of attachments and last activity date (send or read activity). This report contains several visuals, ready to be quickly filtered by date, department and office.

Exchange Online | Mailbox Usage

Emails with Attachments Rate

This visual indicates the ratio of emails with attachments to those without, during the selected date range.

Inactive Mailboxes Rate

This visual indicates the rate of inactive mailboxes which had no send or read activity during the selected date range.

Storage Used

The overall storage used (MB) in Exchange Online by active and inactive mailboxes in the selected date range. You can hover your cursor over any point in the line chart to highlight the storage used at that point.

Top Mailboxes

This table visual includes the following columns:

  • Mailbox - The name of the user.
  • Emails Sent - The number of emails the user sent.
  • Emails Received - The number of emails the user received.
  • Attachments - The number of attachments.
  • Mailbox Size - The size of the user mailbox in MB.
  • Last Activity Date - The date the user mailbox had an email send or read activity.

Inactive Mailboxes

This table visual includes the following columns:

  • Mailbox - The name of the user.
  • Emails Sent - The number of emails the user sent.
  • Attachments - The number of attachments.
  • Mailbox Size - The size of the user mailbox in MB.
  • Last Activity Date - The date the user mailbox had an email send or read activity.

Filters: Date, Department, Office

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