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There are several advanced metrics that can be found and analyzed using CardioLog Analytics. This article describes some metrics that can assist you in measuring your SharePoint Portal thoroughly.

Conversion Rate for Social Platforms

In addition to measuring followers and likes, you can measure the conversion rate these actions may lead to. For discussions in your portal, you can measure the user comments per post, and the number of replies sent and received per day all under User Activity Reports.

You can then measure the conversation rate based on the amount of reader comments per blog post, and replies received per day in a discussion. You can also see which users are the most active, both in quantity of posts and diversity of interactions. These metrics are available in CardioLog by using Social Reports for SharePoint, and similar metrics are also available for Sitrion and Yammer.

Days & Visits to Outcome

  • Average Visits to Goal Completion: The average number of sessions from first portal interaction until a Goal is completed.
  • Average Days to Goal Completion: The average number of days from first portal interaction until a Goal is completed.

You can set up goals in CardioLog and use the Goal Summary report to view the above metrics. We recommend keeping simple goal definitions in order to better track your progress. For example, if you wanted to measure employee satisfaction you can utilize CardioLog's Customer Surveys to gather relevant internal data for your goals. You can then define your goals in CardioLog to keep track of your progress accurately. By combining customer data with detailed goal setting metrics, you can have a complete picture of how your portal is performing.

Depth of Visit

Depth of visit measures how many pages your users click through in a given visit. Depending on the type of site you maintain and your target visitors, the depth of visit metric typically indicates one of two main options. Either your visitors are engaged and interested in continuing to interact with your site over multiple pages, or it's possible that your visitors are not easily finding what they're looking for. This metric works well in combination with many other advanced metrics on this page, along with goals and visitor segments, and a clear objective for how you would like to see your visitors use your site.

Depth of Visit report shows the number and description of pages a user accesses within a portal session to help you understand how they're navigating through your portal. If users are only accessing one specific page, they may not be aware of the array of other resources and tools available to them in the portal. You can then improve your site accordingly. 

Economic Value

CardioLog Analytics can be used to measure Economic Value by analyzing any amount of currency that visitors contribute to your portal. Especially helpful is Visitor Scoring, which you can use to assign any page and its visitors a score such as a the price of a product on a specific product page. In CardioLog Analytics, you can achieve economic value insights with our Goal Reports. By identifying macro and micro conversions in the portal or on a page, you can identify which actions are contributing to the bottom line, and which are limiting it.

For a public facing SharePoint Site, making a purchase is an obvious macro conversion. Typically, the cost of the product is the economic goal value. Although it can be harder to assign exact values for micro conversion goals, you can measure participation in specific activities that have known investment values. For example, if your company invests a known dollar amount in a highly specialized document that is available for all of your employees to download, and only 10 out of the 100 employees download the document, you can then determine your investment losses within that portal.

Growth and Learning

How long does it take a new employee to get up to speed with collaborative tools? What is the frequency of questions being answered? The metrics to answer these questions can be achieved in CardioLog with our Portal Growth reports such as Content ContributorsContent ContributionsAvg. Contributions per User, Portal Growth, and our social reports for all platforms such as Communities ActivityUsers Activity, andGroups Activity (to see contributions). Specifically in Sitrion there is also a have Most Popular Questions report, which can give insights into how users are using the portal to grow, learn, and interact.


CardioLog integrates with Sitrion for reporting the Most Popular Ideas. By tracking the frequency and popularity of posts by different users, you can see who contributes the most valuable material within Sitrion and use that information to encourage similar behavior.

Length of Visit

Determining how long visitors spend on each page of your site is a crucial metric for building a complete picture about your visitors and your site. Typically, users will stay on a site if they are gaining something from the experience. By combining visit length with data from user goals, visitor recency, visitor loyalty, bounce rate, or many other metrics, you can see which of your users are getting the most out of your site, and which pages are engaging them.


CardioLog Analytics provides several reports that can help you quantify social peer recognition metrics in your portal. Learn who are the most active, the most inspiring, the most engaging and more. These metrics can be achieved with our social reports such as Influential Users, which is platform agnostic, Praised Users for Yammer, and Expert Users for Sitrion.

Task Completion Rate

Task completion rate is the percentage of people who come to your portal and are able to complete a task that they define. You can use the Surveys or Message Bars in CardioLog Analytics to ask your visitors questions such as:

  • What is the purpose of your visit to our portal today?
  • Were you able to complete your task today?
  • If you were not able to complete your task today, why not?

By combining task completion questions with primary purpose questions ("Why are you even here?") you can create an informative, useful collection of data.

Visitor Loyalty

Visitor Loyalty is helps your organization determine whether visitors choose to engage and interact with your site repeatedly. Visitor Loyalty is the number of times a visitor has visited the site within a specified date range. By combining visitor loyalty information with other metrics, such as bounce rate and visit duration, you can see which parts of your site are most exciting to visitors, and which aspects need improvement.

Visitor Recency

Visitor Recency describes one aspect of visitor engagement with your site by measuring the duration between visits by individual visitors. The more frequently a user visits your site, the more likely it is that they're having a productive and enjoyable experience. By keeping track of how long your users wait in between visits, you can see how attractive both individual pages and your site as a whole is to them. Additionally, if a particular page is rarely visited, it might also indicate that not enough pages link to it within your portal. You can use this information to make the less visited pages of your site more easily navigable.

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