The configuration contains a few simple steps that walk you through setting up CardioLog Engage.
CardioLog Engage Configuration Screen
In order to use the In-App Messages channel (pop-up messages in SharePoint) and target users based on their past behavior (such as pages they've visited), select which site collections you would like to integrate with. Sites are only available for use once the tracking code is deployed for them in the "Add the CardioLog Tracking Code to your Sites" step.
Select the button next to each site you would like to integrate with.
In order to stop integrating with a specific site, but keep history data for it in usage reports, click on the folder icon
You can go back and add more sites or remove sites from your selection at any point.
Note: The number of site collections available for selection in your subscription is limited.
Please note that the integration process for large site collections may take a few hours up to a few weeks, depending on the environment size.
Using the search bar, enter the name of any property you would like to find and include.
Select the button next to each user property you would like to include.
CardioLog Engage Configuration Screen: Step 2 - Choose User Attributes
In case Personal Identifiable Information (PII) Concealment is enabled, hover over the user property you would like to conceal and click the gear icon.
Step 2 - Choose User Attributes - Configure PII Concealment
You will have the following options to choose from:
Step 2 - Choose User Attributes - PII Concealment Options
Click Apply after selecting the concealment option.
Click Save to confirm your selection.
Properties may be added or removed at any time to accommodate your needs.
This step allows you to add the JavaScript tracking code to each of your sites.
Select one of the following options to add the tracking code to specific sites or deploy it on all selected site collections and their subsites automatically.
Note: If you would like to host the tracking code on a private CDN, please fill out the CDN details in the Advanced Settings before you proceed with adding the tracking code using one of the following options.
Select this option to add the tracking code to all selected sites (in "Choose Sites to Integrate with" step) automatically using an App:
Note: Use this method for installing the tracking code on all selected site collections, including automatically enabling it for newly created subsites under the selected site collections.
Select Automatically track all subsites including newly created ones in order to automatically enable tracking for newly created subsites under the selected site collections (in "Choose Sites to Integrate with" step).
Note: SharePoint Apps (Add-Ins) have been deprecated by Microsoft and will soon stop functioning. We strongly recommend using a Microsoft Entra ID App.
https://<Admin Center>/_layouts/15/
(e.g.<Admin Center>/_layouts/15/
(e.g. the client ID into the App Id field. Click Lookup. The existing values for Title, App Domain and Redirect URL should appear.
Enter the following XML into the App's Permission Request XML field to specify required permissions. Then click Create.
<AppPermissionRequests AllowAppOnlyPolicy= "true" > </AppPermissionRequests> |
You will be prompted to approve permissions for the app. Click Trust It.
Once the App is created, return to the CardioLog Engage configuration screen and enter the details of the Client ID and Client Secret in the "Add the CardioLog Tracking Code to your Sites" step.
Select Automatically track all subsites including newly created ones in order to automatically enable tracking for newly created subsites under the selected site collections (in "Choose Sites to Integrate with" step).
Execute the following PowerShell commands with the SharePoint Online Global Administrator account.
Edit the "Client ID" and use the Client ID value from the CardioLog Engage configuration screen in "Add the CardioLog Tracking Code to your Sites" step.
Connect-MsolService $clientId = "Client ID" $keys = Get-MsolServicePrincipalCredential -AppPrincipalId $clientId -ReturnKeyValues false $keys Remove-MsolServicePrincipalCredential -KeyIds $keys.KeyId -AppPrincipalId $clientId |
In the same PowerShell window, execute the following PowerShell commands in order to generate a new client secret.
$bytes = New-Object Byte[] 32 $rand = [System.Security.Cryptography.RandomNumberGenerator]::Create() $rand.GetBytes($bytes) $rand.Dispose() $newClientSecret = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String($bytes) $dtStart = [System.DateTime]::Now $dtEnd = $dtStart.AddYears( 1 ) New-MsolServicePrincipalCredential -AppPrincipalId $clientId -Type Symmetric -Usage Sign -Value $newClientSecret -StartDate $dtStart -EndDate $dtEnd New-MsolServicePrincipalCredential -AppPrincipalId $clientId -Type Symmetric -Usage Verify -Value $newClientSecret -StartDate $dtStart -EndDate $dtEnd New-MsolServicePrincipalCredential -AppPrincipalId $clientId -Type Password -Usage Verify -Value $newClientSecret -StartDate $dtStart -EndDate $dtEnd $newClientSecret |
Copy the new client secret value and update it in the CardioLog Engage configuration screen in the "Add the CardioLog Tracking Code to your Sites" step and click Save.
Select this option to add the tracking code to all selected site collections (in "Choose Sites to Integrate with" step) automatically using a PowerShell script.
Note: It is required to execute the PowerShell script every time you create new sites under the selected site collections in order to enable tracking for them.
Select this option to add the tracking code to specific sites manually.
Connect to SharePoint Online Admin Center with the SharePoint Online Global Administrator account:
Connect-SPOService -Url https: // |
Get the current value of the Custom Scripts setting DenyAddAndCustomizePages for each site collection you wish to monitor and for your App Catalog:
Get-SPOsite https: // | Select DenyAddAndCustomizePages |
If the current value of DenyAddAndCustomizePages is Enabled, set it to Disabled:
Set-SPOsite https: // -DenyAddAndCustomizePages 0 |
Disconnect-SPOService |
Once the solution is installed, return to the CardioLog Engage configuration screen and click Copy script to copy the JavaScript tracking code.
Browse to CardioLog Analytics Integration solution configuration page. The page should be found at the following address (replace the site collection root URL with yours):
Paste the tracking code copied from the "Add the CardioLog Tracking Code to your Sites" step and click OK.
In order to track SharePoint Online modern sites and pages, install the Tracking Agent App:
Click CardioLog Analytics Tracking Agent App for modern sites to download the Tracking Agent App.
Upload the CardioLogTrackingAgentAddin.sppkg app to the SharePoint Admin apps > App Catalog > Apps for SharePoint > New.
Click Deploy (do NOT select "Make this Solution available to all sites in the organization")
Add the App to your site collection and to all of its subsites under Site Contents > New App
Click on Apps from your organization and click CardioLog Tracking Agent (it will be installed automatically)
After the installation is complete, revert the changes performed in step 3 (if any) and disable custom scripts.
Connect-SPOService -Url https: // Set-SPOsite https: // -DenyAddAndCustomizePages 1 Disconnect-SPOService |
Select this option to inject the tracking code manually to your site pages.
By default the tracking code resources are hosted on Microsoft Azure. Select this option if you would like to host the tracking code resources on a private CDN for increased security.
Note: It is required to perform this step before adding the tracking code to selected sites.
In order to use the Phone Call, Text Messages (SMS) and Mobile Notifications channels, select the user profile attribute that contains user phone numbers and click Save. This information will be taken from SharePoint user profiles.
CardioLog Engage Configuration Screen: Step 4
In this step, connect to Power BI in order to gain access to the CardioLog Engage user interface and create campaigns, and to your CardioLog Engage reports in Power BI to analyze user responses to your campaigns.
Click Connect.
Note: A global administrator account is required in order to consent to the permissions required to manage and maintain the CardioLog Engage reports in Power BI.
CardioLog Engage Configuration Screen: Connect to Power BI and Sign in to CardioLog Engage
After clicking Connect and approving the required permissions, the CardioLog Analytics Power BI Connector app will be automatically created in your Azure Entra ID (Azure AD).
Grant permissions to the CardioLog Analytics Power BI Connector Azure Entra ID app to enable it to connect to your organization's Power BI environment.
Create a new security group in Azure Entra ID (Azure AD) - Microsoft Azure Portal > Azure Entra ID > Groups > New Group
Add the CardioLog Analytics Power BI Connector app registration as a member in the newly created security group.
Allow the app to use the Power BI API - Power BI Admin Portal > Tenant Settings > Developer Settings > Enable Service principals can use Fabric APIs, select Specific security groups and add the previously created group.
Create a new CardioLog Analytics workspace in Power BI.
Go to the Power BI interface and login with the same account used in the "Connect to Power BI and Sign in to CardioLog Engage" step.
Create a Power BI app workspace for the CardioLog Analytics reports. Learn more about Power BI app workspaces.
Select Workspaces > Create a workspace
Name - "CardioLog Analytics"
License mode - select the appropriate license mode based on your Power BI license plan.
Click Apply
Select Manage Access > Add people or groups - to assign roles to the workspace.
Add the newly created security group which includes the CardioLog Analytics Power BI Connector app as an Admin on the workspace.
CardioLog Engage reports will be available in your app workspace within a few business days. You will receive an email notification as soon as all the data has been processed and your reports are ready to use.
In this step you can connect to your Microsoft Entra ID (Azure AD) in order to import user information from Microsoft Entra ID.
Using the search bar, enter the name of any attribute you would like to find and include.
Select the button next to each user property you would like to include in your usage reports.
Click Save to confirm your selection.
User attributes may be added or removed at any time to accommodate your needs.
In this step you can select which user groups you would like to opt-out of data collection.
The user group information will be taken from Azure Active Directory. It may take up to 24 hours for changes to take effect.
In this step you can select the users and groups you would like to grant report permissions to and select the specific sites that they should see reports for.
The user information will be taken from Azure Active Directory. It may take up to 24 hours for changes to take effect.
Connect to Azure Active Directory with an account that is a global administrator in your Office 365 tenant. This account will be used in order to approve the required permissions for CardioLog Analytics SaaS to connect to Azure Active Directory.
Click Accept to approve the required permissions.
Select the users and groups you would like to grant report permissions to. You can always go back and select additional users or groups or remove users or groups from your selection by clicking on -Remove user or group from list.
Using the Search for a user or group bar, enter the name of any user or group you would like to find and assign permissions to.
Note: Selected users should have a Power BI Pro or Premium per User (PPU) license assigned to them.
For each user or group, click Custom to select the specific sites the user or group is allowed to see reports for, or click Access to all sites to select all sites.
Click Save to confirm your selections.
Share the CardioLog Analytics SaaS reports in Power BI service with the selected users and groups.
Note: Permissions are applied using Power BI Row Level Security (RLS). RLS does not apply to users or groups who have edit permissions on the dataset.
Add the 'Site Analyst' role in Power BI service to users and groups who have access to specific sites:
CardioLog Analytics SaaS Dataset > More options > Security > Select the 'Site Analyst' role > Add each user or group as a member.
Add the 'Global Analyst (View All Sites)' role in Power BI service to users and groups who have access to all sites:
CardioLog Analytics SaaS Dataset > More options > Security > Select the 'Global Analyst (View All Sites)' role > Add each user or group as a member.
Note: Since roles are reset in Power BI on every version update, it is highly recommended to create user groups for managing users roles (one for site analysts and one for global analysts) so it would be easier to maintain.