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Widgets are the building blocks of any report that you may design in the Report Center. In order to add widgets to a report, you can create a new report or find the report you would like to edit, then click Add from the Top Toolbar, or click any "+" in a blank space of the report and select the desired widget from the menu.

All widgets are displayed in one of the following forms:

  • Meter - A gauge component that displays a single value. Meters display data in either Specific mode* and Aggregated mode**. For example, the Page Views Meter displays the number of page views for a site and all its sub sites.
  • Chart - A graph component that displays data over time , in order to see trends. Charts display data in both Specific and Aggregated modes. For example, the Page Views Chart displays the number of page views for a site home page in the Specific series, and the number of page views for a site home page and all its sub-sites in the Aggregated series.
  • Table - A text chart component that displays a list of data for each relevant category. Tables display data in Aggregated mode. Each table row displays data in Specific mode. For example, the Page Views Table displays a list of items on a site and all its sub sites. The number of page views for each item is specific to that item URL.
  • Map - A map component which displays geolocation data. 

* Displays the number of page views for a site home page in the specified series.

** Displays the number of page views for a site and all its sub sites. 

Add Widget Dialog




Once a widget has been added to a report, widget preferences can be set as well. The Preferences dialog can be opened by slicking the Settings gear in the upper right hand corner of any widget and selecting Edit.

The Preferences dialog displays the widget settings, and is divided into sections using the tabs at the top of the dialog window. Depending on which type of widget it is, any of the following sections will be available:

  • Appearance - Set the visual display appearance of the data.
  • Filter - Set the filters to limit the collected data .
  • Group By - Set the various groupings of the data and the data series (available for charts which support multiple series).
  • Advanced - Set additional options.
  • Meter Preferences - Set preferences for a specific meter widget
  • About - Provides a basic summary of the widget


Chart Widget Appearance Preferences Dialog


There are a variety of filters available for each widget including:

Chart Widget Filter Preferences Dialog

Date Range

The date range includes fixed values between This Hour and Last Year, along with a Customize... option.

  • The Customized Date Range dialog displays two date selection options: calendar date selection and last X number of days. When your cursor is in either the From or To text boxes, you may also simply click the desired date on the calendar to choose a new date
  • The Time Interval drop down list defines the intervals for displaying the data.
  • The Last Days detail allows you to enter the amount of days preceding report generation.

Customized Date Range Dialog

Website Item

You can include All website items for a specific widget, or choose Customize... and manually select and add individual items. You may also remove items using the same dialog.


Object Explorer Dialog


You may also enter a term to Search for it within the Object Explorer, which will open a new dialog window. Click Browse to return to the selected item in the Object Explorer.

Search Results Dialog

Users and Groups

Enter a login account name or display name in the Name field and then click Search. Select the desired result and click the Add button to add it to the filter. To exclude a user or group, click the Exclude button (the name will appear in red).

Filters are given precedence to users over groups. For instance, if a selected User A belongs to an excluded Group B, then User A will be contained in the results data.


Select Users and Groups Dialog

Visitor Segments

From the Filter tab, you may include choose to include No Visitor Segments or choose Customize... to open the Select Visitor Segments dialog, which includes the following options:

  • Pre-defined Segments - Filter reports using fixed segments based on traffic sources, including available short links and campaigns. For more information see "Visitor Segments".
  • Traffic Sources - Filter reports according to sources referring to your internet website. Any of these details may be applied by Matches exactly, Does not match exactly, Contains, and Does not contain.
    • Source - The domain where the traffic originates from
    • Medium - Choose which medium such as email or web referred the user.
    • Term - Term applies to traffic led to your site by a search term
    • Campaign -  The name of an active or former campaign.
    • Content - Choose the content source that referred your visitors
  • User Behavior: Goal - Filter reports by Goals. For more information see "How to Create Goals."
  • Country - Filter reports according to which country on Earth your visitors are from. CardioLog uses internal and third-party data to retrieve visitors' geographic locations from their IP addresses.
  • Active User Categories - Filter reports by Department and Region according to their classification in the Active Directory "Configuring Visitor Segmentation for Authenticated Users".


Select Visitor Segments Dialog


You can change and preview the visual appearance of the data displayed in charts from the Appearance tab in the widget preferences dialog. None of these settings will change how the data is collected. Some options have sub menus accessible by clicking them. These options appear with highlighted text and are Legend, Title, Axis X Title, Axis Y Title, Enable Scale Breaks, Chart Background, Chart Plotting Area, and Chart Series.

  • Click Preview to view a live sample of your chart.
  • Click Save to save all changes and return to your report.
  • Click Cancel to return to your report without saving any changes.

Below is a short description of available appearance options. The X Axis is on the horizontal plane and usually displays a time based value. The Y Axis is on the vertical plane and usually displays the relevant data. Not all details are available for use at the same time.


Enable 3D


Display chart in 3D. This is required in order to view data over parallel time periods, which can be configured in the Group By details



Display chart at a slight angle; only available if 3D is enabled



Display chart with numerical values above every data point



Display a legend describing each type of data point shown on the chart


Inside Chart Area

Display the legend within the graph lines



Choose from List (automatic), Row (horizontal), or Column (vertical)



Choose from Bottom, Top, Right, or Left to pin the legend


Font Details

Assign text styles based on font typeface, font size, font color, bold, italic, and underline

Show Dates in Legend


Include the dates the widget is collecting data from in the legend



Display the title inside the chart. The title is entered in the text box at the top of the dialog

 Title styleChoose details for: Alignment, font typeface, font size, font color, bold, italic, underline

X Axis Title


Display the X axis title

 X Axis Title DetailsTitle, alignment, font typeface, font size, font color, bold, italic, underline

Y Axis Title


Display the Y axis title

 Y Axis Title DetailsTitle, alignment, font typeface, font size, font color, bold, italic, underline

Enable Scale Breaks


Insert a divider across the graph area of a chart to denote a break in continuity between high and low values on an axis. Use a scale break to display two distinct ranges in the same chart area.

 Scale Break DetailsBreak line type, spacing, color

Show Preferences


Display the widget preferences in the report

Show Help


Display a general description of the widget

Show X axis margins


Display chart with the first value on the x axis indented from

Show all  X axis labels


Display chart with all X axis labels, instead of rounded interval values

Show all  Y axis labels


Display chart with all Y axis labels, instead of rounded interval values

Highlight min and max vals


Highlight the data points on the graph containing maximum and minimum Y values

Highlight weekends


Highlight the weekends in a chart plotting area, (Weekends will only be highlighted if they are included within the date range chosen in the Filter tab)

Chart Background

 You may choose a background design to help present the data.


 Chart background details

Background color, gradient, hatch style, secondary background color, border style. (Note: not all details are available for use at the same time.)

Chart Plotting Area


You may choose a design for the graph area to help present the data

 Chart Plotting Area DetailsColor, gradient, hatch style, secondary color, border style, border color, border size (Note: not all details are available for use at the same time.)

Chart Series


You may choose a design for the data points plotted on the chart

 Chart Series Details:Gradient, hatch style, secondary color (Note: not all details are available for use at the same time.)

Chart Type


Choose the type and style of graph you would like to display. Depending on the type of chart you choose, different relevant options will become available to choose from.

Drawing Style


If available for your desired chart type, select a display style for your data

Point Width


If available for your desired chart type, select the width of the bar or column.

Point Depth

Cylinder, Bar Cylinder

Select the display thickness of the data points

Gap Depth

Cylinder, Bar Cylinder

Select the distance between data series that are displayed along different rows


Column, Bar, Cylinder, Bar Cylinder

Display the data series along distinct rows


Area, Spline AreaChoose the lighting style for the design under the data curve


Label Style

Pie, Doughnut

Choose where the data labels will be displayed: Inside, Outside, Disabled



Choose the amount of space in the center of the graph

Collect pie slices

Pie, Doughnut

Collect small slices into a single slice to prevent overlapped labels


Collected %

Collect any slice that is less below the Collected % threshold into a single slice


Collected color

Collected slice color


Collected labelEnter a label for the collected slice that will appear inside the slice



Show exploded

Separate the collected slice slightly from the rest of the graph


Chart Appearance Preferences Dialog

Group By

Data may be grouped using several parameters. 

  • Time Interval - The time (X) axis can be displayed in fixed resolutions between minutes and a year depending on your Filter Date Range settings.
  • Chart Data - You may choose to label and sort the plotted data on your chart. 
    • Edit the label text you would like for each set of data reported
    • Select the order of appearance using the drop down menu numbers between 1 and 4
    • Enable the data you would like to appear on the chart using the check boxes

Chart Widget "Group By" Preferences Dialog


Chart widgets can display multiple series of data based on custom time frames. You can re-order the series' data points, edit their title and compare parallel date ranges.

Note - In order to view more than two sets of data plotted, you must Enable 3D in the widget's Appearance Preferences


  • Home Page - Displays data for the selected website item home page.
  • All Pages - Displays data for all children items of a selected Website Item.

Chart Widget Group By Preferences Details

Click the time period next to the page you would like to view data in parallel to your current data set. Choose a date range using the Choose Parallel Period dialog, and then click OK to save your choice.

Choose Parallel Period Dialog

Table Preferences

Compared to the other types of widgets, most details are fixed for Tables. However, you can edit relevant parameters in the Advanced section, including:

  • Number of rows - Choose the total number of rows to display. The widget will automatically sort pages if there are more than 10 items in the table.
  • Minimum value - Set the threshold for reporting results. Items with values below this number will not appear. For example, by setting this value to 0 in the Page Views report, pages that were not viewed at all will be included in the results.
  • Sort order - Choose between ascending or descending for the default display. Clicking on a column title will sort the table according to that column, clicking the title again will sort the column in the opposite order.
  • Show Aggregated values for child items - Choose to display values that include all sub-items on each row, or exclusively the listed item.
  • Show first level child items only - Choose to show results for only the first level of sub-pages below the selected item as organized in the Object Explorer.
  • Compare to Past Period - Enable this to display two more columns that report the relevant value of each row for the past period and it's percent change. For example, if the Filter Date Range is "This Week" for a Page Views widget, the Past column will show the page views for "Last Week"

    Table Widget Advanced Preferences

Data Drill Down

Table widgets provide contextual menus for selected items that list report templates in order to view more information about an item. You can view more detailed data for a folder, single document or item including child items. You can also view more detailed data for specific users and user categories.

To expand reports for an item, click the item and select the desired report template. To create a new template, see "Report Templates."


Table Widget Drilldown Menu

Meter Preferences

In the Meter Preferences tab you can set the basic parameters of your meter. The available options are:

  • Min Value - This is the minimum value displayable on the meter, starting on the left.
  • Max Value - This is the maximum value displayable on the meter, ending on the right.
  • Undershoot - The meter will display the data in red for all values below this limit.
  • Overshoot - The meter will display the data in red for all values exceeding this limit.
  • Send Alert - A KPI Alert email will be automatically sent to the distribution list if the Undershoot or Overshoot values are reached. 

After setting the widget's preferences, click Preview to view your changes in the preferences dialog, or click Save to save your choices and return to the report. 


Meter Widget Meter Preferences

In the Advanced section you have the option to display data for either the selected website item and all of it's sub-pages, referred to as All Pages, or just the selected website item. 

To view data for All Pages, select Yes from the drop down menu in the advanced settings. Select No to view data only for the selected website item

Meter Widget Advanced Preferences


The gear icon in the top right corner of all widgets is knows as the Widget Settings button. It has the following options:

  • Remove - Delete the widget from the report
  • Edit  - Open the Preferences dialog
  • Export to CSV - Export the widget's data for use with Microsoft Excel and other spreadsheet applications.
  • Restore to Default Preferences - Reset the widget to the default setting for all preferences

Widget Settings Menu


The Question Mark (question) icon in the top right cordner of all widgets is Help. The bubble displays the widget's status, preferences, and a brief description of the widget's features. Simply hover over the button to view the details. 

Widget Help Bubble

Similarly, the widget description can be found in the settings dialog in the About This Chart section.

Widget "About This" Preference Dialog


Set Preferences for All Widgets in a Report

Use the top Preferences pane to apply similar filters for all widgets in a report. When using this pane, all individual preferences for the widgets in the report are over-written.

If the widgets in the report use different filter settings, an alert will be displayed in the Preferences pane.

Note: Due to the fact that the widgets use different filter sets (for instance, some widgets filter Website Item by URL, while others filter Website Item by items in Object Explorer), the filter settings in the Preferences pane will be applied only for widgets containing the selected filters.

The Preference pane - to apply and save - click Go

The Preferences pane (example: widgets with different Website Item filter) 


Cached Mode

For enhanced performance and quick loading, widgets display cached values while being edited in an existing report. Widgets in cached mode display static data based on the current date range selected in in the date range menu. To view current data for a report, click the Actions menu in the top left corner of the Reports main window and select Refresh.

The period expected when selecting each one of the date range options is as follows: 

  • This Hour - shows cached data until the last rounded minute
  • This Day - shows cached data until the last rounded hour
  • This Week - shows cached data until the last rounded hour
  • This Month - shows cached data until the last rounded day
  • This Quarter - shows cached data until the last rounded day
  • This Year - shows cached data until the last rounded day

    Report Center Actions Menu
  • No labels