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  1. A website visitor ID is saved in Dynamics CRM with other form submission fields. This ID (called CardioLog ID) is used to map CRM entities to specific website visitors, including Lead, Opportunity, Contact and Customer.
  2. In Dynamics CRM, one can view the web analytic reports for a single entity (ie., web visitor) through an embedded iFrame or by clicking a direct link to CardioLog reports.
  3. In Dynamics CRM, a "status update" event is logged in CardioLog when an entity status changes. The update is then made available within analytic reports for the entity (ie., web visitor).
  4. Dynamics CRM entity fields are automatically imported into CardioLog, and can be used to filter reports using visitor segments.
  5. In Dynamics CRM, a "behavioral scoring" field is added to entities, and is automatically populated by CardioLog (based on according to the visitor's web activity).

Note: Adding customer CRM entities requires customization.


This custom Dynamics CRM Solution is implemented through the CRM UI, and application UI. The solution creates the following entity fields:

  1. CardioLog ID - used Used to map CRM entities (Lead, Opportunity, Contact and Customer) to specific website visitors.
    1. The customer is responsible for
  2. populating this field when
    1. importing form data from
  3. his
    1. their website to complete this fieldFor example, if the client's web site has a "Contact Us" form and this form sends the data to Dynamics CRM, we assume that the CardioLog ID is stored in Dynamics CRM as well.
    2. The CardioLog ID is populated for the original entity (lead) that was browsing the website.
    3. The CardioLog ID can be retrieved from the client side (browser cookie named "userid") or from the server side (Request.Cookies["userid"])
  4. CardioLogGroupID CardioLogGroupID when When qualifying a lead, any entity generated in the process (including account, contact and opportunity) will have its CardioLogGroupID field populated with the CardioLogID of the original lead. This field can be imported into CardioLog and used in report filtering.
  5. CardioLog Score Score - score  Score for a single CRM entity. Updated by CardioLog's CRM Updates service.
  6. CardioLog Report -  web analytic Web analytics report for a single CRM entity.


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The CardioLog Report iFrame 

Installing the SharePoint Marketing Suite - Dynamics CRM Solution:

  1. Download the solution file from from our site here.
  2. Open Dynamics CRM > and go to the Settings tab > Solutions > Import > and select the solution zip file (
  3. Reload the Dynamics CRM main page
  4. Under SharePoint Marketing Suite, click Configuration and add the following 3 fields:
    1. Name = Cardiolog.API.URL, Value = http://[CardioLog App]/cardiologapi/events.asmx/SendEvent?param1=&param2=&useragent=&clientip
      The CardioLog SendEvent web service URL. Edit the CardioLog application server name.
