This report shows the average amount of time spent on your site by a visitor for each time they navigate through your SharePoint site within the selected time range. 

Visits include all pages viewed within a single browser session. Once a user is inactive on your site for 30 minutes or more, the current session automatically ends, and the next time they visit your site will be designated a new session. Users that leave your site and return within 30 minutes will be counted as part of the original session.

The total duruation is calculated by adding up the time a visitor spends on a page for each page in the session, including the last page in the session. The average time spent on the site is determined by dividing the total time on site by the number of sessions for the selected time period.

Learn more about how we capture time on site for single-page visits.


Average Visit Duration Chart and Meter Widgets


Available Report Widgets

Meter, Chart

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