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This is the total number of on-site searches performed by users during the currently selected time period.

Number of Users

 This is the total number of unique users who performed at least one search during the currently selected time period.

Average Number of Results

This is the average amount of results that were found and returned to the user during all on-site searches.

Average Search Result Position

This is the average average position of the last link a user clicks to exit a search results page.

Result Clicks Out of Searches

Searches Breakdown

This is the percentage of links clicked out of all links returned during on-site searches. 

Search Breakdown

This column chart describes 

Total Successful vs. Failed Searches

This doughnut chart shows a comparison of all searches that returned at least one link (successful), to all searches that returned zero results (failed).

Successful vs. Failed Searches Over Time

This line chart compares all searches that returned at least one link (successful), to all searches that returned zero results (failed) over the selected time period. This chart can help identify if visitors find what they search for, or if changes in the website have affected user ability to search effectively. 

Search Phrases

This word cloud contains a group of popular phrases that users searched for. The larger a word is, the more often users included it in their search terms. You can click on any term to filter the rest of the report to reflect the data associated with that term.

Percent of Failed Searches by Date

This line chart displays trends in searches that returned zero results over the selected time period.

Average Search Result Position by Date

This line chart displays trends in the link position that users click within each list of search results over the selected time period.

Filters: Quarter, Month