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Below are common questions and concerns with their solutions relating to installing and activating CardioLog Analytics.

Questions or ConcernsSolutions

Is CardioLog Analytics available as SaaS?

CardioLog Analytics is available both as an on-premise solution and as a SaaS solution (software as a service).

What are the CardioLog installer prerequisites?

The CardioLog installer requirements can be found here, and the permissions required can be found here.

Which CardioLog Analytics Installer should be used with Support for SQL 2014?

When using SQL 2014, please download the following CardioLog Analytics installer - version

Why do I get the following error "This implementation is not part of the Windows Platform FIPS validated cryptographic algorithms" when I launch CardioLog?

This issue may occur when a security policy with Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) is enforced on the server. To resolve this issue, you will have to disable the FIPS Algorithm Check in the registry.

  1. Go to Run and type regedit to open the registry editor.

  2. In the Registry Editor, click the following registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa\FipsAlgorithmPolicy
  3. Right-click FipsAlgorithmPolicy, and then click Modify.
  4. In the Value data box, type 0, and then click OK.
  5. Quit the Registry Editor, and restart your computer

Why do I get the following error "HTTP Error 403.1 - Forbidden" when I launch CardioLog?

When you launch CardioLog, do you receive an error message that resembles the following:

HTTP Error 403.1 - Forbidden
HRESULT: 0x80070005
Description of HRESULT: You have attempted to run a CGI, ISAPI or other executable program from a directory that does not allow executables to run.

This problem occurs when CardioLog is hosted with Internet Information Services (IIS) 7.0 and the appropriate script handler permission or executable handler permission are not set for the CardioLog directory where the requested resource resides. 

To resolve this issue, follow these steps:

  1. In IIS Manager, locate the CardioLog website.
  2. In Features view, double-click Handler Mappings.
  3. In the Action pane, click Edit Handler Permissions.
  4. Click to select Script and Execute, and then click OK.

Why do I get the error "This app can't run on your PC" when I run the setup file?

This issue occurs when the setup file is corrupted, or not suitable for the operating system platform.

In order to resolve this issue,

  1. Install the product on a machine (physical or virtual) running a Windows Server, according to our system requirements.
  2. Download the correct version suitable for your operating system platform (x86 installer for 32-bit operating systems and x64 installer for 64-bit operating systems).
  3. Make sure the setup file size is 20.3 MB (21,352,448 bytes). If the setup file was not fully downloaded, it will be corrupted and will not open.

How do I complete my installation and optimize my system?

Please perform the following steps to complete the product configuration and ensure system health:

A. System Requirements
Verify that your system meets the minimum hardware and software requirements.
B. Usage Data Collection
  1. Verify usage data collection on each web application. 
  2. Verify that you do not exceed the number of page views, SharePoint Farms and WFEs allowed in your license (see the [CardioLog Installation Folder]\CardioLogSchedulingServices\Logs\Maintenance.log and OMAgent.log files).
  3. Consult our support team if your website is accessed via NLB, VPN, FW/Proxy, SSL, public/alternate URLs, internal/external, direct/remote. 
  4. Consult our support team if you have made any customizations in your SharePoint environment (i.e customized search pages).
C. System Configuration and Monitoring
  1. Assign an administrator who will be responsible for product maintenance. 
  2. Assign roles for users.
  3. Configure email alerts for scheduled services and event collection thresholds that will be sent to the administrator.
  4. Configure the Active Directory Updates service in order to segment authenticated visitors by their user names and their groups.
D. Optimization and Fine Tuning

The fine tuning process is essential to ensure accurate and useful data. It is highly recommended to perform this process 2-3 weeks after the initial installation on the production environment.

  1. Execute the SQL script to identify lost events and send the results to our support team
  2. Define URL mappings if needed.

Why does the tracking agent pop-up not show up when I click Ctrl+F12, or the Agent Console shows up without any content?

In order to troubleshoot data collection issues, see the complete troubleshooting guide.

Why do I receive an error in Agent Console ("CardioLog" tab)?

In order to troubleshoot data collection issues, see the complete troubleshooting guide.

What are the required web server (IIS) role services?

Follow the following role services installation instructions depending on your server operating system:

Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2012 R2:

  1. In Server Manager, select Dashboard, and click Add roles and features.
  2. In the Add Roles and Features Wizard, on the Before you begin page, click Next.
  3. On the Select installation type page, select Role-based or feature-based installation, and click Next.
  4. On the Select destination server page, select Select a server from the server pool, select your server, and click Next.
  5. On the Select server roles page, select Web Server (IIS).
  6. Under the Web Server (IIS) role, expand the Web Server node and then select all of the components of Common HTTP Features.
  7. On the Web Server node, expand the Application Development node, and then select ASP.NET 3.5.
  8. On the Web Server node, expand the Security node, and then select Windows Authentication.
  9. On the Web Server node, select all of the components of Management Tools.
  10. Click Next.
  11. On the Select Features page, select all of the components of .NET Framework 3.5 Features, and click Next.
  12. On the Confirmation page, confirm your selections, and then click Install to start the installation process.
  13. Click Close to close the Add Roles and Features Wizard.

Windows Server 2008:

  1. In Server Manager, under the Roles node, select the Web Server (IIS) role.
  2. In the Role Services section, click Add Role Services. The Add Role Services wizard appears.
  3. Under the Web Server role service, select all of the components of Common HTTP Features.
  4. Under the Web Server role service, expand the Application Development node, and then select ASP.NET.
  5. Under the Web Server role service, expand the Security node, and then select Windows Authentication.
  6. Under the Web Server role service, select all of the components of Management Tools.
  7. Click Next and verify the role service changes to be applied.
  8. Click Install to start the installation process.
  9. Click Close to close the Add Role Services wizard.

Windows Server 2008 R2

  1. In Server Manager, under the Roles node, select the Web Server (IIS) role.
  2. In the Role Services section, click Add Role Services. The Add Role Services wizard appears.
  3. Under the Web Server role service, select all of the components of Common HTTP Features.
  4. Under the Web Server role service, expand the Application Development node, and then select ASP.NET.
  5. Under the Web Server role service, expand the Security node, and then select Windows Authentication.
  6. Under the Web Server role service, select all of the components of Management Tools.
  7. Click Next and verify the role service changes to be applied.
  8. Click Install to start the installation process.
  9. Click Close to close the Add Role Services wizard.
  10. In Server Manager, under the Features section, click Add Features. The Add Features wizard appears.
  11. Select the .NET Framework 3.5.1 Features. Click Next and verify the feature changes to be applied.
  12. Click Install to start the installation process.
  13. Close to close the Add Features wizard.

Which ports are used by CardioLog?

CardioLog includes several system components which access multiple ports, including:

  1. CardioLog SQL database - the CardioLog web application and Windows services connect to the CardioLog database using the default SQL port with Windows or SQL authentication.
  2. CardioLog web application (UI) - CardioLog users browse the CardioLog web application using HTTP (the default port is 29999 and is configurable) or HTTPS (the default SSL port is 443) with windows authentication (NTLM).
  3. CardioLog Tracking Agent - the portal users browse to the SharePoint portal and the CardioLog JavaScript code is downloaded to their browser. The client browser connects to the CardioLog Tracking Agent web application (located on the CardioLog server) using HTTP (the default port is 29999) or HTTPS (the default SSL port 443) with Windows authentication. The usage events are sent asynchronously to the CardioLog server via the SharePoint WFE server. The SharePoint WFE server connects to the CardioLog Event Collector web application using HTTP (the default port is 29999) or HTTPS (the default SSL port 443) with anonymous access. Note - when the CardioLog Tracking Agent web application is installed directly on the SharePoint WFEs, there is no need for the client browser to be able to access the CardioLog server using HTTP/HTTPS.
  4. CardioLog Diagnostics Service (Windows service) - sends error alerts via email to CardioLog administrators using SMTP (the default SMTP port is 25) 
  5. CardioLog Scheduling Service (Windows service) - includes the following components:  
  • Usage Data Processing - connects to the CardioLog database using the default SQL port with Windows authentication.
  • Portal Tree Updates - connects to: 
    1) CardioLog database and the SharePoint configuration and content databases using the default SQL port with Windows or SQL authentication.
    2) SharePoint 'TEMPLATE' directory - \\<sharepoint server name>\C$\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\XX\TEMPLATE\ (XX - 12 for MOSS 2007, 14 for SharePoint 2010, 15 for SharePoint 2013) - creating a share - \\<sharepoint server name>\TEMPLATE is recommended - using the default Windows File and Printer Sharing port with Windows authentication.
    3) SharePoint API (web services) using HTTP/HTTPS.
  • Report Scheduling - connects to the CardioLog database using the default SQL port with Windows authentication and sends scheduled reports via email to CardioLog users using SMTP (the default SMTP port is 25) 
  • Active Directory Updates - connects to the Active Directory using LDAP (the default LDAP port is 389)

"CardioLog Analytics" SharePoint Feature Manual Installation Procedure


CardioLog Analytics provides a SharePoint solution (cardiologtrackingagentfeature.wsp) for installing the JavaScript tracking code on all farm pages. This SharePoint solution includes a farm-scoped feature named CardioLog Analytics, which can be activated or deactivated through SharePoint's Central Administration.

The deployment of the SharePoint solution is done automatically through step 2 of the CardioLog Analytics configuration wizard. The wizard should run with SharePoint farm administrator privileges.

In this article you can find details on the manual installation procedure.

  • Deployment Procedure
  • Activate/Deactivate Data Collection
  • Uninstall Procedure

Deployment Procedure

Installing the CardioLog Tracking Agent web application

  1. Copy the [CardioLog Installation Folder]\CardioLogAgent folder to your SharePoint WFE server to C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\1X\TEMPLATE\LAYOUTS\ folder (1X - 12 for MOSS 2007, 14 for SharePoint 2010/SharePoint 2013)
  2. Edit the value of the following key in the CardioLogAgent\web.config file, located in the <appSettings> section - 
    <add key="CardioLogAgentRoot" value="/_layouts"/> 
  3. Open IIS Manager, right click the CardioLogAgent directory located under the SharePoint website _layouts folder and select "Convert to Application". The selected application pool should be the SharePoint website application pool.
  4.  Repeat step 3 for each SharePoint website you wish to monitor.
  5.  Repeat steps 1 - 4 for each SharePoint WFE server.

Installing the "CardioLog Analytics" SharePoint Feature

  1. Go to [CardioLog Installation Folder]\CardioLog\Configuration\AgentFeature\
  2. Copy the solution file "cardiologtrackingagentfeature.wsp" to your SharePoint application server to C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\1X\BIN folder (1X - 12 for MOSS 2007, 14 for SharePoint 2010, 15 for SharePoint 2013)
  3. Execute the following commands from command prompt in order to add and deploy the solution to the SharePoint farm (edit the directory path):

cd C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\1X\BIN


stsadm.exe -o addsolution -filename "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\1X\BIN\CardioLogTrackingAgentFeature.wsp"


stsadm.exe -o deploysolution -name CardioLogTrackingAgentFeature.wsp -immediate -allowgacdeployment


stsadm.exe -o activatefeature -name CardioLogAnalytics -force

To view the deployed solution in SharePoint 2013, go to Central Administration > System Settings > Manage farm solutions

SharePoint 2013 - Solution Management

In the Solution Properties, click cardiologtrackingagentfeature.wsp and verify that the solution was successfully deployed to all web front ends.

SharePoint 2013 - Solution Properties

To view the deployed solution in SharePoint 2010, go to 
Central Administration > System Settings > Manage farm solutions

SharePoint 2010 - Solution Management

In the Solution Properties, click cardiologtrackingagentfeature.wsp and verify that the solution was successfully deployed to all web front ends.

SharePoint 2010 - Solution Properties

To view the deployed solution in MOSS 2007, go to Central Administration > Operations > Solution Management

MOSS 2007 - Solution Management

In the Solution Properties, click cardiologtrackingagentfeature.wsp and verify that the solution was successfully deployed to all web front ends.

MOSS 2007 - Solution Properties

Activate/Deactivate Data Collection

Upon installing the CardioLog Analytics feature, it is automatically activated and data is being collected.
Warning: The deactivation operation will stop data collection

To deactivate the CardioLog Analytics feature in SharePoint 2013, go to Central Administration > System Settings > Manage farm features

SharePoint 2013 - Manage farm features

To deactivate the CardioLog Analytics feature in SharePoint 2010, go to Central Administration > System Settings > Manage farm features

SharePoint 2010 - Manage farm features

To deactivate the CardioLog Analytics feature in MOSS 2007, go to Central Administration > Operations > Manage farm features

MOSS 2007 - Manage farm features

Note: The CardioLog Analytics SharePoint Feature will work only for master pages which contain the following control in the head section:
<SharePoint:DelegateControl runat="server" ControlId="AdditionalPageHead" AllowMultipleControls="true"/>

This control is included in the master pages for all SharePoint templates, besides the MOSS 2007 Publishing Site master page. 
Add this control to all MOSS 2007 Publishing Site master pages, right before the closing </HEAD> tag. Alternatively, you can also use a top master file which is included in all of the Publishing Sites master pages, in order to perform a single update.

Uninstall Procedure

Removing the "CardioLog Analytics" Feature using SharePoint Central Administration

  1. Deactivate the CardioLog Analytics feature as detailed here.
  2. Retract the solution and remove it. 

    For SharePoint 2013 only - Go to Central Administration > System Settings > Manage farm solutions > Click cardiologtrackingagentfeature.wsp > Click Retract Solution.


    For SharePoint 2010 only - Go to Central Administration > System Settings > Manage farm solutions > Click cardiologtrackingagentfeature.wsp > Click Retract Solution.

    For MOSS 2007 only - Go to Central Administration > Operations > Solution Management > Click cardiologtrackingagentfeature.wsp > Click Retract Solution.


    Once the solution status shows "Not Deployed", click Remove Solution in order to completely remove the solution.

  3. Open IIS Manager > Remove the CardioLogAgent web application located under the _layouts folder
  4. Open the LAYOUTS folder and remove the CardioLogAgent folder
  5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for each SharePoint website
  6. Repeat steps 3 - 5 for each SharePoint WFE server

Delete your browser cache and verify that when you browse the SharePoint website that you no longer see the CardioLog tracking agent popup when clicking on Ctrl+F12 on the keyboard or when clicking the Agent Console link (follow the instructions in http://cardiologserver:port/CardioLog/Configuration/AgentConsoleBoo... to add the agent console link to your browser).

Removing the "CardioLog Analytics" Feature using Command Line

Execute the following commands from command prompt in order to deactivate the feature, retract and remove the solution from your SharePoint farm (edit the directory path: 1X - 12 for MOSS 2007, 14 for SharePoint 2010, 15 for SharePoint 2013):

cd C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\1X\BIN

stsadm -o deactivatefeature -force -name "CardioLogAnalytics"

stsadm -o uninstallfeature -force -name "CardioLogAnalytics"
stsadm -o retractsolution -immediate -name "CardioLogTrackingAgentFeature.wsp"
stsadm -o execadmsvcjobs
stsadm -o deletesolution -override -name "CardioLogTrackingAgentFeature.wsp"
stsadm -o execadmsvcjobs

Which SQL versions are supported by CardioLog?

CardioLog supports SQL Server 2005, SQL Server 2008 and SQL 2012.

What is included in CardioLog's architecture?

CardioLog is an integrated solution that includes monitoring and reporting for enterprise portals of various technologies. Unlike other web analytic tools, CardioLog offers statistical aggregations based on the logical structure of the portal, in addition to aggregations based on the physical structure (URL address tree).

The CardioLog solution includes the following separate components:

  1. CardioLog Database - A repository for storing all tracking and reporting data.
  2. CardioLog UI - A web application for configuring and viewing the web analytics reports.
  3. Portal Tree Service - A web service which provides the structure of the monitored portal.
  4. Tracking Agent - A JavaScript tag which is included in the portal pages and monitors site usage.
  5. CardioLog API - A set of web services provided by CardioLog, which include functionalities such as system health checks, custom events, custom data queries and integration with custom log files.
  6. CardioLog Scheduling Service - A Windows services which runs scheduled jobs, including report creation, report distribution via email, usage data processing, portal structure updates, Active Directory data updates and more.
  7. CardioLog Diagnostics Service - A Windows service which runs maintenance and optimization checks for the system.

What are the free reports included in CardioLog Lite?

The basic reports for CardioLog Lite are:

  • Page Views
  • Unique Visitors
  • Visits

Can I use CardioLog with WSS 3.0 or SharePoint Foundation 2010?

WSS 3.0 is supported by both CardioLog and CardioLog Lite, while SharePoint Foundation 2010 is supported by CardioLog.

Can I use CardioLog Lite with SharePoint 2003 or WSS 2.0?

CardioLog Lite does not support these older versions of Sharepoint or WSS. For these portals, use CardioLog Standard, Pro, or Enterprise editions

Why do I receive the following error when I try to activate the license file: "ERROR: This access control list is not in canonical form and therefore cannot be modified."

Make sure you have installed CardioLog with an administrator account. If you still see the error message, follow these steps depending on the if you are running a 32-bit or 64-bit system:

  1. [x86] Start > Run > regedit > HKLM\Software\Microsoft\SLP Services 
    [x64] Start > Run > regedit > HKLM\Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\SLP Services
  2. Right click all keys and subkeys and select Permissions. Resolve any corrupted permissions.

Why do I receive a "Service Unavailable" message when I launch CardioLog?

Verify that ASP.NET is enabled in IIS, and that the CardioLog application pool account is a member of your local IIS_WPG group (for IIS 6.0 only). If you still receive a "Service Unavailable" message, then you need to reconfigure the CardioLog application pool identity:

  • You might have misspelled the application pool account password. Open IIS Manager and re-type the password for the CardioLog application pool identity.
  • If you still receive "Service Unavailable", then use IIS manager to configure a new identity for the CardioLog applications pool. Use a domain account which is a local administrator, and which has a db_owner role for the CardioLog database. For IIS 6.0, also verify that the account is a member of your local IIS_WPG group.

If I host the CardioLog application on one server, and the CardioLog database on a second server, which one of the servers should be meet the system requirements?

The server that hosts the CardioLog Database should be the more powerful one, regarding processor speed, memory (RAM), and hard disk space.
For more information, see System Requirements

I have uninstalled CardioLog, but the tracking code has not been removed from my portal pages, why?

By design, some components are not removed when uninstalling the product, in order to ensure continuity of data collection. Execute the following steps to completely remove the remaining components:

  1. Delete the CardioLog database
  2. Delete the CardioLog registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Intlock
  3. Delete the CardioLog application pool and CardioLog web site from IIS
  4. Delete the Intlock JavaScript tracking code from the SharePoint CORE.js file
  5. Delete the CardioLog installation directory

What is the minimum server specification if the database is on a different physical server?

If the servers are isolated, disk drive space is not crucial. However, you should allocate at least 8GB of memory for CardioLog Pro, and at least 16GB of memory for CardioLog Enterprise. 

The amount of resources needed for the CardioLog web application and services depends on:

  • The amount of traffic received from the portal. Each SharePoint page request is followed by a request to the CardioLog web app server.
  • The total number of portal pages and users. As these both increase, the amount of memory required by the CardioLog services increases too.

Is it possible to configure CardioLog with an existing database, as opposed to creating one during the installation?

This is possible, but differs depending on your existing infrastructure. Please contact us for more information and assistance.

Why do I receive the error: "Cannot establish a connection to SQL Server" during installation?

Make sure your SQL server allows remote connections. You can test the connection to the SQL server by using a UDL file:
Create a text file with the .udl extension on the CardioLog server, open the file, select the SQL provider on the first tab and on the next tab enter the database server name. Then click test connection.

If you are using a SQL alias, you can configure it on the CardioLog application server using the clicnfg.exe utility.

Please note that the account used for installing CardioLog should have the following SQL roles and permissions:

  • "create any database", "alter any login", "view server state" permissions (required only for installation) and the processadmin role on the SQL server
  • db_datareader for the SharePoint configuration and content databases.

Why do I receive the error "Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITY\ANONYMOUS LOGON'"?

If your SQL server is hosted on a remote machine, make sure that the CardioLog application pool identity is assigned a domain user that has been assigned a db_owner role for the CardioLog database.

Which one of our SharePoint farm servers should we run the setup file on?

You can install CardioLog on any SharePoint farm server (App / Front End / SQL) that meets the system requirements.

Does CardioLog work with SharePoint 2003?

The CardioLog commercial editions support SharePoint 2003, 2007 and 2010.

Do I need extra hardware in order to install CardioLog?

CardioLog Standard and Professional Editions can be hosted on your existing hardware.

To ensure optimal operation, it is recommended to host the CardioLog Enterprise Edition on a dedicated x64 application server. 

The CardioLog SQL database can be hosted either on the application server, or on an external SQL server or cluster.

See the full system requirements for more information.

Can I install CardioLog on a virtual server?

Yes. CardioLog can be installed on a virtual server as long as the system requirements can be met.

Why do I receive a "HTTP Error 500 - Internal Server Error" message when I launch CardioLog?

When Installing CardioLog on Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2012, verify that the required Web Server Role Services are installed as detailed below

Depending on your server version, install the following role services:

Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2012 R2:

  1. In Server Manager, select Dashboard, and click Add roles and features.
  2. In the Add Roles and Features Wizard, on the Before you begin page, click Next.
  3. On the Select installation type page, select Role-based or feature-based installation, and click Next.
  4. On the Select destination server page, select Select a server from the server pool, select your server, and click Next.
  5. On the Select server roles page, select Web Server (IIS).
  6. Under the Web Server (IIS) role, expand the Web Server node and then select all of the components of Common HTTP Features.
  7. On the Web Server node, expand the Application Development node, and then select ASP.NET 3.5.
  8. On the Web Server node, expand the Security node, and then select Windows Authentication.
  9. On the Web Server node, select all of the components of Management Tools.
  10. Click Next.
  11. On the Select Features page, select all of the components of .NET Framework 3.5 Features, and click Next.
  12. On the Confirmation page, confirm your selections, and then click Install to start the installation process.
  13. Click Close to close the Add Roles and Features Wizard.


Windows Server 2008:

  1. In Server Manager, under the Roles node, select the Web Server (IIS) role.
  2. In the Role Services section, click Add Role Services. The Add Role Services wizard appears.
  3. Under the Web Server role service, select all of the components of Common HTTP Features.
  4. Under the Web Server role service, expand the Application Development node, and then select ASP.NET.
  5. Under the Web Server role service, expand the Security node, and then select Windows Authentication.
  6. Under the Web Server role service, select all of the components of Management Tools.
  7. Click Next and verify the role service changes to be applied.
  8. Click Install to start the installation process.
  9. Click Close to close the Add Role Services wizard.


Windows Server 2008 R2

  1. In Server Manager, under the Roles node, select the Web Server (IIS) role.
  2. In the Role Services section, click Add Role Services. The Add Role Services wizard appears.
  3. Under the Web Server role service, select all of the components of Common HTTP Features.
  4. Under the Web Server role service, expand the Application Development node, and then select ASP.NET.
  5. Under the Web Server role service, expand the Security node, and then select Windows Authentication.
  6. Under the Web Server role service, select all of the components of Management Tools.
  7. Click Next and verify the role service changes to be applied.
  8. Click Install to start the installation process.
  9. Click Close to close the Add Role Services wizard.
  10. In Server Manager, under the Features section, click Add Features. The Add Features wizard appears.
  11. Select the .NET Framework 3.5.1 Features. Click Next and verify the feature changes to be applied.
  12. Click Install to start the installation process.
  13. Close to close the Add Features wizard.





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