Use this report to learn more about which users have engaged with your site recently and who hasn't. By understanding which of your users are not adopting well to the portal, you can begin to find and target their issues, and allocate training to those users. You can than continue to manage resources more effectively by focusing training on the users, groups and departments who need it based on accurate data.

The Active & Inactive Users report contains several widgets, ready to be quickly filtered by date range by using the date slider, or by page or Portal Tree level using the Portal Tree Filter. Like any report, all widgets will immediately respond to any drill down or filter. Hover your pointer over any graph point to expand the exact values and other relevant details. 


Visitor Adoption | Active & Inactive Users


Number of Active Users

This number indicates the amount of known users who have accessed your site during the selected time frame.

Number of Inactive Users

This number indicates the amount of known users who have not accessed your site during the selected time frame.

Average Number of Visits Per User

This number shows the average amount of visit sessions each user engaged in during the selected time frame.

Average Length of Visit (Minutes)

This number displays the average amount of time in minutes a user spent navigating your site during each visit session.

Average Depth of Visit

This number indicates the average amount of pages clicked through during each visit session by user during the selected time frame.

Money Lost on Inactive User Licenses 

This number equals to the number of inactive users multiplied by user license cost per month (user license cost per month is configurable).

Active and Inactive Users by Department

This bar graph indicates the ratio of known users who have visited your site to those who haven't, separated by department or other customizable profile detail, during the selected time frame.

Active Users

This chart lists the known users who have accessed your site during the selected time frame ranked by the number of visits.

User Information

This display contains a summary of a selected user profile's details.


This bar graph displays the total time spent on all pages by all users, and the total number of pageviews by all users, distributed by relevant time frame. Drill down or up on this widget to quickly move through broader or more specific time periods.


Portal Tree

Use this filter to navigate through your portal and simply check the box next to any page or level to review information for exclusively that selection. 


Use the date slider to quickly change the start or end date that you would like review information for. If you'd like to choose a specific date, click either the start or end date and manually select it using the calendar popup.

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