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Using the voice of customer capabilities provided by CardioLog Analytics you can create online surveys for all visitors or specific target segments to learn more about your users in real time.
  • Create surveys based on either single answer, write-in answer, multiple choice or required input fields, and create dynamic responses based on the answers provided.
  • Deliver a defined surveys to specific visitor segments.
  • Direct your visitors to further action, depending on their survey response.

In the main Surveys window under Visitor Engagement, you can view the status of each survey and filter surveys by status (active / inactive), by type (initial / consecutive) and by visitor segment.

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main user interface
Survey sample

Main Window


create survey add personal user details survey add images survey create multipage survey to display survey search results page when no results are found edit survey delete survey copy survey view survey reports export survey reports webpart erase survey reports

create survey
create survey
How to


Create a



  1. In the Surveys main window click Add Survey from the upper right hand corner of the main window, and you will be presented with a list of options.

    Image Modified
    New Survey Dialog
 In the

  1. The General Details dialog
, enter
  1. requires a basic set of information about the survey
    1. Enter Survey Name.
    2. Decide Where should this survey appear? and select the
website item
    1. webpage or pages where the survey will appear using the Object Explorer. You can enter * to display the survey on all pages of your SharePoint environment.
    2. Selecting Show survey on all page URLs beginning with this URL address will display the survey on all pages defined.
    3. Use Survey Status to choose whether or not to activate the survey immediately.

      Image Modified
      Survey General Details dialog

  1. In the General Behavior dialog choose Who should be prompted to take this survey?
 from the
  1. Click the drop
  1. down menu to select the visitor segment you would like to view the survey.
You can select
  1. Select "Anyone" to display the survey to all visitors.
For more information about Visitor Segments see "Visitor Segments," or access Segments from the Settings menu in the Navigation Pane to edit or add new segments.

  1. Select how often to show the survey:
    • Show as long as visitor
    • has not
    • answered or closed survey
Show as long as visitor has not answered or closed survey
    • - The survey will remain open until the visitor completes or closes it.
    • Show only once per visitor - The survey will appear on the first relevant page the visitor navigates to on your site, and not again.
    • Show survey even if visitor already answered - The survey will persist on all selected pages regardless of the user's actions
    • Show survey even if visitor already answered (once per visit) - The survey will be presented on the first relevant page a user visits, every time they visit your site.

    Select When should this survey be prompted?

    • When the visitor is part of the 'selected visitor segment'
    • When the visitor is part of the 'selected visitor segment' and he/she moves the cursor towards the browser close button
    • When the visitor is part of the 'selected visitor segment' and he/she scrolls down the page

    Enter text for What do you want to have on the submit button?

 - by
  1.  By default the survey submit button text is "

  1. Submit"


Choose either opened or closed for 

  1. How do you want the survey to appear? Choose either opened or closed for for the initial appearance on a page. The user can always open or close the survey manually. 

    Image Added
    Survey opened

    Image Added
    Survey closed

    Image Modified
    Survey General Behaviour dialog

    1. In the Appearance dialog, select the survey Theme, color Palette and Position as you'd like it to appear on your site.

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    1. Choose Default-RTL for text that includes language characters that are read from right to left, such as Arabic or Hebrew. 

      Image Added
      Appearance dialog

      Image Added
      Survey Default Theme with Dark Palette

      Image Added
      Survey Basic Theme with Blue Palette

      Image Added
      Survey Basic Theme with Yellow Palette

      Image Added
      Survey Designed Theme with Light Palette

      Image Added
      Survey Designed Theme with Dark Palette

    2. From the Theme menu, you may choose Custom and a complete set of options for changing the graphics of your survey will become available. Select the text style and color palette as it will appear on to your users. Select simple colors from the drop down menu, manually enter your choice using the color selector, which appears when you begin to type in a hex color identifier text box. The color selected will appear as a preview in the relevant text box.

      Image Added
      Survey Appearance Custom Options

      Image Added

      Survey Appearance Custom Options with Custom Color Preview

  1. In the Question dialog, begin by entering the Question as you'd like it to appear,
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  1. Image Added
    Question Dialog

    Select Enable segmentation based on this question if you would like to create a new visitor segment for all visitors who enter an answer to the question.
For more information about visitor segments see "Visitor Segments."

  1. Select Required to specify that the question must be answered before submitting the survey. Required questions will be marked with an asterisk (*).
    Add an optional Description. From the adjacent drop-down menu you can choose Place before question, Place after question, or Hide description to decide
  1. where the Description text will be displayed to the user.

    Select the Answer type
. There are several answer types available
  1. from the following available options:

    (1) Text-based answer - free response: The visitor
types his
  1. enters their own answers within a text box.

    Image Added
    Text-based Answer

    (2) Write-in answer: Defined as either short text, Email, Phone, or
  1. Number. The visitor will
have to type the selection in a short
  1. be presented with a single-line text box.

    Image Added
    Write-in Answer

    (3) Single answer - radio button: The
visitor will have to select one
  1. visitor may choose a single, predefined answer from a list of two or more answers that you
will be asked to
  1. enter.
The Answers options
  1.  Answer options will not appear until
you choose
  1. "Single Answer -
Radio Button
  1. radio button" is chosen.

    Image Added
    Single Answer

    (4) Multiple answer selection - checkboxes: The
visitor can
  1. visitor may select one or more answers from
the predefined answers you will be asked to enter. The Answers options
  1. a list of custom answers that you predefine. Answer options will not appear until
you choose
  1. "Multiple
Answer Selection - Checkboxes
  1. answer - checkboxes" is chosen.

    Image Added
    Multiple Answer

    Click on Add another answer to add a predefined answer to a single or multiple answer question.
  1. No explanation, short explanation, or long explanation to add an explanation text box that will be displayed after the visitor selects the answer.
  1. Click on Delete to delete an answer.

  1. Image Added
    Answer Type Dialog

    Image Added
    Short Explanation

    Image Added
    Long Explanation

 - Once
  1. : Once a survey is saved there is no way to modify the answer type.

    1. Click on Add Question In order to add multiple questions.
      Drag and drop the Question, or click Up or Down in order to rearrange the order of the questions.
      Click on Delete in order to delete a question.

      Image Added
      Multiple Questions

    2. You
can choose to display a Thank You message to visitors who submit the survey that
    1. may include
dynamic responses based on the answers provided.
In the Thank You Message Behavior dialog you can choose to show the same message for all responses, show a message based on the visitors' responses, or to take further actions.
Image Removedshow
    1. a dynamic thank you message that appears once a survey is submitted that depends on the visitor's response.

      Image Added
      Thank You Message Behavior Dialog
When selecting 

    1. Show the same thank you message for all
answers enter the
    1. answers allows you to enter a thank you message text and
how long (
    1. the duration in seconds
    1. that the
thank you
    1. message will appear to the user.

You can execute JavaScript code after a visitor submits a survey. For
    1. You may also execute a JavaScript code simultaneously by entering the script in the provided area. For example, you can create a
    1. dialog for
registering visitors to a webinar. The survey will contain a few Survey example
    1. inviting visitors to register for an event that includes required fields such as the visitor's name and email.
When the visitor submits the survey, you can execute JavaScript code to register the visitor to the webinar.

    1. Image Added
      Thank You Message Example: Register to a
    1. Webinar

    1. By selecting 
    1. Show the survey results, the
survey results (the
    1. answers that
    1. other users have provided
    1. will appear after the visitor submits the survey.

      Image Added
When selecting redirect
    1. Results

      Select Redirect the user to a different page,
enter the page URL (or select it from the Object Explorer by clicking on the "..." button) that the visitor will be redirected to after submitting the survey. Select 
    1. to have the visitor redirected to a new webpage after submitting the survey. Enter the page URL in the text box, or select the adjacent browse button (...) to use the Object Explorer. Enable Open in a new window
 in order to
    1.  to open the page in a new browser window or tab depending on the user's browser preferences.

      Image Added
      Thank you
message behaviour dialog
When selecting redirect
    1. message behavior dialog

      Select Redirect the user to a different survey
, select the survey that will appear right after a visitor submits the survey.
    1. to present the visitor with another survey after pressing submit. Choose the second survey you would like to display from the drop-down menu. For more information see "How to create a multi-page survey".
Thank you message behaviour dialog
When selecting 

    1. Select Show a conditional thank you message (based on visitor's response)
, you can
    1.  to display different thank you messages,
or take further actions (such as redirecting
    1. include JavaScript actions, redirect the visitor to a different page
or a continual survey), based on the visitor's response.
Select the question you want to display conditional thank you messages for and select the behaviour for each answer.
Conditional thank you messages
Finally, you may preview and save
    1. , or redirect the user to additional survey questions based on their response. Choose a single or multiple answer question that you would like to prompt a conditional response from the drop down menu. Then enter in the appropriate options as described above for each of the appropriate answers.

      Image Added
      Conditional Thank You Messages

  1. You may Preview or Save the survey you have created.
The preview feature
  1. You may use the Preview feature throughout the design of your survey without affecting any changes. It is also available in the main Surveys UI
after creating
  1. once the survey has been created.

add user details
add user details
How to

add personal user details

Add Personal User Details to a



You can


include personal details about the current

visitor to

visitor within the survey


questions and


descriptions automatically




using dynamic user category labels

for user categories

. A user database will need to be configured previously. In order to import


information from user categories


into the tool see

How to configure visitor segmentation for authenticated users"

User Category Management.

  1. In the Survey question or description dialog,
  1. include a dynamic label with
  1. a user category name
to the survey question or description text boxes, in the following format: [User Category Name]
  1. in brackets such as [Department] to directly address your users. To find out which user categories are available, use visitor segments to find all known user categories
you can use, create
  1. by creating a new
advanced segment as detailed here and find the user categories in the Add user categories dynamic labels to survey question and description
  1. visitor segment and selecting the advanced segment details dialog, under user information.


  1. Image Added
    New Question Dialog with Dynamic User Categories

  2. When the survey appears on the website, the label will contain the current visitor details.

    Image Added
  1. Survey


add images
add images
How to

add images

Add Images to a



You can add images, such as your company logo, to the survey question description and thank you message text boxes.


 For example,


the following HTML image tag

to the survey question description or thank you message, to

would display the Intlock company logo:

<img src="" width="100" />

Add logo to survey question description
Add logo to survey thank you message

Image Added

Survey with Intlock Logo Image

Image Added
Add Logo Image to Survey Question Description

Image Added

Add Logo Image to Survey Thank You Message 

create multipage survey
create multipage survey
How to


Create a



page survey

Page Survey

 You can create a multi-page survey by creating a continual survey that will appear right after a visitor submits a survey.

  1. In the Survey General Behaviour dialog, under 
  1. Who should be prompted to take this survey?, select No one (this is a continual survey) from the drop-down menu.
  2. In the Thank you message behaviour dialog of the
  1. leading survey, click redirect the user to a different survey and select the
continual survey
  1. following survey from the drop-down menu.

example display
example display
Example - How

to display

to Display a


Survey on the SharePoint

search results page when no results are found

Search Results Page When No Results Are Found

You can create a survey that will appear on a page only when specific conditions apply.

In this example we will show you how

Follow these steps to display a survey to visitors immediately after they perform a search that returned no results.

  1. In the main Surveys user interface, create a continual survey that will appear on the SharePoint search results page when
  1. zero results are found.
  2. In the Survey General Behaviour dialog, under who should be prompted to take this survey, select No one (this is a continual survey).
  3. Create a new segment (for more information see "How to create a segment") with the following parameters:

    Segment Type - Basic segment
    Segment Scope - Page
    URL - contains "osssearchresults.aspx" (the SharePoint search results page)

  4. Add a Script type pixel
of type Script
  1. to the segment and enter the following script path
  1. : /_layouts/CardioLogAgent/searchresults.js
  2. Contact your system administrator in order to edit the survey ID in the searchresults.js script (var survey_id_to_show). 
    When using the CardioLog tracking agent feature,
the searchresults
  1. the searchresults.js script is located under the SharePoint web application _layouts folder on all Web Front Ends (WFEs).
    The survey ID can be retrieved from
the tab
  1. the tab_voc_surveys table in the CardioLog database. 
    Contact Intlock if you need any assistance.

    Note: The code in this example is compatible with SharePoint 2013 default search. 

When a

visitor will visit

user visits the search results page,


 they will be added to the segment and the script

will be executed (

attached to the pixel will be


executed. The code will display the survey only when the search returns


zero results.


edit survey
edit survey
How to


Edit a



In the main Surveys user interface,


simply click on the name of the survey you wish to edit.

Edit Survey

Image Added

An open Survey in Edit Mode, with file options highlighted

delete survey
delete survey
How to


Delete a



  1. In the main Surveys user interface, click on the survey you wish to delete.
  2. Click on Delete in
  1. the bottom right hand corner of the main window to delete the survey.
  2. Click Delete in the pop-up dialogue to confirm your choice.

Note: All related survey reports will be deleted as well.

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Survey File Options - Delete Survey

Image Added

Delete Survey Confirmation Dialogue

copy survey
copy survey
How to


Copy a



  1. In the main Surveys user interface, click on the survey you wish to copy.
  2. Click on Copy in
order to
  1. the bottom right hand corner of the main window to copy the survey.



 The copied survey title will be "Copy of ..." and the survey status will be Inactive until you edit it.


Image Added

Survey File Options - Copy Survey


view survey reports
view survey reports
How to

view survey reports

View Survey Reports

Each survey has a Reports section which holds information about the survey's responses.


 The information displayed in the report

is general details such as

are general details including the total number of views, the total number of responses, the total number of unique users who have responded to the survey, and the click through rate (CTR), as well as

the list

the list of


questions and responses.


Open text responses and explanations display the date of the response, the response itself and the visitor who responded (IP and user name).


 The results can be displayed for all pages from which visitors responded to the survey or for specific pages.

  1. In the Surveys main
Surveys user interface, select the
  1. window, click Reports to the right of the title of the survey you wish to view
reports for and click Reports
  1. .
View Survey Report
  1. By default the survey results are displayed for all pages from which visitors responded to it. In order to view survey results for a specific page, select
the page URL
  1. a webpage from the
dropdown under the list
  1. drop down menu under List of questions.

    Image Added
  1. Report General Details

    Image Added
    Survey Report List of Questions


survey reports


survey reports

How to

export survey reports

Export Survey Reports to a



In order to view survey results through a

web part

SharePoint webpart do the following:

  1. Create a Page Viewer webpart in SharePoint. The page URL will be the survey report page.
  2. In order to retrieve the survey report page URL, click on the desired survey "Reports" button, right click anywhere on the report page, select "Properties" and copy the URL address.

export file
export file
How to Export Survey Reports to a File

CardioLog allows you to automatically export PDF and CSV files directly from the Survey Report window. Simply select SHARE from the upper left hand corner and choose the file type you would like to export. The file will automatically be downloaded to your browser's default download folder.

erase survey reports
erase survey reports
How to

erase survey reports

Erase Survey Reports

In order to erase the survey reports

(and not the survey itself) do the following:In the main Surveys user interface, click

, without erasing the survey questions or preferences, simply:

  1. Click on the survey you wish to erase the reports for In the Surveys main window.
  2. Click on Flush in
order to
  1. the bottom right hand corner to erase the survey reports.

Note: The survey itself will not be deleted.

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Erase survey report