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Table of Contents

clientside api
clientside api
CardioLog Client-Side API


  • Event Type - Required. The event type title (eg., 'Visit' or custom event types).
  • Event Title - Required. This can be any text that represents the event or action. We recommend defining a unique prefix for each logical group of objects for streamlined reports. This string is limited to 1000 characters.
  • Param 1 - Optional. Used to store additional information about the event, typically for custom event types. This string is limited to 1000 characters. Built-in events reserve this string for the system.
  • Param 2 - Optional. Used to store additional information about the event, typically for custom event types. This string is limited to 50 characters. Built-in events reserve this string for the system.



  • When calling the "SendEvent" function within a different frame from where it is defined, make sure to reference the frame object containing it. For example, by using parent.document.__Page.SendEvent().
  • In order to capture a click on a banner that links to an external site, make a call to the CardioLog SendEvent function before redirecting the user to the external destination page. 


  1. Send a click event on a DOWNLOAD button:
    Image Removed main page DOWNLOAD button


    <input type="button" value="DOWNLOAD" onclick="document.__Page.SendEvent('Visit', 'Main Page Buttons > DOWNLOAD');" />


    Image Added main page DOWNLOAD button

    In this example, when a user clicks on the DOWNLOAD button CardioLog will send an event of type 'Visit' to the server, specifying which button has been clicked by the user (ie., 'Main Page Buttons > DOWNLOAD'). We recommend defining a unique prefix for each group of UI components that will be displayed in reports (in this case, 'Main Page Buttons').

    To see how many times the button was clicked, use the Events report (chart or table), and type 'Main Page Buttons' in the Website Item field.
    To see who clicked on the button, use the Visitors by Events report (chart or table), and type 'Main Page Buttons' in the Website Item field.

  2. Send a click event on a banner that links to an external site:Image Removed main page Intlock logo


    <a href="http://www.intlock.comonclick="document.__Page.SendEvent('Visit', 'Banners > Intlock Website');"><img src="intlock_logo.gif"></a>

    Image Added main page Intlock logo

    In this example, when a user clicks on the banner CardioLog will send an event of type "Visit" to the server, specifying which banner has been clicked by the user before redirecting to "" (ie., "Banners > Intlock website"). We recommend defining a unique prefix for each group of UI components that will be displayed in reports (in this case, "Banners").

    To see how many times the banner was clicked, use the Events report (chart or table), and type 'Banners' in the Website Item field.
    To see who clicked on the banner, use the Visitors by Events report (chart or table), and type 'Banners' in the Website Item field.

    Note: CardioLog automatically tracks outbound links from SharePoint sites to external destinations. To see how many times your links were clicked, use the External Destinations report.


  • Goal ID - Required. Goals are created in CardioLog under Settings > Goals. After creating a goal, the Goal ID can be found in the ID column.

    Settings - Goals  


Code Sample


  1. Send a goal event on a Register to a Webinar button:
    Image Removed main page REGISTER NOW button

    Create the goal, and make a call to the CardioLog SendGoal function with the proper Goal ID.


    <input type="button" value="REGISTER NOW " onclick="document.__Page.SendGoal(1);" />

    Image Added main page REGISTER NOW button

    To monitor your goal progress, use the Goal reports, and select the relevant goal in the Visitor Segments > Goal filter of the widget preferences.

    Visitor Segments > Goal 


The CardioLog Client-Side API supports identifying and monitoring external locations. You can use the _referrer parameter whenever you publish a link to your monitored environment and you wish to track the source of the referring page.

This is most commonly used in email or social media. For example, if you have included an internal link in a promotional email add the __referrer parameter to track the number of users who visited your site via this link. Define a unique referrer name that will be displayed in reports, such as __referrer=email_promotion_Dec_2016 in order to display the link accordingly:





How many visitors arrived on my page through my email campaign? To see how many visitors arrived on your page through your email campaign, use the Extended Tracking API reportthe Internal Traffic Sources report, and select the relevant page in the Website Item URL field.


By using the CardioLog Server-Side API, CardioLogAPI /CardioLogAPI/Events.asmx web service, and the SendEvent method, you can send viewduration and search events, custom events, and track the URL of the referrer page.

sendevent method
sendevent method
The SendEvent Method

The SendEvent method in the /CardioLogAPI/Events.asmx web service accepts the following parameters:

  • UserName - Optional. The user associated with the event. If not passed, the method will use the current user credentials.
  • SessionID - Required. The unique session ID associated with the event.
  • Event Type - Required. The event type ID number
  • URL - Required. The URL of the page where the event occurred.
  • UserAgent - Optional. The user details including browser type and OS version.
  • ClientIP - Optional. The user IP address.
  • Param1 - Optional. Used to store additional information about the event, typically for custom event types. This string is limited to 1000 characters. Built-in events reserve this string for the system. For example, in a "Visit" event it stores the referrer information; in a "Search" event it stores the search term.
  • Param2 - Optional. Used to store additional information about the event, typically for custom event types. This string is limited to 50 characters. Built-in events reserve this string for the system. For example, in a "Search" event it is used to store the number of results.

After the event is sent, the web service XML response will include the event identifier for future use, which you can later use to send events related to this event accordingly:






 <status id='0'>OK</status>


 <event id='211022'/>





 In case of an error, the XML response will include the error description:




 <status id='-1'>Invalid Path</status>





event types
event types
Event Types

The SendEvent method supports four event types. The ID number is used in the Server-Side API. The Event Type Title is used in the Client-Side API.

View - Individual page request, or element clicked

To set the page referrer, use the following optional parameters to track the source of the page:

Param1 -The related view event ID or a string representing referrer types such as navigation toolbars, campaigns, banners, etc.

Param2 -The referrer page URL

Referrer pages can be retrieved in CardioLog with the "Navigation" visual controls.

Duration - Time spent on a page or element (in seconds).

  1. Event Type ID - 1
  2. Event Type Title - "Leave"
  3. URL - The related view event URL.
  4. Param1 - Duration in seconds.
  5. Param2 - The related view event ID.

Search - Onsite (internal) search

Search events can be viewed in CardioLog in the Onsite Searches report, popular search terms are displayed in the Onsite Search Phrases report.

Search Result Click -

custom event types
custom event types
Creating Custom Event Types


1. Add the custom event type to the CardioLog database by executing the following query against the CardioLog database:


INSERT INTO tab_event_type(id,description)

VALUES(100, 'Item-Sold')


ID - must be 100 or higher
Description - event type title

2. Add the custom event type to the CardioLog tracking agent events array - edit the __eEvents array and add the custom event type in:

For MOSS 2007 only:
[CardioLog installation directory]\CardioLogAgent\MOSS2007_1.2.js

For SharePoint 2010 only:
[CardioLog installation directory]\CardioLogAgent\SP2010_1.2.js

For SharePoint 2013 only:
[CardioLog installation directory]\CardioLogAgent\SP2013_1.2.js

Note: If you have implemented the Tracking Agent using the CardioLog Analytics SharePoint Feature on your WFE (Web Front End), edit the __eEvents array and add the custom event type accordingly:

For MOSS 2007 only:
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\12\TEMPLATE\LAYOUTS\CardioLogAgent\MOSS2007_1.2.js

For SharePoint 2010 only:
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\14\TEMPLATE\LAYOUTS\CardioLogAgent\SP2010_1.2.js

For SharePoint 2013 only:
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\14\TEMPLATE\LAYOUTS\CardioLogAgent\SP2013_1.2.js



__eEvents = {
Visit: { id: 0, name: "Visit" },
Leave: { id: 1, name: "Leave" },
Search: { id: 2, name: "Search" },
SearchResultItem: { id: 4, name: "SearchResultItem" },
SearchResultClick: { id: 5, name: "SearchResultClick" },
External: { id: 10, name: "External" },
Goal: { id: 20, name: "Goal" },
"Goal-Test": { id: 21, name: "Goal-Test" },
Test: { id: 22, name: "Test" },
Score: { id: 23, name: "Score" },
Ping: { id: 24, name: "Ping" },
Item-Sold: { id: 100, name: "Item-Sold" },
Unknown: { id: -1, name: "Unknown" }


3. Implement the call to the SendEvent function when an item is sold (using our 
Client-Side API or Server-Side API).

4. Create a custom report to display the number of items sold using the CardioLog SDK.


#rest api
#rest api


The full JSON request format is as follows:

    "events": {
      "event": [
          "u": "",
          "X": "|referral||/about/||",
          "et": 0,
          "RI": 564940
          "X": "1",
          "Y": "7",
          "et": 23,
          "RI": 0
    "browserType": "Apple-iPhone5C2/1001.525",
    "sessionid": "861529144.325047542",
    "un": "INTLOCK\\tomj"



The default API URL for a SharePoint site is:
