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Aggregate data can show you the overall number of times a page on your website has been viewed, but it's also important to remember that each view represents an actual person. The old model of page-focused analytics is gradually being replaced by a more sophisticated individualized approach that allows for a larger mine of information. With Visitor Activity and Information, you can learn a lot about your users and potential customers, including the sources that drove them to your website, and the route they took through your site. Our detailed reports allow you to go back and look at every click an individual visitor took on each visit to your site, which pages they viewed, and which goals and funnels they completed. Our visitor profiles can also enable you to learn your potential customer's location, company, their SharePoint submissions and more.

Even betterFurthermore, your visitor profiles can be used for cohort analyticsto create advanced segments, which are essential for making truly useful strategic decisions. Intlock's insightful cohort analytics Use segmentation to allow you to focus on a segment limited group of people who shared a particular experience on your website at a certain moment in timeshare specific experiences on your website and profile details. That way, you can compare visitors who saw a given campaign on your website in January to those who saw it in February, for example. What's more, with person­centered individualized analytics, you can identify different customer personas types to help you discover which marketing tactics have more impact on which each type of visitor. You'll be able to know See whether your potential customers are engaged - , and what to do about it.

Armed with your visitor profile information, Intlock offers many ways to segment your potential customers in real time, based on their browsing behavior or social media profile ("single women eg., married men under 30 from New York," for example). It's possible to define relations between rules ("You may define dependent relationships (eg., at least two previous visits and subscribed to newsletter") newsletter subscriber), and you can even specify in which the order the that events must occur ("eg., visitors who have checked delivery costs after adding products to their cart"). Segmentation can be carried out based on your visitors' Facebook accounts, such as their sex, marital status, including basic personal information and number of friends; the positioning of how they enter keywords in their search results; the amount of time they spent on a page, and many more optionsother behavioral and personal factors.

You can use a visitor profiles profile analysis of your potential customers' behavior and their click paths to create more targeted campaigns, or to find high­ performing audiences in new channels. And with Intlock's multi­channel By using our multi­-channel analysis, you can quickly also find out instantly which channels are working work best for you - where are : Where do your most valuable visitors coming come from? Which channels are converting convert the best?Intlock's visitor profiles are focused on what your potential customers are doing - from a comparison between successful conversions and ones you've missed out on, down to an examination of a specific viewer's click path. By linking potential customers' profiles with  By linking potential customer profiles and their activity on your website, you 'll be able to can conduct effective, well­targeted campaigns, using the SharePoint Marketing Suite's powerful tools to personalize your website to individual customers and driving your conversions even furtherprecisely ­targeted campaigns.