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Visitor Adoption | KPIs


Money Lost

  1. Money lost on Inactive Licenses. Money lost = Number of inactive users X price per Office 365 user per month ($20) 

    You currently have X users that are not accessing SharePoint. Their licenses cost $Y. Perhaps one of the following actions can help improve: 1) Return unneeded licenses 2) Create an email campaign in CardioLog Engage (should link to Engage UI) targeting inactive users to make sure they know how to access the portal. 3) Offer SharePoint training to boost adoption. The training video link can be sent through a CardioLog Engage (should link to Engage UI) email or SMS campaign

  2. Money Lost on Failed Searches. Money lost = Time wasted on failed searches (in hours) X $32.24 (Average information worker salary per hour



    make the salary per hour




  3. Money Lost on Slow Pages. Money lost = Time wasted on slow pages (hours) x $27.65 (Average information worker salary per hour) - make the salary per hour configurable.hour - configurable)
  4. Money Lost on Creating Unused Media Assets. Money lost = Average cost for producing media assets x number of unused media files (media files stored in SharePoint Assets libraries with 0 page views) - make the cost is configurable. Average cost for producing media assets = 1200$ (average rate for producing 1 minute) x average video length in minutes.
  5. Money Lost on Storing Unused Content. Money lost = Average cost for storing 1MB of data x total size (in MB) of all unused content items (content items with 0 page views) - make the cost configurable. Average cost for storing 1MB of data in SharePoint Online is 0.20$ per GB a year per month so 0.0002$ per MB.

Time Wasted

  1. Time Wasted on Failed Searches. Time wasted = Number of failed searches X 64 seconds per search
  2. Time Wasted on Creating Unused Content. Time wasted (in hours) = 2 hours x number of unused content items (documents and web pages). Make the hours configurableConfigurable.
  3. Time Wasted on Slow Pages. Time wasted = (Page load time - average page load time) x number of slow pages that are opened. Make the The number of seconds is configurable. Slow page is defined as a page that its load time is longer than 10 seconds - make this configurable. 

Visitor Adoption

(chart). Adoption is measured by the number of unique active users who visit the SharePoint Portal every day / every month in the selected date range.
The chart should show shows the number of daily active users (DAU) and the monthly active users (MAU)
