Using the tools available in A/B and Multivariate Testing, you can inspect every element of your site including individual buttons, graphics. blocks of text, or even entire page layouts.

  • Create split tests to compare the performance of several landing pages
  • Run multivariate tests to identify the best-performing elements of a landing page
  • Run tests for specific visitor segments
  • Identify the combinations that best drive conversions
  • Eliminate any poor-performing test variations


How to create a new test

You can choose to create either  Split (A/B) Tests, or Multivariate Tests.

  • Split Test - Compare two or more versions of a page.
  • Multivariate Test (MVT) - Test different versions of the components on your page simultaneously.

  1. From the Optimization Central Area, Click configure on the right side of the page, on the line according to which test you would like to create.
    From the A/B and Multivariate Testing Central Area, click Add a new Test from the upper right hand corner.

    A/B and Multivariate Testing Main Window

  2. If you chose to Add a new Test from the A/B and Multivariate Testing window, you will be asked to decide which type of test you would like to create. If you chose to configure from the Optimization window, skip this step.

    New Test Choice Dialogue

  3. The Parameter Settings window is the same for both tests. Enter the parameters you would like to assign to the test. 

    Test Name - Choose a name for the test
    URL - The URL of the page you wish to test. You can search for the page in Object Explorer
    Notes - Include any comments or notes about the test.
    Segment - Select a segment from the drop-down list to target your test to specific visitors
    Percentage of traffic to include in the test - For values less than 100% a random selection of visitors exclusively from the selected segment will be included in the test.

    A/B and Multivariate Testing Settings Dialogue

  4. Different options appear depending on if you've chosen a Split Test or a Multivariate Test after you choose a URL in the Settings Dialogue
    1. If you have chosen a Split Test, options for the variations you would like to include appear as soon as you have chosen a URL.
      For each variation you can now choose a Name, find the URL of the pages you would like to test, change each page's Weight in the test, and change its Status between active and inactive.

      Split Test Variations options

    2. If you have chosen a Multivariate Test, options for the UI Elements you would like to include appear as soon as you have chosen a URL.
      You can either select an existing UI element from the drop down list, or add a new UI Element by clicking Add.

      Multivariate Test UI Elements options

    Note - UI Elements can be also created from the Behavioral Targeting visual interface. See How To Create a New UI Element.

  5. After including all relevant information, click Save. You can now open and edit your test from the A/B and Multivariate Testing central area. The test will not start running until you open it, and press Start. Once a test is created, variations cannot be deleted but can only be made Inactive from the Status menu.

Warning - Do not use more than one test for the same UI element on a certain page (for example, Behavioral Targeting and Multivariate test).

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